VPS or virtual private server can help you improve your web hosting experience with little monetary investments. You would be surprised to know how little you have to spend to get your own server and unlimited access to the server at all times. Firstly, you need to get a VPS. There are various types of VPS available, and you can get the one that suits your purpose the most.

You can get a Windows VPS, which works on the Windows operating system. You can get a LXC VPS with the help of which you can run multiple Linux containers on your VPS. Then there is also an option of a KVM VPS server, which gives you fully dedicated services. So as far as flexibility regarding operating systems is concerned, you have plenty of options when you get a VPS.

Different configuration options for your cheapest VPS
Just because you are choosing the cheapest vps does not mean you need to compromise on quality. You can still configure your VPS to suit your needs. There are quite a few configuration options that you can choose from, some of which are –

  • CPU – you can get multi core CPUs for your VPS, and you can choose the number of cores that you want in your CPU. The more the number of cores, the better your CPU is at multitasking.

  • RAM – if you have the basic idea about computers, you would know that more RAM simply equates to faster servers. When you buy your VPS, you can decide how much RAM you want. There is already some default RAM capacity, and you can add more RAM if you want.

  • Storage – you can change the disk space capacity of your VPS as well if you want to. If you are going to install too many software, which you can as you have unrestricted admin access, you might as well get some extra storage space.

  • Backup – although the chances of your VPS failing are very low, it is always good to have some backup. You can choose to have one backup of your data when you get your VPS.

  • Extra bandwidth – when it comes to web hosting, bandwidth is the most crucial issue. If you are expecting heavy traffic then you should get some extra bandwidth. It might come in handy.

All the extras come in exchange of some small amount of money, but still, adding it all up, you’d still have most efficient and cheapest VPS.