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Get B2B Leads is where data-driven marketers and sales professionals turn to for tailor-made solutions that drive measurable pipeline growth. We offer a full spectrum of lead generation, targeted m...Read More…
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By RAbbott

We were ripped off by SCOTT OSHATZ and “The Best of Magazine.” When we contacted some of the locations where the magazine was to be provided, the stores had never even heard of them or even seen the magazine. We tried to find a copy of “The Best of Magazine” in any of the locations Mr. Oshatz said they would be in, but no one has ever seen one. The only Magazines they print are for the advertisers which are in the magazine to distribute. To date, and I am now four months into the program I have not received one call from my advertising. I have called other advertisers and they tell me a similar story! The only Magazine they’ve seen are the ones “The Best of Magazine” has sent to them!THESE GUYS ARE SCAM ARTISTS, CROOKS AND CON MEN. BEWARE: These are some very dishonest people! RUN more

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Telemarketing Tips: 6 Hacks That Still Work With Gatekeepers

Telemarketing Tips: 6 Hacks That Still Work With Gatekeepers Trust us we get you. You have the perfect product, the perfect pitch, and even the perfect attitude. When you’re about to have that perfect phone call, lo and behold, the gatekeeper awaits you. To this date, we still have the problem of dealing with a gatekeeper when trying to get a decision maker. However, gatekeepers are people, too. Let’s check out what you can do in order to make it through the gate!   Get Personal with Them They might get annoying but they are people who are just trying to do their jobs …just like you. The first time you encounter a gatekeeper you have to make sure that you go off-script because whatever your spiel is, you can be sure that the person before you has probably already tried that, too, and as such, they are getting really sick and tired of it. Get personal with them and show some personality, as soon as they show some of theirs you have one foot through the gate. In most business transactions, a feeling of familiarity and relation is essential in order to make it to the next step. Another thing that most people often forget is to modulate the way that they speak. Now if this is important in everyday conversations in person, imagine how important it is when you are trying to establish rapport with a gatekeeper? Just a subtle change of your tone in voice could come off as mean or rude, you do not want to give the impression that you are being bothered by the way they’re acting or reacting. Related:4 Ways to Get Past Gatekeepers and Reach Prospects Every Time   Do Not Ever Sell to Them First of all, they won’t be the ones making the decisions on whether to buy the product or not, they have a specific role and it does not include that. Do not think that by selling your product or service to them they will be able to you a good one and sell it to their superior. It does not work that way; they do not work for you. Another reason why you should not sell to them is that it is simply annoying on their end. It does not benefit them in any way. Instead, you should be selling yourself as worthy of going through rather than your product.   They Are Your Allies …Treat Them as Such If they allow you through the “gate” then wouldn’t they be helping you? And, as such, wouldn’t that effectively make them your allies since they helped you? Think about it this way, when you talk to a gatekeeper you are essentially negotiating for them to be your allies to allow you to pass through. You try to treat potential ally with the highest regard possible because at the end of the day they’ve got your back. Related:Why Bad Telemarketing Is The Real Problem   Remember to Ask for Their Help Sometimes all you have to do is ask for the gatekeeper’s help in getting to the decision maker. Remember that a lot of people really respond well to being asked for help especially if it is done in a personal manner. This is due to the fact that our brains are hardwired not to think of the people we help as threats and we tend to receive them better. If you follow our previously outlined steps at getting personal with the gatekeeper, then you shouldn’t have too much of a problem asking them for help. If they cannot help you then thank them for their efforts, there’s no use getting annoyed or frustrated as there are still different ways of getting to the decision maker without having to go through the gatekeeper. And, this leads us to our last point which is actually practical advice that we’ve learned in the past.   Avoid Them Some gatekeepers won’t really let you through and if this is the case then you should think about avoiding them altogether. However, this is not an option if you’ve managed to irritate the gatekeeper, this is just an option that is worth considering in the likelihood that you really need to get the decision maker. Consider using email, social media, or even other people connected to the decision-making unit if you really can’t find that one person. Remember that we still haven’t found one sole decision maker that has completely isolated themselves from the outside world so you could still get in touch with them using different people or different means.   Remember this: the gatekeeper is your friend. You have to treat them as such, and also, we have to repeat this again, they are only doing their jobs. If by chance you can’t deal with a particular gatekeeper any longer, there are still a lot of ways to get to that prospect toset that appointmentand finally get them into the company pipeline!   Read more sales and marketing tips Get to know Get B2B Leads today and Get targeted industry list! more

By Get B2B Leads August 14, 2019

5 Core Benefits of Telemarketing in B2B Lead Generation

To this date, telemarketing will always have a special place in B2B lead generation campaigns because of the many benefits from engaging potential leads on the phone. Some people think that it’s all just plain cold calling from a numbered list, but it’s more than that. You can engage in pre-qualification, lead nurturing, and even chasing or closing. It’s no wonder that there is still no shortage of entrepreneurs in Asia that are opening up micro contact centers week after week. In this informative article, we will be discussing the core benefits of telemarketing inB2B lead generation.   It’s Personal and Customized One of the major benefits of telemarketing is that it is really personal. If you were to rank the most personal approach when it comes to B2B lead gen, then it would have to be a salesman meeting your prospect The second more personal approach and is getting a person to talk to your lead through telemarketing. People like the personal approach and through telemarketing, you can ensure that your potential lead is as warm as possible by letting them talk to a real human being on the other end of the line. Trained operators can match another person’s mood, think about the approach, and provide a custom experience for the person on the other line. You can’t do this with email. Related:Why Bad Telemarketing Is The Real Problem   It’s not just cold calling Imagine having a team that prequalifies your leads, another team that warms them up, and another that closes the deal. You get to branch out your sales funnel and pipeline. This allows you to create specializations that result in efficiencies and a more effective manner into which you strategize your operations. Lead nurturing is also done well since you can even assign particular leads to particular call agents that can help build rapport throughout the entire pipeline. This really frees up the rest of your staff to focus on the things that they really do best.   It’s a more affordable alternative The difference in the cost of deploying a sales team compared to deploying a telemarketing team is substantial. When you deploy a sales team, the costs can easily skyrocket bringing your average cost per customer “on-boarded” higher. With a telemarketing team, you still pay for wages, but transportation costs are virtually nonexistent because your team will just be in a singular location. You also make the cost of deploying a sales representative more effective because most of the groundwork can be done over the phone. Think about how much you have to spend to execute a sale. Studies have shown that you make more money with your repeat customers than trying to get new ones. However, if you do not get new ones, you risk depleting your potential for new revenue. This is why you even have to consider the cost of customer acquisition and keep it at minimal levels.   It Is Measurable One thing that a lot of people like about telemarketing is the accountability and the feedback system that you can easily put into place. Most calls can be recorded – of course, with the prior approval of the person on the other end – and this allows teams to assess performance and find ways to improve their processes. Think about it like game tape that football teams watch. The only way you can improve is to check out what you can do better and correct your mistakes. It’s not just the calls that are recorded, but vital statistics when it comes to talking times and the number of people who respond to the first call. You get to test the data that you have in real time and ensure that you’re at a position to be efficient with the things that you do. Related:The Digital Marketer’s Guide to Telemarketing Performance Metrics   It Works – even in real time The reason that there are still a lot of business owners that are opting to go for telemarketing in B2B lead generation is the fact that it really works wonders for your business. It is personal, it is customized, and you get results in real-time. Once a lead gets verified or qualified you can easily check out who that lead is and create an actionable strategy in turning that lead into a proper sale for your company. This type of speed in delivery can’t be replicated by email and it doesn’t really require a pre-warm-up period. This makes for effective sales and efficient ways to acquire and act upon leads swiftly. As you can see, it still helps to havetelemarketing as not only a channel of acquisitionfor your business to generate B2B leads, but also to do a lot more than that. Keeping it close to your core should do wonders for your leads and also your sales pipeline!   Read more sales and marketing tips Get to know Get B2B Leads today and Get targeted industry list! This article is originally published at more

By Get B2B Leads June 21, 2019

Your Roadmap to Buying the Best Leads

For a lot of businesses right now, growing one’s brand is a big deal. But growing one’s client base is an even bigger deal! As competitiveness increases in such industries as IT and financial services, it pays for B2B companies to stimulate revenue growth as well as secure a better position in one’s market. More than ever, businesses in the B2B arena need effective marketing strategies and lead generation techniques to reach certain business goals faster and without any letup. These have become a lot easier considering the number of options enabling marketers to put their brands front and center. But more than strategy, marketers also need to be more articulate in terms of looking for opportunities to grow their sales. Apparently, this involves generating a good amount of leads for their pipelines through the production of industry-relevant content. Still, it remains to be seen how content such as articles and infographics can turn site visitors into leads and, finally, into clients. Related: Top 5 Content Ideas to Inject in your Blog Beyond that, though, greater emphasis should always be put on how marketers can seek out leads for the best value in terms of affordability and quality. The debate between quantity and quality rages on, but it is evident that the best marketing campaigns are those that take advantage of both. And this leads us to list-buying. Now, the practice has gotten a bad rap lately, mostly due to quality and deliverability issues. Granted, but buying marketing lists isn’t all that bad as long as you know the enterprise you are dealing with. In fact, you canget access to quality marketing listsonce you already know where to start looking. Related: Top Tips To Find The Right One… The Right Database Vendor That Is… And for that, here’s our own quality list of the best providers for the best leads. And, oh, we added the estimated prices of their lists for good measure. Limeleads If you want to improve your CRM activities, Limeleads offers you the ability to tap a vast sea of business contacts that rightly coincides with your targets. With its database of 3.5 million business contacts, the service can surely provide you with the leads you have been looking for. Although the service does not allow for CRM integration whatsoever, at least you don’t have to worry about quality since the service makes use of an assortment of tools to verify each lead before you can begin contacting them. Price-wise, Limeleads provides packages that can rightly fit anyone’s budget. It offers at least 0.50$ per contact, but clients can opt for monthly packages that will cost as much as $240. Startups can take advantage of this to increase the number of leads they have to engage, thereby allowing for better sales opportunities. Related: Grow your Email List: Give more than you Take Callbox What do you do if you want to target big brands? You turn to an award-winning lead generation service that already has an impressive portfolio of past clients, that’s what. But far from any marketing service, Callbox is also capable of delivering quality leads straight from its own database of business contacts across various industries. Using its Pipeline CRM which can be integrated to a Salesforce account, Callbox can surely pack a punch when it comes right down to verifying lead contacts and making sure your marketing list is free from duplications and other scum that gets in the way. Aside from that, Callbox allows its clients to scale their marketing to rightly fit their needs. Although the price of the marketing lists it generates varies depending on the quality, getting Callbox to seeking business contacts will be an investment you will never regret. Related: AskCallbox: Where Do you get the List? If you use Salesforce, is your go-to tool that further strengthens your lead generation campaigns and allows you the power to identify prospects based on your preferred clients’ profiles. Interestingly, it gets much of its data from Dunn & Bradstreet and manages an arsenal of 3.5 million company records. Seeking out right prospects is also not that difficult as allows its clients to search companies by category. In terms of price, provides for a startup payment of about $1,800 a year at 300 contacts a month. But it doesn’t stop there. The service can also do data management and cleansing of Salesforce accounts for an additional $300. If you are willing to up the ante in terms of quality, then you might want to consider paying extra. more

By Get B2B Leads February 04, 2019

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