Some people love color, alot of color. Some people are afraid of too much color. One hint that can help home owners choose a color they will be happy with for a long time is to look in their closet. The choice of colors in your wardrobe can be a starting point for your home colors. If you hate the effect of hot pink in your dresses, chances are you won't like the way it looks on your wall, no matter what your sister-in-law tells you. If you do not wear the color blue, but love the color green, work with a green-blue to bring in the blue tone. No color is absolute, there are many shades and combinations, anyone can add color without being afraid. Also, try starting with your favorite accessory, think about what it is that you like about it. Is it the style, the color, the color combinations? Does it make a strong statement or does it blend into the room and pull it together? Colors do not have to match in order to look good together. If you have an antique sofa in a soft pink, a darker shade of pink will keep the softer, traditional antique look. Say you have that same soft pink sofa, but you want it to look modern, contemporary and really pop in the room, a shade of green may be the solution. Or that pink sofa may be perfect for a deep taupe color that will compliment the pink and allow you to accessorize with different shades of pinks and browns. You may also want to consider the trim and ceiling. They don't have to be white anymore, and stains come in a wide variety of colors and washes. Simply using a blush instead of a stark white can soften a room. Painting a darker color in bands on the ceiling can give the illusion of higher ceilings, where uses a darker color all over the ceiling can shorten the room. Paint is one of the least expensive ways to change the appearance of your home. We have a well trained staff that can direct you towards the colors that are right for you.