Being a major food processor, I know that you must have substantial waste products that most likely you pay to have removed and recycled.
 It’s part of your business, but wouldn’t it be really beneficial to your bottom line if you could substantially cut your energy and operating costs by recycling that waste, on site, to more fully economize your business? 
USFuelTech provides a complete no cost assessment to your company showing you exactly how you can generate sustainable energy sources with Biomass food waste, energy crops, animal parts (tallow) and other biological sources. As well as other protein based waste products like Yellow and Brown greases, and of course, wastewater treatment as well.
 Your own waste can now power your fleets, generators and boilers, and as an added benefit, you can sell your excess capacity for $2.25 per gallon and up, as well as acquire very substantial tax benefits from the Federal Government and your own state. Even if you already are producing Biofuels, we can show you our other technologies to more fully process your Biofuels.

In 2006, USFuelTech had in operation 160 Biodiesel plants worldwide that produced in excess of 240,000,000 gallons of Biodiesel in 2006. We would enjoy the opportunity to speak with someone in production or upper management to show you how you can now turn your trash into cash.

Please call at your convenience.