Top Women's Health Companies in North Hollywood, CA 91601

Revolutionary Health Product line that shows why traditional diets don't work, and guarantees weight loss or your money back. Many Scientists who are tired to working with doctors and the retail ma...Read More…

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Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care

Mitta is a master practitioner! I LOVED the Reflexology session! It was so relaxing I almost fell asleep. more

Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care

Congratulations Mitta... Keep up the excellence work... Stay Lively and Healthy in Business... And I just gave you another 5 stars and some of those funny looking icons. Thanks for the acknowledgement. more

Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care


By Mike Saul/Mike Saul Music

Congratulations on your gentle effective work Mitta. Thanks! more

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Whether you want to lose, gain or maintain your current weight, the importance of protein goes far beyond physical appearance and muscle building. It's a necessity for every body and a necessity for those who want to lose weight. It helps you to feel full longer and builds lean muscle which burns calories faster. Protein is an important part of every cell in the body. It’s an organic compound composed of 22 amino acids—the building blocks of life. Protein is stored in muscles and organs, and the body uses it to build and repair tissues and to help produce enzymes and hormones. Proteins also enable blood to carry oxygen throughout the body. Along with fat and carbohydrates, protein is a macronutrient—which means that the body needs relatively large amounts of it. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences states that our daily protein requirements should be 10% to 35% of our total caloric intake, with men needing slightly more than women need. A lack of protein can cause muscle mass loss, decreased immunity and weakening of the heart and respiratory system. How protein affects your weight High-protein diets are very popular because of their ability to help manage hunger. When protein is absorbed, it sends a signal to the brain to decrease your hunger. Another benefit of protein is that it raises your resting metabolism by maintaining muscle mass. As we age, muscle mass decreases if you don’t exercise, so staying fit is key to burning fat by keeping your metabolism high. Protein also leads to a much less rapid rise and fall of blood sugar and insulin, so you avoid the "sugar highs and lows" after eating sweets without adequate protein. Certain foods, however, provide a healthier resource for protein than others. Consider the source You can obtain healthy sources of protein without high levels of saturated fat. For example, soybeans, nuts and whole grains provide protein without much saturated fat and offer plenty of healthful fiber and micronutrients as well. If you’re looking for another great source of healthy protein, vegetable protein sources in Herbalife’s Formula 1 are high quality and have low calorie levels with virtually no added fat. Herbalife products personalize your daily protein intake to match your body’s needs Now that you’ve increased your knowledge of protein, you can effectively enhance your diet and allow good health to take shape. Enjoy a healthy protein shake with all its added benefits  AND before October 31, 2011... sign up for a healthy promotion and receive lots of gifts! These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. more

By Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care September 13, 2011


                          "Oh sleep it is a gentle thing beloved from pole to pole."      Shakespeare Sleep deprivation has measurable negative effects on performance and physical and mental health. If you haven't had a good night's sleep, you're likely to pay for it. The price may be high: Reduced energy, greater difficulty concentrating, diminished mood, and greater risk for accidents, including fall-asleep crashes. Work performance and relationships can suffer too. And pain may be intensified by the physical and mental consequences of lack of sleep. There is no question that your health is affected by a lack of sleep. It is a chicken and egg syndrome. A number of conditions may influence or coexist with insomnia; which include psychiatric or medical disorders, as well as life events such as menopause and trauma. Although the jury is still out as to the primary reason we need sleep the following things are scientifically proven: • Lack of sleep affects the immune system, brain and body systems. • Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace aging or dead cells, and secret chemicals important to the immune system. • Sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and archive memories. • Dreams are thought by some to be part of this process. When the brain is tired, it secretes a hormone, which alerts the organism that it has been burning up its energy reserves and needs to shut down for a while. • Sleep lowers our energy consumption, so we need three meals a day rather that four or five. Since we can't do anything in the dark anyway, we might as well turn off and save the energy With a good night's sleep, everything looks and feels better in the morning. Both the brain and the body are refreshed and ready for a new day. You’ll be more patient with your family, friends and co-workers. :-) See the next blog for sleep tips!  If you'd like some gentle sleep help with hypnotherapy please let me know Your Holistic Health Care more

By Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care April 27, 2011

Start Your Day Right

Start Your Day Right #1 Watch your thoughts! Thoughts are energy. You become what you think about most of the time. Remember... like attracts like and the most important part of each day is what you think about at the beginning of that day. 1) Start Your Day Right Take 30 minutes each morning to sit quietly and to reflect on your goals. You'll find when you read the biographies and autobiographies of successful men and women that almost every one of them began their upward trajectory to success when they begin getting up early in the morning and spending time with themselves. 2) Feed your mind with positive ideas. The first hour sets the tone for the day. The things that you do in the first hour prepare your mind and set you up for the entire day. During the first thirty to sixty minutes, take time to think and review your plans for the future. more

By Mitta Vicki Wise/Your Holistic Health Care April 19, 2011

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