Once reason several of you guys survived the 2008 economic slowdown that continues is that you revamped your methods of doing business.  Times are changing for a couple of different reasons: (1) technologically (2) economically.
Our economy will never get back to the point that it was pre-2008.  If you are setting and waiting for that to happen you are making a serious mistake.  I could go into lots of reasons why it will not rebound back to that level, but that is a different topic and beyond the scope of this blog.It is time to re-think your business model and revamp it again.  It is critical that you continue to find means to increase the gross profit on each deal done.  We have two programs that will significantly change your financial position.  (1) own your own reinsurance company.  (2) expand into the auto insurance business and receive residual income long after the sale. We have turnkey programs for both that will change your financial life substantially.  Please call (855) 770-6700 or visit www.dealerowned.com or www.wildwoodins.com.