Soon the weather will cool off, and autumn will breeze in so briskly. You'll be invited outside by vivid blue skies and blowing leaves. As birds change venues, their happy parade from north to south is not to be missed. Sitting on an open porch, sipping tea and reading an old favorite, you'll actually feel the busy-ness of life dusting right off of you.

This is what it will like at The Windmill Ranch Preserve very soon. Maybe you headed to your alma mater for a homecoming game. Maybe you're off to take your freshly graduated teen to his or her new dorm room at college. Or maybe your calendar opened up for a little "get-away" time. Whatever the occasion, we'd like to be the cozy road-side stop you turn into after a day of long travel.

Call or email us. Tell us what you are looking for, and we'll do our very best make your stop, or stay, one that will not disappoint.

By the way, we call our lodging accommodations The Quail Run Bed & Breakfast...because no one, not even the most cynical city-slicker, can resist a smile when our resident feathered friends come strutting out to feed and do their own version of the moon walk... now, don't you really want to stop by!!!