Blogs from Businesses in Glen Allen, VA

Not Your Ordinary White Kitchen!

Who said white is out of style? Class is always in style! This 50's home has received a major kitchen facelift while maintaining it's charm and character. LED lighting accents decorative glassware in the cabinetry. The apron front sink is cavernous. The LP gas range means now you're cooking like back in the day! more

By Leo Lantz Construction, Inc. February 11, 2011

How to Delete a Post on MerchantCircle

It would depend on where the post is and if it's on your own page or not as to IF you can delete a post or not. You can delete posts on your own page with the following links Talk To Me (TTM)... Reviews... Made by you... Posted by someone else on your page.... A TTM made on another merchants page can only be removed by them. Posts in the forum can not be deleted by you. Posts in the Q&A; can not be deleted by you. However, a Community Leader (like me) can help with getting those removed. If I didn't answer your question please let me know by clicking on the link to my page then leaving a message in my TTM or here to this blog. more

By abc Gypsy Events January 16, 2011

Invite Accepted! …. Now What?

No matter whether your invite was just accepted or another merchant accepted your invite this is the next step you should take. Go to their page…. 1) Give them a 5 star rating. 2) Give them a compliment. 3) Follow them. 4) Like them on Facebook. 5) Give their coupon a vote. 6) Clip their coupon. 7) Follow the Mayor of their city… if they aren't Mayor. 8) Leave a note on their Bulleting Board. 9) Check to see if they have content, our story, website, 2 free city, categories or tags/keywords. 10) Leave a Talk To Me offering HELP….. Not your advertisement and link. Why should you do these recommendations you ask? How does it help the other merchant?You just left good relevant fresh content ALL over their page which Google loves which means google will index their page. How does it help you?When Google indexes their page it will pick up all of the links you just left on their page. more

By abc Gypsy Events December 15, 2010

MerchantCircle Challenge

In real life a community of neighbors don't think twice about helping each other. Borrowing a cup of sugar, assisting with a tune-up, mowing each others lawn when the mower isn't working and running errands when someone has an accident. Why do we do this? To help our neighbors and share our knowledge. Why does this lost art of kindness disappear when we market our business in the cyber world. Instead I challenge you to look at MC as a community of merchants. Offer to help tweek their page when you see they haven't claimed their 2nd free city (thanks toThe Guru), reply to their post in the forum or reaching out to contact a Community Leader or a MC employee when needed. A different way to market your business would be offering help promote your fellow merchants business any way you can from making suggestions about content to add to their listing or posting in your status, facebook page or twitter recommending their business. You may ask how will this promote your business helping you? Think about the neighbor that came over to help with the tune-up on your car that you weren't sure how to do.... you might not have ever met them before. Did they make a good impression? Will you remember them? Would you recommend them to a friend? Do you have the answer to your question? You not only gained a friend but also a valuable resource of knowledge. It works the same way on MerchantCircle. A neighbor would offer to help those in their community without thinking twice. They give out of the kindness of their heart not because they have to or expect something in return but because they want to. Based on this concept a Community Leader would develop. This person is not only active on their page but also in the forum and on the Q&A.; They need to have a basic knowledge on how to use MerchantCircle and the rules PLUS follow the rules. They would automatically offer to help others needing assistance that can't find their way to the forum, Q&A and don't know whom to ask for help. This is the first step towards becoming a Community Leader. If you are interested in what the next step is please contactRobyn. Instead of thinking about you and your business first, take the challenge, first think, what can be done to help another merchants business? By focusing on helping others you and your business will grow. more

By abc Gypsy Events December 10, 2010

MerchantCircle Challenge

         &A.;& more

By abc Gypsy Events December 10, 2010

Stop Smoking Diet

You finally decided to quit smoking. You are seeing your acupuncturist 1-2 times per week, avoiding trigger situations, and exercising regularly. What else can you do to ensure your success? Because of the oxidative stress smoking puts on the health of your cells, you will need to replenish the protective antioxidant nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, and E. A balanced diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide the additional boost you need. To reduce cravings, begin by increasing your intake of alkaline foods: fruits vegetables leafy green salads millet And reduce your intake of acidic foods: meats sugar wheat If you are not already, now is a great time to take a high quality whole food multivitamin with additional antioxidants as needed. Be sure to drink plenty of plain water to counteract the drying effects of smoking and eat a fiber rich diet to help speed up the detoxification process by maintaining healthy bowel function. Cutting down on other addictive substances such as caffeine, sugar, and alcohol will also help curb your desire to smoke. And if you are still looking for something to satiate the hand-to-mouth habit, try eating raw, unsalted sunflower seeds. more

By HealthFocus Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine December 07, 2010

MerchantCircle Success

What kind of success have you had using MC, you ask? Well, I guess it would depend upon your definition of success. Are you talking about someone becoming a customer because they were on MC using this site? Although I do have repeat clients that use MC... both MC merchants and non-users that is not what I consider success... that to me is icing on the cake. What would be the cake? That would be the internet results I get from MC's power. Meaning the first page google results that MC makes possible using my keywords not the name of my business.  A good portion of my repeat clients tell me they found me on the internet or google... I know they didn't find me because they did a search for my business name... they found me because of MC! Try looking at MC's success from a different point of view. Think about how many times you have been told you were found on the net? You do ask every customer where they found you right? You will get out of MC what you put into it. If you write a blog... google will index it. If you publish a coupon... google will index it. If you write in another merchants Talk To Me... google will index it. If you write a review... google will index it. If you post on this forum... google will index it. The more active you are the more google will index your page. And it's free.... How many customers does it take to pay for free? Oh, and btw... I have had TV shows make inquiries, famous bands make inquiries and we did a show at a NASA launch... when asked how they found us.... the answer? Internet search... those words put a smile on my face and I say a silent Thank you MerchantCircle... more

By abc Gypsy Events November 29, 2010


Where the Internet goes to either List Or Look. more

By Clique Fuse, LLC September 25, 2010

Soothe Eye Strain

Adapted fromThe Five-Minute Healerby Jane AlexanderStep#1) Gently cup your hands over your eyes for a few minutes. Your eyes should still be able to open but no light should pass through your fingers.Step#2) Using your index finger, press the point just above the middle of your eyebrows. Hold with light pressure for about 30 seconds.Step#3) Move your index fingers to the points on either side of your nose in the hollows just above the tear ducts. Press lightly for 30 seconds.Step#4) With your index finger and thumb, pull down either side of your nose – from your eyebrows right to the end of your nose.Step#5) Using your index finger, press upwards under the middle of your cheekbones for about 30 seconds.Step#6) Finally cup your hands over your eyes as you did in step#1. more

By HealthFocus Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine August 15, 2010

Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Adequate rest is essential to good health. Proper sleep boosts your energy and focus, helps strengthen your immune system, and allows you to more calmly deal with stress. An estimated 30–50% of the general population suffers from insomnia. Factors such as pain, digestive disturbances, and even medications can all lead to sleeplessness. Before you reach for the Ambien, let's take a look at Traditional Chinese Medicine's view on lack of sleep. At night, our active energy (Yangenergy) should move inward and become anchored by our passive energy (Yinenergy). When this fails to happen, insomnia results. What can you do? Acupuncture and Chinese herbology offer a number of treatment solutions to help you get a good night's sleep. Your practitioner can add the extra point "Anmian" (also called Peaceful Sleep) or Kidney 6 and Bladder 62 to help guide theYangenergy inward and become rooted by theYinenergy. The appropriate herbal formula can help clear excess heat or tonify any deficiencies presenting with your current condition.But what happens when it's 2am and you find yourself tossing and turning? What do you donowand how can you avoid it tomorrow night?Here are the Don'ts –Avoid stimulating foods&drinks late in the day (i.e. spicy foods, heavy meats, & caffeine).Avoid stressful mental activity and strenuous exercise in the evening.Let's get to the Do's –Drink chamomile or valerian tea before bedtime.Soak feet in warm water (to anchorYangenergy).Adjust the thermostat to a comfortable setting.Make sure your bedroom is dark enough & quiet enough for a peaceful night's sleep.Listen to Debbie Ford's "Sweet dreams nighttime meditation".Try yoga'sSavasana or "corpse pose".Add 5 drops of marjoram and 10 drops of lavender to a hot tub. Soak in the bath for 20 minutes. (Caution: Do not overuse marjoram. It is a sedative and can cause drowsiness. Marjoram should not be used by pregnant women.)And what about foods? A healthy consumption of the following foods also helps quiet the mind.(SeeHealing with Whole Foodsby Paul Pitchford for more great recommendations.)Grain: whole wheat, brown rice, and oats calm the mind.Mushrooms: especially reishi soothes the spirit.Silicon Foods: cucumber, celery, and lettuce help to improve calcium metabolism & strengthen nerve and heart tissue.Fruit: mulberries & lemons calm the mind. Schisandra berries calm the spirit and are often prescribed in Chinese herbology for insomnia.Seeds: jujube seeds nourish the heart.Animal products: quality cow & goat milk (for those who can tolerate dairy) nourish the heart.I hope these suggestions have been helpful! I wish you sweet and peaceful dreams. more

By HealthFocus Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine August 13, 2010

Find us on Facebook We are constantly updating with information we hope is useful to our customers. :) more

By Glen Allen Electric LLC August 06, 2010

Find us on Facebook!/pages/Glen-Allen-VA/Glen-Allen-Electric-LLC/136846223010554?ref=ts&__a=13&ajaxpipe=1 more

By Glen Allen Electric LLC August 06, 2010


Join us for special events throughout the year, including Fridays on the Patio with live music and appetizers.  We invite you to select from carefully chosen items in our gift shop or bring a picnic and relax on our beautiful patio. more

By James River Cellar Winery July 25, 2010

Home Based Workers Wanted

F/T, P/T Health benefits Brokers wanted Work Locally. Set your own hours Excellent income potential  Visit: or Call: 1-888-643-8210 more

By AmeriPlan® Discount Dental, Vision and Healthcar July 15, 2010

Recent Reviews View all

Loginworks Softwares INC


By Dany Wilson

Loginworks is an unusual company committed to unconventional thinking. They are our true partners in business innovation. With the web and mobile applications from them, we have witnessed amazing results in our business. We completely trust and rely on them for any application development requirement we have. more

Loginworks Softwares INC


By Amara Adreine

We were looking for an IT services company who could partner with us and challenge the world. Web and mobile Apps development services from Loginworks is superior of all. Best thing about working with Loginworks is, they are just a call away and will fix problems immediately . Their promise of 24*7 supports stands true all thetime. more

Loginworks Softwares INC


By Ethan Smith 3

Very professional team. We are really happy with their turn around time. Loginworks team has supported us when we needed them the most. We can say that they are the most dependable guys to work with. We are also very satisfied with their data capturing and data visualization services. We are sure we will continue to work with them in the future. more

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