Top Churches in North Hollywood, CA 91605

As a child, from the moment I formed a sentence, my family labeled me as "outspoken." Although, credit was given for reading accurately or as some would say, "that baby tells it like it is!" Nevert...Read Moreā€¦

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Cristo Es la Roca


By PeterSaucedo

Queridos Hermanos en Cristo, primeramente quiero mandarles un fuerte saludo y desearles un Feliz Mes de Febrero. La razon por el que les escribo es para hablar un poquito de El Valle Eterno, donde ofrecemos servicios para planificar para el futuro de servicios de cementerio y funeral. Nunca es agradable hablar de la perdida de un ser querido, pero pior cuando es halgo no esperado y la familia no esta bien preparada economicamente. Con el permiso de ustedes quicieramos hacer una breve presentacion sobre nuestros servicios y como podemos ayudarles para que nuestros servicios sean sobre todo halgo economico que se puede hacer con bastante tiempo y al alcance de las posibilidades de cada familia. Muchas Gracias por su tiempo y espero poder ayudarles. Pedro Saucedo Consejero El Valle Eterno (818) 399-4726 more

Ministerios Linaje Escogido



Hola: Soy Mynor Monroy hijo de Hector Monroy, por favor trasladar este correo a los pastores Hna. Sylvia y Hno Marvin, que me respondan mi mensaje. Muchos saludos y bendiciones a la iglesia. Muy sinceramente Mynor Monroy more

Calvary Temple Pentecostal Holiness Church


By Julia Rita Gracia

I was well received by this church more than 15 years ago. The Penningtons as a whole as well as their flock became my first Christian family. Please, let them know I still consider Calvary Temple my home. more

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Read The Latest Newsletter from Victory Baptist Church

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Victory Baptist Church. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Victory Baptist Church June 03, 2008

Read The Latest Newsletter from Victory Baptist Church

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Victory Baptist Church. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Victory Baptist Church June 03, 2008

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