For those of you that don't lesson to the advertising of independent agents/agencies you might want to read this article.  Too big to fail is proving to be not so so to the point that they are considering shrinking some of those "too big to fail."  Insurance companies are no different.  Some are too big and uses that size to manipulate their business model. 
Naturally, insurance companies are in the business to make money.  However, as with every business there is an underlying moral and ethical obligation that apparently escapes big business like healthcare industry and the legal professional and now the insurance industry.  I encourage you to read this link.  CLICK HERE!
This explains why some of these companies have to spend hundreds of millions and some reaching a billion in a year to advertise.  REALLY?  And this kind of behavior is good for the shareholders or clients (if a mutual company)?  These CEO's should be fired and prosecuted for their behavior.While we as agents have no control over how the companies that we represent pay claims, we assure you that we would not represent companies that handle claims in this manner.  Profits over moral obligations should be a crime.For more information call (636) 770-6700 or visit