Get in the know about pain in the knee. If you suffer from osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, you know about the pain, and the stiffness. The limited range of motion while flexing your knee. If you've tried exercise and over-the-counter pain relievers, there's something else you should know-ask your doctor about Euflexxa: the latest generation of hyaluronic acid therapy for the pain of OA of the knee. Bioengineered to be ultra-pure, EUFLEXXA helps lubricate, cushion and protect the knee joint-reducing pain and improving function. WHAT IS OA OF THE KNEE? Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis that affects weight-bearing joints, primarily the knees, hips, feet and back. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and tenderness around the joint, as well as stiffness and limited motion. People with OA of the knee often experience pain when climbing stairs, walking on flat surfaces and flexing the knee. HOW DOES IT OCCUR? OA of the knee can be characterized by a variety of factors, including the deterioration of the knee joint cartilage (the protective covering on the end of bones) and a decrease in synovial fluid, the think liquid surrounding the knee joint. When synovial fluid becomes thinner, it loses its ability to cushion and lubricate the knee joint. These and other biological processes can lead to pain, stiffness, inflammation and decreased mobility in the knee joint. CAUSES OF OA OF THE KNEE INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Advancing age; wear and tear on the joints over many years; a prior injury or trauma to the knee joint or cartilage; excessive weight or obesity; a family history of OA; gender-over the age of 60, 65% of those who suffer from OA are women and 35% are men. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO RELIEVE THE PAIN OF KNEE OA? It's important to talk to your physician about your pain-how long you've had it, where it hurts and what activities cause pain. An Xray, MRI or CT scan may help determine the cause of your discomfort. To help you deal with the pain, your physician may recommend one or more of the following: lifestyle changes-diet and exercise; nondrug options-physical therapy, ice/heat therapy, orthotic insoles, braces or acupuncture; dietary supplements such as glucosamine/chondroitin; simple analgesics-acetaminophen or ibuprofen; prescription pain relievers-codeine, oxycodone with acetaminophen; injectable medications-steroids, HA therapy; surgery-total or partial knee replacements. NOT ALL THERAPIES ARE THE SAME. EUFLEXXA is the newest generation of HA brands. Unlike other HA products currently on the market for OA pain of the knee, EUFLEXXA ia the first and only US-approved non-avian HA therapy. It does not contain processed chicken or rooster combs, which eliminates the chance of an allergic response in people sensitive to poultry products. EUFLEXXA is manufactured through bacterial fermentation-also known as bioengineering. While bioengineering makes ultra-pure EUFLEXXA different from its competitors, bacterial fermentation is an everyday manufacturing process. For more information on the web go If you are suffering from OA pain in the knee, we can help. Call our office for an appointment so we can get you on your way to mobility and pain relief. ***Disclaimer statement: Some bodies of information in this were obtained from EUFLEXXA (Ferring Pharmaceuticals). Dr. Jaffin and his staff are not employed by, nor do we receive financial compensation for using their products. We also do not reccommend this treatment for everyone. more