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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic for preventive healthcare. Services include acupuncture, moxibution, Chinese herbs, cupping, ear acupuncture, ear seeds, Chinese exercises, lifes...Read More…

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Miracle on Milton Ave.

It does not make news when a couple gets divorced unless they are famous. Divorces of common people are not newsworthy because divorces and the break - up of American families has become a widespread epidemic that our society has accepted.Sadly, the current divorce rate is as follows; For first marriage, vs. second or third marriage 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.In January I had the honor and privilege of attending the wedding of two very dear friends. I was actually in their first wedding back in the 80's and it was so beautiful. They were young and in love and faced their future with excitement and anticipation. Together they had 4 beautiful daughters and they were living the dream for several years. But like most couples they were confronted with some unexpected storms. Unfortunately, these storms took a severe toll on their marriage and ultimately destroyed it.Their divorce not only devastated them, but it devastated their 4 daughters, the extended family and the multitude of friends they shared. Everyone they were connected to was ultimately affected by their divorce. The impact of divorce is so great and most couples underestimate the long-term damage it will cause. It's like a ripple effect that never ends.This family was now divided and some of their friends never came around again because they didn't want to choose sides or get in the middle. Both he and she needed a lot of love and support and the opportunity to rebuild, but it was a long, long road. Together they were amazing, but apart their every step was an uphill journey.Although time was slowly passing, their divorce continued to weigh heavy on them. Years after the divorce there was still so much hurt and pain lying beneath the surface. It was almost impossible for them to move forward. Neither one ever remarried, nor did they find someone new to love. They had options, but no one quite fit.Then one afternoon I visited her, and on this afternoon something was definitely different. She had a little sparkle in her eyes and a smile that was as real as they come. I anxiously waited to hear all about what was going on in her life. As she began to share, I went into shock. To my surprise, God was orchestrating something remarkable and miraculous. God was mending the relationship between her and her ex-husband. It was quite moving to hear her speak of him so tenderly. Especially after all they had been through.I must add God did not waste any time. He not only mended their relationship, but He renewed the love that He had bestowed on them over 20 years ago. This ex-husband began to court his ex-wife all over again and he eventually asked for her hand in marriage. A brand new ring and all.That is when it happened; I witnessed a Miracle on Milton Ave. in the city of Whittier, Ca. in January 2010. There they were, at the altar, putting everything behind them and renewing their vows. The minister said to them, "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." And all I could think to myself was, "God is not kidding."This couple was a Christian couple. They were actually Pastors with a thriving ministry before they divorced. The storms they faced were brutal and it cost them everything. There were many lessons to be learned. Now because of God's mercy, grace and healing power, they have both been restored, not only in marriage, but also in their hearts, souls and minds. They have forgiven one another and have allowed God to heal them and set them free from their past and all of its pain, and that is the only reason why they can move forward. Their remarriage has inspired and touched many. Especially those who knew them well.This does not happen everyday. Broken marriages don̢۪t just mend themselves. But it could happen more often if more of us would surrender ourselves, our mistakes and our set backs to the Lord and allow Him to deliver us, cleanse us and restore us. You see our mistakes; our broken relationships and our setbacks do not have to define us. God can turn our lives around and use our mess to become our message of hope to others.Miracles still happen. I saw one with my very own eyes.Alive Again Counseling is here to help you restore your marriage and family. Call today (562)205-3737 more

By Alive Again Counseling April 03, 2011


Is there something you've done or has something been done to you that you feel very ashamed of? Many people carry around shame and guilt. Some have tried to escape from it by self -medicating and found that they only made it worse.Shame is an inner sickness or a disease of the soul and it expresses itself through inner torment.Webster's dictionary defines shame as; "A painful feeling of having lost the respect of others because of improper behavior. Shame can also make you feel different, inadequate orunworthy.If shame is not dealt with, it will take root within you and it will begin to alter your potential and your destiny because it willultimatelyparalyzeyou. It will tell you that you are not worthy to grow as person, you are not valuable enough to be loved or respected, and you are not good enough to be forgiven.Shame is powerful enough to disconnect you from the people you love and from God. It will cause you to isolate and in most cases isolation breeds self destruction.If you are suffering from shame and guilt and yourecognizethat it is holding you back from living the life you truly desire and it's keeping you from having the relationships you long for, it's time you rise up against it. Once and for all silence the voice of shame that tells you that you are broken and worthless.ThroughALIVE AGAIN COUNSELINGyou can heal from the past. Whether you are suffering from consequences that you brought on by your own mistakes or you have been a victim you are worthy to be free from this pain. You are worthy to be loved and respected. You are worthy to live the life that you desire.Don't wait another day. CALL ALIVE AGAIN COUNSELING at 562-206-3737Isaiah 54:4 "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth ..." more

By Alive Again Counseling March 25, 2011

It's Time To Heal From The Past!

Alive Again Counseling is structured to help individuals, couples and famlies overcome emotional obstacles that hold them back from living the lives they truly desire.  We believe it's important to heal from the past because the past can have a strong hold on you and keep you from being the person you know you should be. The past can also be very desturctive and hurt your marraige and other relationships if past issues are not resloved. We are different from other counseling because we focus on healing the soul of a person. The soul is the core of a person and that is where the pain resides. Once the soul is healed you are never the same. You are set free and in more control of your life and destiny.    Our counseling is affordable and it's Faith based. Prayer and scripture from the Holy Bible are a vital part of the process, more

By Alive Again Counseling September 27, 2010

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