What is Ganoderma Lucidum?  Ganoderma Lucidum is one of the most documented botanicals known to man.  Also known as Reishi and Lingzhi, this 4000 year-old herb has been called the "herb of inmortality" and is commonly used to promote wellness throughout the world.  With over 700 documented studies found on pubmed.gov or webmd scientist have found why this mushroom is so powerful.  It boosts over 150 anti-oxidants and over 200 phytonutrients.  In comparison, an orange only has 8 anti-oxidants and 4 phytonutrients you see how easily this botanical has earn it's reputation as the "king of all herbs".  Here are some of the most active bio-elements found in Ganoderma Lucidum:
    A nucloside and triterpenoid this two have shown the ability to "inhibit" cholesterol sythesis and lower bad cholesterol levels.
    Known to regulate antibody production, Lanostan balances the presence of these allergen-expelling substances in the human system, proportional to the body's demand for it.

Their close relation to Lanostan suggests similar abilities to control allergies, but they also have been found to balance blood sugar levels.
ORGANIC GERMANIUMRare mineral assist in improving blood circulation.  It said to promote energy by eliminating fatigue throughout the body.
These complex carbohydrates have also shown abilities to balance the inmune system and acting as an anti-inflamatory agent.For more information log on to www.myganocafe.com/vinnys and click on Ganoderma Lucidum.