With all of the technical advances in today's world, its no wonder that Twitter has become a huge business promotional tool.  Not only is Twitter a free tool, but you can reach potential clients world wide.  Experts say its best to Tweet at least five times per hour.  Make sure you use the bio section to your advantage, you are limited to 140 characters, but make them count.  Sale yourself and your expertise to potential clients.  If you are a writer, let us know what you write and a little about your life.  Make sure you have a photo, most people will not follow you without a picture.  This builds a sense of trust to see who you are following.  Try to engage in conversation on your Twitter page, realistically, you can't be involved in each one, but at least one or two a day.  This reminds people you are a real person with real interest and you are more personable.  Be sure to follow back, if someone takes their time to follow you, please follow them back.  Remember step away from Twitter after you have tweeted something, you don't have to police your page.  Above all have fun and be yourself.
Now I am sure you are wondering where is the time for that?  That is where we at Virtual Assistants of the Wiregrass come in.  We offer an economical twitter package that includes 3-5 tweets per hour total of  seven days per week using your suggested topics or we can create them for you.  Either way, we offer this package for $60.00 per month.  We can also customize a package for more or less tweets per month or on a weekly basis.  No Twitter account, no problem.  We can set an account up for you for a one time fee of $25.00.