I would like to share my experience regarding the use of the Vitamark products.
My experiences at the dentist have been quite traumatic during the last twenty years, the last being a root canal procedure which caused me quite a lot of discomfort.My visits were six monthly I suppose this was because of the poor condition of my teeth and gums but since the introduction of Limu Plus® to my daily routine I have been told to attend yearly. I take Limu Plus® as part of my regime which includes Super ViGest, VitaOne® and Coral Calcium+ with EnZact 77k® this combination has relieved my Irritable Bowl Syndrome and the Arthritis in my knees and hands, I heard somewhere from a business associate to swill the Limu Plus® around your mouth for a minute or two before swallowing. Well, to my amazement my dentist remarked that she could not get my gums to bleed which was the first time ever in ten years and the scores on her chart were near perfect.
 I'd like to tell you about my son Stephen who was savagely attacked on a dance floor during his Stag-Night.Stephen suffered a broken jaw and spent time in hospital. He underwent a four and a half hour operation to insert Six plates into his jaw to re-enforce the jaw-bone.I realized the potential of Vitamark products to assist in the healing process and Stephen began to take Limu Plus®, Super ViGest and Revitalgen® through a straw.
The surgeon said it would be six to eight weeks to heal and it would be a minimum of two or three weeks until the wiring and band could be removed which was supporting his jaw whilst healing. Well as Stephen was due to get married in two weeks time, we had no time to waste. Stephen took a minimum of eight ounces a day of Limu Plus® and six Super ViGest and six Revitalgen®. One week later Stephen was back for an assessment, WOW the surgeon could not believe his eyes. He had never seen such a rapid change, the swelling had reduced dramatically and he removed the supporting band which meant Stephen could open his mouth wider and eat using a small plastic tea spoon. Stephen loves porridge oats and although it took him 45 minutes to eat and was cold by the time he finished, he persevered and enjoyed every mouthful. At the end of the next week was Stephen and Jacqueline's wedding. They were due to fly out to Mexico on the Sunday. Stephen didn't bother to measure the Limu Plus® now, he just drank straight from the bottle and finished two during the week. Friday was the moment of decision, the final assessment before we knew if the wedding was on or off. This turned out to be a very traumatic and stressful day. The surgeon looked at Stephen and once again expressed his amazement at Stephen's rapid recovery. He said he was willing to take out the wiring which had taken him two hours to fit less than two weeks ago. Stephen obviously agreed as this meant he could speak normally and marry his fiancée Jacqueline, so the surgeon got to work. I won't go into details, but without any anesthetic Stephen felt every screw and bolt that was removed. The attending nurse noticed the color draining from my face and quickly escorted me outside, but it was soon over and the news was all good.
The wedding took place and all went according to plan, Stephen and Jacqueline are now man and wife and hope to start a family next year. Thank You for your extraordinary products.  John