Top First Aid Supply Stores in Hollister, CA 95023

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First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store


By Jim Bob Jenkins

My emergency kit arrived on the stage coach today and it is KILLA!!! had to sample the food rations and must say that they are KILLA!! Only problem is I already ate them all and must now order more. Won't have any for the big emergency thats comin. more

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Help the Community

Dear Hollister Business Owner, I am looking for local companies that might be willing to allow me to place a display for Emergency Preparedness Supplies in their store or office. I am willing to share a commission on the sales if any are made. Also, a portion of the money will be donated to the San Benito County CERT program to help build our Community Emergency Response Team here in San Benito County. If you are interested, please contact me (Zachary T. DeVoe) at 831-524-6778 more

By First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store July 07, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store May 28, 2011

The Whole COMMUNITY Involvement

Just what is "Whole Community Involvement" Tags: CERT, Whole, community, disaster, involved, prepared, weather This is a new catch phrase about to become popular. It is whole community involvement. There is a growing need for whole community involvement. The cost of government is going up and the amount of money spent on aid and community resources provided by the government is going down. Let me explain. In so many years have you actually realized that storms are getting worse. Is it just the publicity? I'm only forty years old and I live in California do care about the storms in other states? The weather is always nice here in California. You know the hoopla, right? Its ALWAYS sunny in California. But it was only in the last few years that we were having actual twisters in LA? I ask that as a question because I still do not believe it? So really? Is it just me or are the storms getting worse? The whole communities involved need to start paying attention or starting to loose control. The whole community is involved in global communication. This involves knowing what is happening in ever land around the world. I have friends now across the surface of the globe. Friends I have never met and that actually chat and have a decent relationship with me. These friends are involved in the same thing is am. It's war in every country. War against the natural disasters that face us all. I am not going to list these disasters, but you know what I am getting at. The whole community is involved in chaos and insanity by the true definition of the words. Disasters are so well studied that we know everything we can about how they form, what they can do and how to protect ourselves against them and yet we keep getting our butts kicked. The whole community involved better start to realize that turning the world into a garden of Eden will not happen like this. Lives of happiness and freedom with no worries about anything? The whole community involved in harmonious living in the world at peace. It IS what we all want, right? How can this happen? Are we really so primitive still that we can not stop all these world wide feuds against the weather? I would like to see the whole community involved in protecting the planet and trying to figure our how much longer this planet is going to last. The storms, earthquakes, global man made disasters are starting to connect and spread like chicken pox. Here and there a little break out, a dot here, a bigger dot there, now recently a group of dots. Dots are starting to connect with each other ways that cause the whole community of the work to be involved.  So what am getting at? What is the purpose behind all this chatter I just dropped? I am in the business to get you all thinking about becoming a CERT member. Take a free training course from the worlds largest disaster aid FEMA. It's free, life saving and good for whole community involved in the disaster yet to come. Then when you are ready to get the supply you need to be a well prepared and involved CERT member, visit me Thank you, for reading, Sincerely, Zachary T. DeVoe Please reply to add any comments... Sincerely, Zachary T. DeVoe Preparedness Representative Sales and Marketing 831-636-1470 more

By First Trust Industries Emergency Supply Store May 02, 2011

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