Hey Kids! Get signed up for the Usborne Summer Reading Program to benefit "Happy Wheels" at MUSC Children's Hospital.

School is out! Reading is Still In!Reach for the Stars is a pledge based reading incentive program where kids earn books for themselves and for other less fortunate kids.  Sign your kids up for the Usborne Summer Reading Program and they can earn fun and exciting books for themselves and for children at MUSC Children's Hospital in Charleston, SC.  The Happy Wheels cart is a cart that volunteers roll around for kids at MUSC Children's Hospital to choose books and toys from.  This is something the kids look foward to each week.Kids can earn other incentives too - such as an Usborne Kid Kit, Usborne Summer Reading T-shirt, and medal. Join us at Wannamaker Park in North Charleston for two fun events:Monday - June 21, 2010 - Kick Off Party - Come for a fun day of pizza and cool refreshments to pick up your reading packet and select the books you want to earn over the summer.Monday  - Aug. 9, 2010 - Reading Celebration - Come for a fun day of ice cream to celebrate how well you and the kids in the Tri-County area of SC did!  You'll also receive the books that you earned!*You do not have to attend the above events to participate in the program.For more information or to get your kids set up to read this summer go to:  www.UsborneSummerReading.com
Spread the word!  The more kids that read, the more it helps them in school and the more it'll help fill the "Happy Wheels" cart with fun books for the children at MUSC Children's Hospital.