Blogs from Businesses in Mercer Island, WA

Window Cleaning in Woodinville, WA

Spring is coming! Clean windows let all the sunshine come into your home. Our team cleanswindows in Woodinvilleand western Washington cities from Everett to Auburn. more

By We Do Windows March 07, 2019

My Divine Connection – Guruji

Through my adult life I was always aware that there had to be more to life than I was able to grasp. I cannot remember a time when I was not deeply sad,unable to look in a mirror at my eyes without crying. I was living a life filled with confusion and deep a yearning for something more. Occasionally I would catch a glimpse that I was looking for God, other times I was so deep in confusion I wasn̢۪t sure what I needed. Finally I was able to focus enough to know that I was seeking a Divine connection. My search was on. I read many books about the Divine using the different names we have attached to the Creator. Each had a sort of wisdom but none got me any closer to the Divine. Finally I just asked the Universe to bring me a teacher, if there was one. I waited for years. When I heard about Guruji Mahendra Trivedi I knew immediately he was my teacher. I signed up for daily energy blessings in November 2015 which I gratefully receive every day. I am now deeply joyful,mirrors are no longer a problem. I was offered the amazing opportunity to participate in science experiments that prove I can, with my intention, be a conduit for Divine energy. The energy Blessings change the living, allowing them to maximize their potential usefulness. I am profoundly grateful for the gifts I have received from the Divine, the gift of Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, and the gift of being a conduit of Divine energy. more

By Force of Life Energy Blessings, LLC January 18, 2019

Make Choice Of The Right Compliance Tool For PCI!

When it comes to PCI DSS, it mainly stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Basically, PCI DSS compliance is a devotion or faithfulness to the set of the procedures or policies developed in the direction of protecting credit, debit as well as cash cards. It properly prevents the situation of misusing of the personal information of the card holders. PCI DSS compliance is especially required by most of the major card branches to protect their specific credit, debit and cash cards. Apart from it,PCI complianceis not important but all those companies usually deal with accept, store, process or transmit card information must comply with this specific standard. It is actually important for companies to look for getting the best possible compliance to this particular compliance to avoid several unwanted situations. When it comes to PCI DSS, it mainly sets four levels for companies. For instance, depending on volume as well as the fact that all of their vendors are PCI DSS compliant does not make the company PCI compliant.   Moro to the point, each and every level usually have its own requirements that normally become stricter with each level up. However, even in the starting levels specifies a normal network scan by an Approved Scanning Vendor that usually does external vulnerability scanning in terms of validating adherence to the external scanning necessities. In case an employee loses unencrypted portable devices and send out some sensitive information mistakenly it usually comes as the result of data breaches. Mostly, half of all data breaches are the result of theft. Generally, there could easily be found many IT criminals today ready to hunt for the information your companies usually stores and makes use of it for accomplishing different purposes. Apart from it, it is also very true for the financial companies or organizations that usually deal with money transactions.   There is no denying that financial information is very sensitive and hackers especially target this kind of information for their several selfish purposes. As financial information is very valuable, financial companies must be very carefully about it and in terms of choosing their database security provider. Financial companies should consider the importance of achieving PCI compliance to avoid several unwanted situations. They should consider availing the benefits of an effective compliance tool for the same. With the support of a renowned software company, you would definitely be able to get hold of effective software to help you and your company to protect your specific data against data theft and breach. more

By DataSunrise March 30, 2018

Why Database Auditing Is So Important?

Amazon aurora is a relational database management system hugely preferred by most of the big organizations today nowadays. More to the point, you would also find managing this particular DBMS very easy with the use of AWS console. This specific database management system also makes use of encryption for the database itself to keep valuable data intact. More to the point, one can also consider the importance ofAmazon Aurora auditin terms of protecting the database from multiple information security threats. You would also definitely find most of the organizations today with a special department in terms of fighting effectively against information security threat. The department of the organizations has to perform different tasks to fulfill the purpose in the most effective way. The staff not only detects user passwords cracking and network ports but also prevents computer virus infections.   Apart from it, such department also detects malicious and illegal software installed on the PCs of the company’s employees. You would also find such tools reveal potential vulnerabilities in the security and data storage systems. Revealing potential database vulnerabilities is really important as it can be used later in terms of performing data breach by malicious users. Even though, all the above mentioned means are mainly used for the purpose of getting protection from third-party hackers but what about the insider threats. There is no doubt that insider threats are more dangerous than the hacker attacks. Insider threats may be result in the form of any fraud activity and data breach by the company’s own employees. In most of the cases of insider-driven incidents, data leaks, data breach are done via email, social networks, messengers and cloud storage and so on.   Even though, there are many DLP (Data Leak Prevention solutions easily available today in the market but practically the violators do not use only email and web applications. That is why; there is actual need of using a data audit tool. Database auditing can surely provide best possible protection to the database from insider threats. In order to get best possible Amazon Aurora audit, you just need to take help of a database monitoring tool mainly designed for this specific database management system. There is no denying that a DAM tool can surely help you with the best possible auditing of your specific database management system. Data audit results enables database administrators to detect the data leak and evaluate its costs effectively. more

By DataSunrise March 15, 2018

Significant Things To Know About SAP Hana Audit

The SAP Hana audit is developed to monitor the database activities that can acquire authentic information regarding the purposes of compliance, investigation of cybercrime and provide prevention to the data leak. The algorithms can analyze the outgoing and incoming traffics to identify the suspicious activities taking place within the database, the firewall administrator is notified and proper measurements are taken against the potentially risky activities. Several software solutions have been able to come up with the security framework; however, DataSunrise has been able to maintain its place even in the highly competitive market. Services Offered by DataSunrise The unique software solutions have made DataSunrise be one of the most original software companies in the market offering a wide range of services. The solution organization helps the users with the products including performance monitoring, database firewall, data masking and activity monitoring. The organization solely focuses on providing innovative data security to protect the users. This kind of services helps the database management system to come across as stronger without having to face any breach or violation of data or policy. Configuration The basic configuration ofSAP Hana auditrequires the activation of the audit trail and the basic configuration to set up the OS Syslog. Additionally, the OS syslog needs to be configured in a proper way that can handle various targets at a time. ●      The central directory regarding the external log server is capable of providing prevention against the loss of data and information. Additionally, the issues of manipulated data are sorted in this method. ●      The targets are dependent on the compliance needs as per the user's analytic process that has the capability of consuming log. ●      The OS level on the local directory can restrict the loss of information that is caused due to the network problems. The limitation of the group of users can bring certain changes regarding the privileges. ●      For configuring in the proper way, the policy has to be aligned with the relevant data terms and conditions regarding protection.  The user proceeding with the audit monitoring can come across that there are three primary categories of the audit classes that are, namely, data access and procedure execution, acquiring and change of documents and authentication management. In the auditing class, technical users, user system, logon monitoring and self-auditing are included. more

By DataSunrise February 08, 2018

The Best SaaS Subscription Management Systems

SaaS is defined as software as a service and its easy Managing SaaS subscription and it’s less painful as with the introduction of SaaS applications all you need to have is an active internet connection to get all the access your application and thus needs to pay a subscription fees associated with the kind of application that you intend to use and thusManaging SaaS subscriptionis far easy as compared to managing traditional kind of software applications and managing them as with the introduction of SaaS model you don’t need to install a new hardware or software on your system and you can access your application via internet and thus all you need to have is an active internet connection for Managing SaaS subscription and can get all the information on your fingertips, there are various different kind of SaaS applications available to choose from and thus you can select the kind of SaaS application that suits you the best as per your specific needs. Different SaaS applications have different use and have thus different pricing associated with them and thus these features makes Managing SaaS subscription cost effective as all you need to pay for Managing SaaS subscription is a subscription fees on monthly or yearly basis which is much more cost effective and there is no license fees associated with SaaS applications and it can be accessed via internet as the application is hosted centrally so you can manage it from any place even if you do not have access to your system. SaaS subscription management systems provide ISV’s with the necessary tools to associate software service levels with pricing plans and collect revenue. The best SaaS subscription management systems seamlessly integrate with SaaS provisioning, metering and payment systems. As we know that SaaS subscription and management system is delivered via cloud and thus the SaaS model uses various different kind of pricing models including paying a flat monthly fees with some kind of transaction charge on the basis of customers managed or paying a transaction fee plus the percentage of transaction and thus SaaS subscription management system offers annual subscription pricing giving high volume ISV’s the maximum amount of control over the operational costs associated with SaaS subscription management. Related Article:- more

By Binadox January 24, 2018

Consider Choosing Efficient Security Appliances - Greenplum Database!

When it comes to Greenplum Database, it is hugely preferred by most of the business professionals, these days. Basically, it is a free database management system specially developed for data warehouses. This particular DBMS is also based on PostgreSQL with some changes made for the purpose of fulfilling some specific industry requirements in the best possible way. The main purpose of designing this database is to analytical processing of big data volumes. You would also find this DBMS really amazing in high speed of data uploading as well as high level of shared aims. Besides this, using efficient and effectiveGreenplum securitytools which are easily obtainable today can help you to protect your database best possibly. Basically, security appliances which have been developed or designed for the database security usually integrated with audit tools. Such tools provide accurate and complete monitoring of the database activities.   Moreover, there is also a firewall tool included in the security appliances designed for the database security. The main purpose of using database firewall tool is to eliminate the database security weak points. By doing so, this tool ensures protection of the database against unauthorized access along with SQL-injections. Besides this, there is a masking and data discovery tools provide effective security to the database management systems. Such tools make it totally obscure to anyone with no business need to use it and for locating sensitive information respectively. If you really want to protect your database either by company’s own employees or any third parties such as by developers, testers, engineers, etc, you should consider the need of knowing where sensitive data resides within the database management system. Furthermore, you also need to differentiate entire accesses to the database and provide complete control on all the activities takes place in the DBMS in respect of its proper security.   When it really matters a lot for you to protect your database then you should consider putting all the above mentioned tasks at the top of your priority list with the Greenplum security appliances. Here, it is advisable for you to take help of some built-in interrelated database security components like data monitoring, firewall, masking as well as data discovery tools. All these components can surely help you at every possible level in terms of representing comprehensive protection. So, what are you waiting for? Consider availing the benefits of an efficient security Suite to provide best possible security to your particular DBMS! more

By DataSunrise January 24, 2018

Protect Your Database Proficiently Using An Effective Firewall Tool!

At present, there could easily be seen a number of business entities making use of Redshift cloud storage service from Inc. this specific database management system is mainly optimized for different business intelligent purposes. Moreover, managing this specific DBMS is not a difficult job. By using a dedicated AWS console, you can easily create a database cluster or increase database volume in just a couple of minutes. Besides all this,Redshift firewallsolution enables you to keep your database absolutely safe from hackers or malicious users. if your actually aim is to provide best possible protection to your database from both outside threats as well as inside vulnerabilities then there would not be any other good option for you instead of choosing a firewall tool especially designed for your specific database management system. There are really a number of benefits that database administrators can avail by using a database firewall solution.   The main advantage of using firewall tool is that it can efficiently prevent unauthorized access to the database. Apart from it, it maintains database security in the most effective way by blocking intrusion attempts. It usually inspects SQL queries meant for improper content as well as malicious commands. In case, any suspicious activity is noticed within the database in real time then it instantly alerts database administrators about it. Making use of a comprehensive firewall tool is really important when it comes to providing best possible security to your particular database management system. Basically, database firewall is a data-centric solution specifically designed for the purpose of protecting the database in real-time from different threats. There is no denying that DBAs can easily expect for providing best possible protection to their databases in real time by using an advanced firewall solution.   Besides this, organizations can also stay compliant with different kinds of regulatory requirements by making use of Redshift firewall tool. You can easily protect your database best possible both on-premises as well as in the cloud by using a firewall tool. Whether you are looking forward to protect your database from malicious insiders, advanced persistent threats or any other attacks, you just need to take help of this amazing database security tool to fulfill your purpose in the most effective way. This tool can efficiently monitor database traffic and perform deep filtering on the application level and thus maintains database security in the best possible way. Hence, look for a comprehensive firewall tool for your database. more

By DataSunrise January 06, 2018

Numerous Reasons To Look For Database Monitoring!

Whether you are making use of any particular database management system, you should be very careful about your database safety. If you are really concerned about your database security against different information security threats then you should consider taking help of an advanceddatabase activity monitoringtool. This tool not only enables database administrators for real-time tracking of the user activities but also changes made to the database. By doing so, such tool ensures properly for compliance-ready environment and increased visibility into activity across multiple database management systems. Such tools cannot only audit the entire database user activities but also application users at the same time as applications connect to the database with a single database user. Moreover, this tool also enables you to increase visibility into database activity in the most effective way. There are actually a number of advantages of using an activity monitoring tool for specific databases easily available in the market nowadays.   DAM tools make use of self-learning algorithms in terms of creating a white list of queries easily suitable in the given database environment. More to the point, you would also find this tool really amazing in terms of collecting extensive information on database user’s activities as well as client applications. This information enables database administrators to analyze and investigate suspicious behavior of the database users and cybercrime incidents respectively. Besides this, an activity monitoring tool also sends results of the audit process to some external SIEM systems for further analysis. Sending audit results to external SIEM systems makes it completely impossible for the database users to hide their malicious and mean purposes. Moro to the point, you would also find such tools very helpful in terms of achieving compliance with industry standards and government regulations as well.   There are actually so many attractive features usually forces database administrators to make selection of an advanced and efficient database activity monitoring tool. Such tools configure alerting through Email and instant messengers for the purpose of sending immediate notifications to the security officers or administrators. Advanced logging is also provided by an activity monitoring tool. You can easily get a clear and detailed picture of your database user’s activity. SIEM integration is also one of the most important features of DAM tools. Integration of this tool with a SIEM provides great visual reports as well as in-depth analysis of the database user behavior. Hence, make choice of an effective DAM tool for your specific database management system. more

By DataSunrise December 19, 2017

Do You Want To Keep Your DB2 Database Safe From Hackers?

Most of the big organizations today could easily be seen interested in DB2 database management systems in terms of storing their corporate sensitive and important data or information. If you are also using this database to store your data then you also need to make selection of a proficient security solution for the same. It is advisable for database authorities to make use of security software which has been especially designed for the purpose of protecting this specific database management system from both internal and external threats. Such tools can also efficiently prevent unauthorized access of the database users to sensitive as well as regulated information.DB2 securitytool can provide great help to the database users by blocking forbidden or potentially hazardous requests. Not only this, this tool can efficiently protect the data from data leaks and security breaches. Apart from it, you would also be able to find this tool really amazing in terms of protecting the database from any type of dangerous behavior of the database user.   Database administrators can proficiently protect their database from various inside and outside threats. Making choice of a multifunctional solution would definitely be your best decision to keep your database fully protected from different security threats. a multifunctional security solution can surely provide perfect defense against different types of threats, database vulnerabilities as well as many other types of security risks. The main job of such solution is to filter the entire database traffic and block all SQL queries found triggering any particular security rule. These tools also blocks unusually database transaction and disconnect the user associated with it. Database security tools also notify database administrators in case any suspicious activity is detected.   There is no denying that there is actual need to implement additional tool to monitor database activities as well as protection from unauthorized access as well as SQL injections. In this case, a comprehensive DB2 security tool is really important. Database security solutions provide continuous scanning of the database specific traffic. Moreover, such tools enable database administrators to trace and block SQL injections in real time. It is really important for database administrators to build an effective security system for their database management system by using security, audit as well as masking rules. So, what are you waiting for? Make choice of an efficient multifunctional security solution if you really wish to protect your database in the most effective manner! more

By DataSunrise November 23, 2017

Consider The Importance Of Aurora Monitoring Tool!

Nowadays, most of the big corporations are using Amazon Aurora database management system. This particular relational DBMS is a perfect option to go with today if willing to make choice of an efficient data storing system. Even though, you would surely find this database really good in terms of storing your important and confidential data but you should also look a capable monitoring tool designed especially for your specific database.Amazon Aurora monitoringshould be considered as very important factor in favor of the database security. It is really important for you to make choice of a comprehensive tool to monitoring each and every activity of your particular database management system. You should consider looking out for a tool that can efficiently watch and record database queries. Database activity monitoring tools are actually great help for database administrators. They can surely get best possible help from these tools to keep an eye on each and every database activity takes place within the database. DAM tool also are truly considered advanced tool in favor of data and database security. Such tools notify database administrators immediately in case any uncommon transaction takes place within the database. More to the point, you would also find this tool really very helpful in terms of getting detailed information about all database calls along with their results. By doing so, this tool totally mitigate the chance of unauthorized actions. This tool can efficiently prevent unauthorized actions of the database users that can lead to data exposure. Besides all this, there are a number of benefits for database administrators to make use of a database activity monitoring tool. For instance, it can easily prevent protect database from cyber attacks and even from privileged users. This tool also helps database administrators a lot in terms of monitoring database application activities in the best possible way. The other main advantage of using a database activity monitoring tool is that it can easily track all coming calls from applications as well as any other source in the most effective way. Apart from it, Amazon Aurora monitoring tool can also store logged information related to system configuration changes as well as information about transactions outside to unable attackers tamper with it or conceal their traces in any condition. In case, anybody copy or view sensitive information or provide someone privileged access or do any type of unauthorized action then it an easily be find out from logs. more

By DataSunrise November 17, 2017

Why Database Administrators Should Go With An Efficient Auditing Tool?

If you are running an organization and making use of DB2 RDBMS to store your important and critical business database then you should also consider making use of an efficient auditing tool in favor of your database security. It is really important for database authorities to make use of a dedicated tool that can perform DB2 audit in the most effective way. There are actually a number of benefits of making use of a database audit solution. However, one should consider choosing such tools from a reputed and renowned software company. Data audit solution can surely provide great help to the database administrators by providing full analysis of all user activities as well as changes made to the database. More to the point, you would also be able to detect any protection policy violation by using such amazing tool.   Database activity monitoring tool is not just limited to monitoring SQL requests and unauthorized access of the malicious database users to the sensitive business information. Audit solutions by renowned software company would surely make you able to protect your database in the most effective way. The main motive of the database audit tool is to protect the database with a set of preconfigured defenses along with helping in terms of monitoring the database activities in the most effective way. Such tools not only create a trustworthy trail of all the user activities and logs detailed information but also provide continuous monitoring of the entire database for the purpose of detecting external threats. Apart from it, you would also find this tool helpful in terms of preventing data leakage caused by the privileged insiders.   Moreover, data audit tool also prevent users from unsuitable actions as well as installation of the malicious software.DB2 audittool also notifies about any suspicious activity takes place within the database. Furthermore, this tool enables database administrators to investigating data breaches or data leaks by providing related information. Besides all this, the other main benefit of using a database auditing tool is that it can efficiently reveal database security vulnerabilities and thus maintains database security in the most effective way.  This tool is also considered very helpful in terms of exposing other different issues in the information system operation cycle. So, what are you waiting for? Avail the benefit of an efficient database audit tool and keep your database absolutely safe from insider attacks as well as malicious users! more

By DataSunrise November 05, 2017

Why Security Is Essential For Db2 Database?

When it comes to making choice of a perfect commercial RDBMS then you should consider choosing IBM DB2 database to fulfill your purpose in the most effective way. Basically, it is family of commercial relational database management systems that can efficient facilitate database administrators with maximum failure resistance, extensive backup, recovery functionality as well as powerful rights management mechanisms. Apart from it, DB2 security software can help you a lot in terms of keeping your database safe from both internal and external threats. Such software mainly designed to ensure database protection from several information security threats. Such security tool can efficient protect the database from unauthorized users that may provide harm to the sensitive and regulated information stored in the database management system. The main job of such tools is to block restricted or probably harmful requests in order to protect the database from security breaches.    By blocking potentially and forbidden dangerous requests, database security tools can efficiently protect the database from data leaks and harmful behavior of the database users. it is really important for database users to make use of a data-centric multifunctional security solution designed by a renowned and experienced software company that can easily protect databases in real time. a data-centric multifunctional security tool would surely be a great option to go with in order to protect the database against a wide range of database vulnerabilities, threats as well as other different security risks. You should consider making use of a powerful security suite to address regulatory compliance challenges in the most effective way. The main task of such security solutions is to filter the database-specific traffic on application level analyzing incoming as well as out coming packets for the best possible compliance with the pre-defined security rules.   More to the point, database security tools also blocks all the database transactions and disconnects the user that performed the query and notifies database administrators about any suspicious activity if any SQL query triggers any specific security rule. If you are looking out for comprehensiveDB2 securitythen you must consider implementing additional solutions for database activity monitoring as well as protection from unauthorized access and SQL injections as well. Continuous scanning of the database-specific traffic with accurate threat detection mechanisms really enables DBAs to capture and block SQL injections in real time in the most effective way. So, what are you waiting for? Look for a comprehensive security tool for your database management systems! more

By DataSunrise October 25, 2017

Avail the benefits of database firewall

Business professional want to make choice of a perfect option that can easily support various types of data then you should consider choosing Microsoft SQL Server to fulfill your purpose in the most effective way. This particular DBMS can also support primitive as well as user-defined composite data type with so much ease. More to the point, an efficientSQL Server firewallcan provide great help to the database administrators in terms of protecting the database against several information security threats. There is no denying that database firewall tool is well-known for providing amazing help to protect the database from hackers or malevolent users. Such tools filter the entire database-specific traffic as per the administrators-defined rules set. It blocks all the requests or queries assumed dangerous. By doing so, it provides great help in terms of protecting the business sensitive data from multiple threats. This tool can help you a lot in to secure your database from SQL injection attacks as well as hacker attacks. You would also be able to protect your database from several other security breaches by using this amazing security tool. Furthermore, this tool can efficiently control user privileges to exclude the data loss by the company̢۪s own employees. This particular security solution is well-designed for the purpose of securing database both on-premises as well as in the cloud. By providing complete visibility of the entire database management system as well as user activities, it ensures highest possible level of data protection. Database firewall solution monitors database activities continuously. Moreover, it detects the database vulnerabilities that can be used by the company insiders and hackers for their different purposes. There is no denying that this specific security tool can also protect the database from database administrators who usually pose a potential threat to the database protection. This tool can also easily audit and log the database traffic and block the queries execution found violating its security policies.SQL Server firewallis also having intelligent SQL-analysis algorithms make it completely able in terms of detecting and blocking the unauthorized user access attempts as well as attacks on the database in the real time. This tool also notifies database authorities or administrators if any suspicious activity is noticed within the database management system. So, what are you waiting for? Make choice of a comprehensive security tool like database firewall if willing to provide the best possible security to your specific database management system! more

By DataSunrise October 21, 2017

Do You Wish To Perform Perfect Auditing Of Your DB2 Database?

When it comes to DB2, it is a family of commercial RDBMS developed by the IBM Corporation. The main benefit of using this platform is that it can efficiently support BLOBS and CLOBS objects, triggers, user-defined data types, relational extenders as well as user-defined functions in the most effective way. more to the point, this database management system is also well-known for providing best possible powerful access rights management mechanisms, failure resistance, extensive backup, recovery functionality as well as scalability. Apart from you, you can also get great help from an advanced data audit solution in terms of getting the best possible DB2 audit. By making choice of a suitable data audit solution designed by a renowned software company, you would surely be able to perform the most effective auditing of your specific database management system. The main benefit of using a data audit tool is that it enables you to get fully analysis of all user activity as well as changes made to and queries directed to the database management system.   More to the point, database administrators can also easily detect and stop any protection policy violation immediately by using such amazing tool. Monitoring of all SQL-requests as well as unauthorized access to sensitive information is also possible with the support of an efficient data audit tool. There are really so many benefits of using a data audit solution by a well-known software company. Such tools not only protect your database with a set of preconfigured defenses but also help in terms of monitoring all activities takes place in any specific database management system. There are several functions of a data audit solution in order to protect the database from different threats. For instance, it provides great help to the database administrators by creating a trustworthy audit trail of all user activities as well as logging detailed information.   Such solutions also provide continuous monitoring of the entire database management system in order to detect both internal and external threats. It also prevents data leaks usually caused by privileged insiders.DB2 audittool can also easily notify database administrators or authorities in case any suspicious activity is detected within the database management system. Moreover, it provides valuable information to the database administrators for the investigation of data breaches at the same time. Besides all this, this amazing tool is also very helpful in terms of revealing security vulnerability as well as several other types of issues of information system operation cycle in the best possible way. more

By DataSunrise October 09, 2017

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Why do so many staff members at towing companies lack basic people skills and act dog-faced-mean to the public at a time when they need help the most? This particular company, and the staff members I met were rude for no reason at all. They will never receive a good review from me. I give a negative rating. Run, run away,.... fast! Better yet, call Coalfield Towing instead! Superior customer service in comparison. more

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We are selling my parent's home & needed many final items removed. This company left my unoccupied parent's home at risk for several day before we returned by leaving the front security screen door wide open and the front door opened with just a little push on the door. They also left the back security screen door unlocked!! Horribly careless! This company ended up charging us almost 3 times the quoted amount. Yes, we did add a few more items but NOT 3 times worth and he never indicated it was going to be that much more. He's a terrible estimator and communicator. He's all empty big talk. He did some trash talk about other junk haulers. Then they ended up leaving some agreed upon items. They also gave excuses for missing our appointments because of a truck breakdown and traffic. View other negative reviews on Totally unreliable, over-priced, unethical and careless. CAUTION!! more

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