Blogs from Businesses in Buda, TX

Nellie's Heart Cargiving

Locally owned and family operated. We work for you, creating an individualized plan of care. We strive to enhance your quality of life by providing care that fits our clients unique physical and emotional needs. more

By Nellie's Heart Caregiving July 18, 2015

How to be heard on a grand scale level

Renting a billboard for advertising can come with a hefty price tag and doesn't always get seen by everyone who is intended to see it. Imagine sitting at a red light when all of a sudden, a BRIGHT PINK truck with a HUGE martini glass pulls up next to you. Now this is a vehicle that is eye catching and is completely hard to miss when it is driving down the road. Now I bet you are thinking that a martini sounds really good about now! Well before we start the drinking, let's sit back and think about this concept for a minute. How many times have you been stuck in traffic and start reading the logos printed on these types of vehicles that are used for advertising? Well, for me I see it constantly while I am stuck in the 24/7 traffic of my city. I even see it when I am just driving through a side alley street. The point is that this advertising is effective and not many companies take advantage of this, so there is plenty of room to be included. This advertising method will be shown to a wide range audience and can be viewed 24/7. Unlike a billboard, this vehicle wrap can last for years and can be cheaper then a billboard rental lease. If you haven't tried a vehicle wrap, you are missing out on a larger audience that you could market to. With Austin Extreme Graphics, we have over 10 years of experience in Vehicle Wrapping and can even design your logos for you. We use top of the line materials and we offer competitive pricing and strive on providing top quality customer service.  Check out our 5-Star reviews on yelp and visit us at more

By Austin Extreme Graphics February 20, 2015

Real Estate and Pecan Harvesting

That sounds like a strange comparison I know but it helped me understand why people are in the real estate business in the first place. My grandfather who I called Pop was a wise entrepreneur. He owned a lot of small rent houses and office buildings. When I was born he bought a bunch of peanut machines that he put up all over town. Bright and early every Saturday morning for years Pop and I would go to a bakery where he would buy a big sack of peanuts. We would drive around all over Longview Texas filling the machines. Pop put all the money from the machines into the bank in my college fund. That money actually paid for all of my college. Pop planted many seeds in my brain that didn’t take root until 50 years later but now I am beginning to understand what he was teaching me. Pop told me that people do things for reasons and sometimes the reasons aren’t obvious. For instance Pop said that he was not in the peanut business because he loved peanuts. Pop said he was in the peanut business because he loved me. All those years of driving around filling peanut machines was simply his way to pay for my education and to spend time with his only grandson. I learned more and got to really know my grandfather from all the driving and talking we did on those Saturday mornings and Pop would always let me drive even when I was 13. He once explained that he was in the income property business for one reason and that was to make money. It wasn’t because he had some love of office buildings or small rent houses. So he always had a good reason for what he did and he always brought it down to very simple common sense. One day Pop told me to go out in the yard and fill a bucket with pecans from his trees. I got a bucket and a ladder and started climbing up in one of the trees. After a little while Pop came out and watched me fill the bucket. When I climbed down he looked at the pecans in the bucket and informed me that those pecans were not ripe. I ask how you can tell when they are ripe. To which he said with a slight grin “they fall on the ground.” As I looked around I then noticed a lot of ripe pecans. Pop told me not to feel bad, that a lot of people make the same mistake in life. He went on to tell me that sometimes people get all wrapped up in getting special pecan buckets, pecan picking gloves, sturdy ladders and climbing shoes so they can be efficient and safely gather pecans from up in the trees not realizing they could easily just pick them up off the ground. The reason most people give for going into the real estate investing business is they want to make money. They don’t trust the conventional way of investing. They have a fear of the stock market. There is just something about the warning label on mutual funds that scares them: “Past performance is no indication of future performance and you could lose your principal.” Real estate investors are in real estate because there are hard assets backing up everything. But with real estate there are risks and expenses. I looked into buying and flipping and income property to see how much money I could make with very little risk. I knew I wanted to use real estate to build my fortune. I wanted to have a hard asset backing everything I bought. I wanted to be efficient with my time and money. One day I stumbled into mortgage notes and it changed the way I think. I saw that with mortgage notes I controlled a lot of real estate with very little money. It was evident that there were no hidden fees, no expenses, no legal compliance issues and no liabilities. With mortgage notes you don’t pay property taxes, insurance or do maintenance.  You don’t deal with tenants, neighborhood associations or permits. You don’t deal with bankers, hard money lenders, appraisals, points, underwriting guidelines, pre-payment penalties, property management services, utility companies or contractors. The average mortgage note pays over 13% interest that is guaranteed by real estate at an average of 40% LTV. To sum it up mortgage notes are like picking the pecans up off the ground instead of climbing the tree. Example: Rent House with a $40,000 loan 9.79% for 15 years, payment $421. Escrow f $200 per month. The monthly maintenance is $100 per month. The rent is $1,100.     $1,100 Rent -        $421 Loan -        $200 Escrow -        $100Maintenance $379 Profit if everything is perfect   If he sold his rent house and bought a $40,000 mortgage note that just does the average $14.69 per 1 k invested per month that would pay $587 per month and his collateral equity would be better.           $587 House payment -        $379Profit on rent house $208 more per month with mortgage note   If nothing ever went wrong in his rent house and the renter didn’t move for 105 months (8.75 years) he would have $40,000 to put down on another rent house.   If unfortunately the owner doesn’t sell his house or refinance it in the next 25 months (2 years and 1 month) then the note holder will have $15,000, enough to buy another note that pays the average of $220 per month. In 18.6 month he can buy another note. ($587+ $220= $807 divided into $15,000). With 3 notes paying $1,027 per month, let’s run this out for 105 months.    New note   = $587 per month 25 months  = $807 per month 43 months  = $1,027 per month 58 months  = $1,247 per month 70 months  = $1,467 per month 80 months  = $1,687 per month 89 months  = $1,907per month 97 months  = $2,127 per month 105 months = $2,347 per month   When you are buying discount mortgage notes foreclosures and early pay offs increase your yield so this example is the bad news. I don’t know why you are in the real estate business. Maybe you want to insure your life style when you retire. Maybe you want to only work part time. Maybe you want to take care of your family. So now you need to compare what mortgage notes can do for you and what resources you can dedicate to making your reason a reality. Do you want to climb the pecan tree or just pick up the pecans off the ground? more

By American Note Warehouse September 01, 2014

Get Money Out of 401k Without Penalty

I bet you remember the last time your 401k was high. You know that euphoric rush that your retirement years were going to be OK after all. I also know that within a year you were wishing you had pulled your money out of the market before it started to drop like a rock. I’m sure you learned your lessen so you are probably trying to find some place you can move your money where you are not at the mercy of the unpredictable ups and downs of the stock market yet not only retain but guarantee your ability to make double digit returns. I know you think that since you are still working for the employer who sponsors the 401k there is no way to get your money out without incurring substantial penalties and taxes. If you check with the managers of your 401k you will learn that you can move your money into different types of securities to reduce your risk but the lower your risk the lower your return. They will try to convince you that it’s foolish to think you can invest your money in something with low risk and high returns. Yet if you will suspend your use of conventional wisdom for just one moment and use your good old common sense you will understand what the biggest and best money makers in the world know and that is exactly how to make high return with low risk. The biggest and best money earners are called banks. Unfortunately your 401k will not allow you to invest your money like a bank. Banks don’t invest in stocks, mutual funds, gold or real estate. Banks very simply lend money out, take collateral at a good loan to value and get paid a fixed payment for a fixed term. Banks don’t buy parts of a company and hope it makes money. They lend companies money if they have collateral to pledge. In other words banks don’t gamble; bank like some kind of guarantee they will get their money back. The way they do that is by securing the loan with collateral. Jim Rohn the great philosopher once said, “If you want to become wealthy; study what the wealthy people do anddo that.” Ok I misquoted him what he actually said was “Study what poor people do and don’t do that,” but it didn’t really fit my point as well. What if instead of investing your qualified money in the volatile stock market you could invest it in the same type of product that the biggest money earners in history have used? What if instead of hoping the mutual fund that you own makes money you could invest your money in something that had a collateralized contract that pays you at least 13% interest regardless of the stock market, something that is backed by a hard asset at a great Loan to Value (LTV) ? If your 401k would offer you at least 13% guaranteed interest how long would it take you to move your money over? Well your 401k will not offer you an account like that.  I have some good news and some bad news. Here is the bad news first. Since 401ks are set up only to use securities like mutual funds, your 401k cannot invest your money in something that makes money like a bank does. The good news is you can get your money out of your company sponsored 401k without penalty or taxes if your 401k allows you to borrow money from it and most 401ks do. I have a client who is 35 years old and was disappointed in the performance of her 401k. It was losing money. She saw her parent’s retirement plan devastated by market fluctuations and feared that she might suffer the same fate. She still works for the same company that sponsored her 401k and could not take money out until she retired or left the company. She heard me speak at seminar about a very simple and legal way to get money out of a 401k and invest it like a bank does. The best part of it was she could do it without paying any early withdrawal penalties or taxes. We set up an appointment to meet later and I explained this process. I told her to borrow $20,000 from her 401k. The 401k plan would allow her to borrow her money without penalty or taxes with the condition she would have to pay it back in 5 years. In other words she would pay herself back the money and the interest into her own account. Her payments were $368 per month. She borrowed the money and bought a mortgage note. A mortgage note is easy to understand if you leave the wordnoteout. Mortgage notes are mortgages that the owner of the house financed personally (owner financed). The new owner makes monthly payments to the previous owner instead of a bank. At some time the person who owner financed the mortgage wants to sell that mortgage at a discount. For example Bill owes Sue $32,027 on a house worth $80,000. Sue owner financed $40,000 at 9% for 15 years with a payment of $405.70 per month. After 5 years Bill still owes $32,027 on his house. He owes $405.70 per month for 120 more months. Sue decides she would like to get a lump sum out and is willing to sell the remaining note for $20,000. Because the balance of the note is $32,027 and my client bought it at a discount for $20,000 she will now collect $405.70 per month for 120 months. Bill does not see any difference except he now mails the $405.07 to my client. For more information about how mortgage notes work go To recap- my client borrowed $20,000 from her 401k and agreed to pay it back at $368 per month. She bought a note from American Note Warehouse that pays her $405.07 per month which she applies to her 401k loan and pays it off in 4.5 years. Once she pays it off she borrows it again and buys another note. Now it only takes a little over 2 years to repeat the process. Each new note speed up how fast she pays off her 401k loan. By the time she retires she will have a great income from all her notes and since the income from the notes is not in her qualified plan she can retire at any age she wishes. Remember she never paid any income tax on the money she borrowed. She got it out of her 401k without penalties. The money in the notes is no longer qualified and she can use it anytime she wishes. Her 401k continued to grow at a guaranteed interest rate of 4% from her repaying her own loan. This is like “Having your cake and eating it, too.”                                         American Note Warehouse 512-308-3869 more

By American Note Warehouse September 01, 2014

Self-Funding Emergency Fund & Self-Funding Retirement Plan

“Feast or famine” would be the best way to describe self-employed people’s finances. When the business is good the money rolls in but when business is bad the money fades away. Because of the fluctuations in income most of the self -employed I meet who have a retirement plan got it from a prior career and have contributed very little since. I’ve been thinking that self-employed need a new type of retirement plan. I call it a Self- Funding Hybrid IRA. I designed this plan especially for self-employed because self-employed have special needs. When things are good it’s still hard to lock money into an IRA because you know when things slow down you will still need the cash flow. I’m sure you have talked to self-employed people who are having a hard time with retirement because they didn’t fund or maintain a plan. So I’ve come up with an easy and efficient way to fund your retirement and still   supplement your cash flow when you really need it without early withdraw penalties. If Your IRA or 401k is Shrinking Instead of Growing Start a savings account. Set up a direct deposit into your savings account for whatever you can afford every month or twice monthly and anytime you can put in a lumps sum. When you have saved around $15,000 buy a small mortgage note. The average small mortgage note pays $14 per $1,000 invested per month. $15,000 investment will pay around $210 per month cash flow. Because this is a savings plan not a qualified plan (IRA) if your business slows down you can stop investing in your savings account and withdraw your principal and the $210 per month to help your cash flow. If you are able to continue putting $300 per month and you’re being paid $210 a month it takes a lot less time to build up enough for another note. Repeat the process and add another note. Now you’re putting $720 ($300 from your income and $420 from mortgage notes) a month in the plan and any time you need to draw down your savings account and withdraw the payments to increase your cash flow you can. That will make transitions from good business to slow business easier. After a year or so you need to set up a self-directed IRA. Move the saved money in your saving account over to your self-directed ROTH IRA that you can set up at Sunwest Trust ( Continue funding your IRA until you have enough to buy another small   mortgage note. Now you have 2 separate accounts, one is a savings account that will have $420 per month deposited from the mortgage payments and the other is a self-directed IRA that is growing by the deposit you are putting in each month and the payments from the mortgage notes. As you can see even if you stop putting your $300 per month in these accounts are self-funding. If You Have an IRA or 401k If you have money in an old 401k or IRA you can roll it into a self-directed IRA and use it to buy mortgage notes but you should still set up the savings account and fund it. Remember you can pull money out of the savings account anytime you want without penalty or taxes. It’s important that you put mortgage notes in your savings account so it will self-fund from now on more

By American Note Warehouse September 01, 2014

Self-Funding Emergency Fund & Self-Funding Retirement Plan

“Feast or famine” would be the best way to describe self-employed people’s finances. When the business is good the money rolls in but when business is bad the money fades away. Because of the fluctuations in income most of the self -employed I meet who have a retirement plan got it from a prior career and have contributed very little since. I’ve been thinking that self-employed need a new type of retirement plan. I call it a Self- Funding Hybrid IRA. I designed this plan especially for self-employed because self-employed have special needs. When things are good it’s still hard to lock money into an IRA because you know when things slow down you will still need the cash flow. I’m sure you have talked to self-employed people who are having a hard time with retirement because they didn’t fund or maintain a plan. So I’ve come up with an easy and efficient way to fund your retirement and still   supplement your cash flow when you really need it without early withdraw penalties. If Your IRA or 401k is Shrinking Instead of Growing Start a savings account. Set up a direct deposit into your savings account for whatever you can afford every month or twice monthly and anytime you can put in a lumps sum. When you have saved around $15,000 buy a small mortgage note. The average small mortgage note pays $14 per $1,000 invested per month. $15,000 investment will pay around $210 per month cash flow. Because this is a savings plan not a qualified plan (IRA) if your business slows down you can stop investing in your savings account and withdraw your principal and the $210 per month to help your cash flow. If you are able to continue putting $300 per month and you’re being paid $210 a month it takes a lot less time to build up enough for another note. Repeat the process and add another note. Now you’re putting $720 ($300 from your income and $420 from mortgage notes) a month in the plan and any time you need to draw down your savings account and withdraw the payments to increase your cash flow you can. That will make transitions from good business to slow business easier. After a year or so you need to set up a self-directed IRA. Move the saved money in your saving account over to your self-directed ROTH IRA that you can set up at Sunwest Trust ( Continue funding your IRA until you have enough to buy another small   mortgage note. Now you have 2 separate accounts, one is a savings account that will have $420 per month deposited from the mortgage payments and the other is a self-directed IRA that is growing by the deposit you are putting in each month and the payments from the mortgage notes. As you can see even if you stop putting your $300 per month in these accounts are self-funding. If You Have an IRA or 401k If you have money in an old 401k or IRA you can roll it into a self-directed IRA and use it to buy mortgage notes but you should still set up the savings account and fund it. Remember you can pull money out of the savings account anytime you want without penalty or taxes. It’s important that you put mortgage notes in your savings account so it will self-fund from now on. more

By American Note Warehouse September 01, 2014

Reverse Mortgages and Small Mortgage Notes

I don’t have a PHD in economics or finance, I don’t have a MBA. Since I have never been taught the conventional wisdom way of thinking nor have I memorized any economic theories, I’m not allowed to have a bunch letters after my name to prove how smart I am. Because of my lack of structured education I believe my advantage is “uncluttered thought.” In this supposedly complicated world I only understand things that my common sense will verify. You’ve heard that old saying “that if it sounds too good to be true it probably isn’t.” Well bull that’s bad advice no matter how good it sound. I believe that if it sounds good and my common sense tells me it’s true it’s probably true. All my seminars are aimed at make the complicated simple.  I was speaking at one of my seminars about what I believe to be the best investments there are; discount mortgage notes. I explained that the average mortgage note pays over 13% guaranteed interest. There are always people in the audience who think that sounds too good to be true. I go on to explain  that mortgage notes make money the same way banks do. Banks don’t invest in stocks, mutual funds, gold or real estate; banks lend money out, get collateral at a good LTV and get paid fixed interest for a fixed term. Banks make more money than anyone and yet banks don’t invest their money the same way everybody else does. I stated that even if you don’t think you have any assets to invest, that if you will apply some common sense and a little reading you will find the assets to fund your investment. One of the ways to find money is to use a reverse mortgage. I told them this could be a big day if you are 62 or older and have equity in your house because that is when you become eligible to do a reverse mortgage. Many people are afraid of reverse mortgages because they don’t understand them. Reverse mortgages are like regular mortgages in that if you have a reverse mortgage on your house and want to sell it you will have to pay off the reverse mortgage just like a regular mortgage. If you want to leave your house to your kids when you die your kids would have to either refinance it or sell the house and pay the reverse mortgage off just like a regular mortgage. The big difference is you don’t make any house payments as long as you live in the house.   If you have ever come to one of my seminars you probably noticed that I am always the first person there and the last to leave. There are always people who want to ask me questions after the meeting and this meeting was no different. I saw her hanging around in the back of the room. She was pacing back and forth talking to herself. I end my talks with this promise; “If I can help I will.” She and I were the only 2 left when she walked up to where I was setting and said “Did you mean it, can you help me?”   That when I met Pam a 72 year old real estate agent. She told me that she was tired of working and wanted to retire. When she checked on her 401k she was shocked to learn that over the last 3 years she had lost $80,000. She said “I guess I’m going to work until the day I die.” This is a brief recap of how we increased her cash flow and helped her retire.  The first thing she did was roll over all her money out of her 401k and into a self-directed IRA. Then she bought some discount mortgage notes that paid her $2,600 per month. She called me a couple of months later and told me she was very happy with those checks coming in every month but she still could not retire because she had a $1,500 per month house payment. I suggested she do a reverse mortgage. She was worried that she would lose her house if she did a reverse mortgage. I explained that a reverse mortgage and a regular mortgage worked almost the same way in that if you wanted to sell your house with a regular mortgage or a reverse mortgage you would have to pay off the mortgage. If you wanted your kids to inherit the house when you died they would have to pay off the regular mortgage the same as a reverse mortgage. The difference is if you can’t make your house payment on your regular mortgage they take your house where as in a reverse mortgage there are no payments to make. Her house was worth $250,000 and a current mortgage with a payoff of $119,000 and payments of $1,500 per month. She could borrow about $155,000 with a reverse mortgage. The only qualifier is the borrower must be 62 or older; credit or incomes are not factors. The $155,000 would be used to pay off the original mortgage, leaving $36,000 cash and no more house payments. That’s $1,500 more cash flow per month. Where to find a place to invest that $35,000 without a lot of risk and where it will produce a steady cash flow is the next question. I believe the best answer is small mortgage notes She bought mortgage notes with her $35,000 that paid her $525 per month. That is a $2,025 plus to her cash flow per month or $24,300 per year. (No more $1,500 house payment and $525 income from mortgage note) Pam wanted to leave her kids a paid for house so she used $250 of that $2,025 to buy life insurance so when she dies her kids not only get the insurance proceeds but also $6,300 a year cash flow from the mortgage note. She never wanted to be a burden to her kids so she bought a long term care policy for $325 per month. By doing the reverse mortgage and buying small mortgage notes she eliminated her $1,500 a month mortgage payment andreceives$525 per month in payments. She now has the cash flow to buy long term care insurance, life insurance and still increase her cash flow. Pam went from an $80,000 loss and paying $1,500 a month with no hope of a comfortable retirement with a nice cash flow to $2,550 income and no house payment. She did all this by just using her common sense and taking action. I saw her not long after she retired and she looked like a different person. She told me the stress was killing her but she was stress free now. Remember “ If I Can Help I Will.” For more detailed information contact JW Warr at 512-308-3869 or                 Make Money Like a Bank Average Mortgage Note 13% Qualifies as IRA Notes From $10,000 to $50,000 more

By American Note Warehouse September 01, 2014

A-K Equipment Company

Contact A-K Equipment Company at (877) 808-9258 in Buda, TX, for material handling equipment and services. 539 Commercial Drive, Buda, TX 78610 Phone: 512-312-5090 Contact Email: more

By A-K Equipment Company July 19, 2014

The Law Office of Abigail Connor Klamert, PLLC

We are a law office that specialize in trained family law mediator, collaborative law, family law, divorce, child custody, grandparents rights, real estate law, wills, guardianship&probate. We service Round Rock, Georgetown, Travis County, Austin, S The Law Office of Abigail Connor Klamert, PLLC 906 Canyon Wren Drive Buda, TX, 78610 Phone: 5123120904 Contact Email: Website: Main Keywords: Buda Lawyer Office, Lawyers in Buda, Buda Lawyers more

By The Law Office of Abigail Connor Klamert, PLLC July 10, 2014

Onsite Aerobic Septic Systems

Contact us today for all your septic system needs at (877) 709-5530 in Buda, TX, and let us provide you with comprehensive septic maintenance solutions. Onsite Aerobic Septic Systems 4354 Dacy Lane Buda, TX 78610 Phone: 5129244297 Contact Email: Main Keywords: septic maintenance solutions, septic system, buda, tx more

By Onsite Aerobic Septic Systems May 27, 2014

WE are here for all your commercial vehicle and RV needs

AtAguirrie Paint&Body;, we offer state–of–the–art collision repair services. We focus on providing excellent customer service and quality repairs. Our technicians are highly skilled craftsmen with years of training and experience and they are committed to doing a quality repair on your vehicle. Our commitment to continued training ensures that our technicians are using the latest repair techniques to repair your vehicle to its pre-accident condition. Our collision repair shop, conveniently located on IH-35 in Buda, Texas, is a trustworthy partner for all kinds of repairs. Your personal safety is assured when your vehicle is on the road running smoothly. That’s why we don’t merely provide comprehensive consultation, but we also perform important safety checks for you. We invite you to come by our shop for a personal tour or you can send us a question or comment on our contact page. more

By Aguirrie Paint & Body, Inc. June 06, 2013

Real Estate Notes/Mortgage Notes Are Not Sexy

Real estate notes or mortgage notes are not for you if you consider yourself a gambler. Gamblers find the excitement of risk sexy. The chance that they could lose their bet gives them the adrenalin rush they seek. It makes football games much more exciting if they could win or lose money on the outcome. In the finance world a gambler is referred to as a speculator and people who are speculators love the respect people give them when they are asked “what do you do for a living?’ and can answer “I’m an investment speculator.” Investing in real estate notes/ mortgage notes just can’t compare. Seriously, guaranteed fixed interest with collateral just isn’tsexy. Bankers make money in a way that is completely different than gamblers. Banks don’t invest in the stock market, precious metals, annuities or real estate.Banks don’t think risk is sexy they prefer to make their money by lending it to people at a fixed interest rate for a fixed term that is guaranteed by collateral at a good loan to value.That’s why banks make more money than any other business. American Note Warehouse can show you that you don’t need a lot of money to make money like a bank. We broker an investment from $10,000 to $50,000 that pays an average of 13% fixed interest that’s guaranteed by collateral which averages 58% more value than the investment. If you invest in these real estate notes/mortgage notes you receive payment every month that do not depend on how the stock market is doing, the price of gold or oil, inflation or how many days a Greek works a week. If you invested $15,000 in an average mortgage note you would get almost $2,500 a year in payments for the next 15 years guaranteed. Compare that to any other guaranteed investment. These 375 words are not enough information for you to make a decision that will positively enhance your financial future so now it’s time to gather more facts.Watchthis short videos to learn more and then call me JW Warr at 512-380-3869 or emailjw@AmericanNoteWarehouse.comand I will send you an updated list of notes for sale. more

By American Note Warehouse March 14, 2013

Welcome To My World

My name is Melinda and I am a Social Media Manager.  My specialties include maintaining social media platforms for businesses trying to stay up to date with the high tech demands of social media promotions.   If you are busy running your business and don't have time to do social media for your business, contact me and let me show you how I can keep you relevant in the social media platforms. more

By The Whiz February 22, 2013

How to Find and Evaluate Mortgage Notes

In under 4 minuets I will show you not only how to find mortgage notes but also how to evaluate them. Click Here more

By American Note Warehouse February 04, 2013


IRS WRECKING CREW – IRS WRECKING CREWBob Dylan wrote a song in which he said “you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone for the times they are a changin”. What I’m trying to do in this article is inform you of a simple and better way to preserve and grow your IRA or your 401(k) because the tax laws they are changin. I want to share this information with you and tell you what I did to change my financial future and teach you how easy it would be for you to do the same.I believe there are two things that you need to be informed about that can cause catastrophic consequences to your retirement. Number one is higher taxes. Number two is the ebbing stock market. I will covet taxes here and suggest you go to www. and click on “How Notes Work” read“The Ebbing Financial Tide”I believe there is a bright side to the road however and I will show you a way to avoid this imminent demise of your finances.The first piece of information I want to give you is about the changing tax structure and how it will affect the quality of your life in retirement, the age you are when you retire and the length of your retirement. When we put your money in our 401(k) s or IRAs conventional wisdom told us that the taxes we were paying at the time were high and the taxes we would pay when we retired would be low. Well it doesn’t look like that’s the way it’s going to work out. Taxes are going up. So what that means is we were deferred our taxes when they were low until a time when they are high. That is a very bad financial decision.You spent all those years building a house to shelter you from the storm during your retirement and now the government has arrived with the wrecking crew and is tearing out big pieces of your house. You knew that you would have to pay taxes on this money at some time but you never thought they would take your roof.I’ve heard it said that when a disease is new is hard to diagnose but would be easy cure, whereas a disease that you have had for a while is easy to diagnose but hard to cure. This higher taxation disease is just starting but if you diagnose it now it’s easy to fix, if you wait a few years the results will be catastrophic.To cure it the first thing you’ll need to do is to roll your money out of your traditional IRA or 401(k) and put it in aself-directedRoth IRA. When you roll this money over it will become a taxable event. In other words you will be charge income tax on whatever amount you rollover. There will be no penalties because you’re rolling over into aRoth IRA. The taxes on this rollover will need to be paid April 15, 2014. The money you rolled over from that point forward is not taxed. Any growth in that Roth IRA if it’s taken out after 59 ½ is not taxed or penalized. So the ideal solution would be to invest the money that is now in your Roth IRA into something that would generate enough income by April 15, 2014 to pay your taxes.Investing in mutual funds is a long-term commitment and the results arenot guaranteedand you could lose your principal. Putting your money in annuities can guarantee you growth but there is a surrender charge for many years andnumerous fees and charges. CDs don’t pay high enough interest to pay your taxes and there are substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Gold and precious metals might be a safe place to put your money but you need something that’s guaranteed and quick. I know you think you’re now running out of options but there’s one you’ve never thought of. The reason you’ve never thought of this option is it is not conventional wisdom but I think you’ll see its common sense.I believe when you roll your money over to your self-directed ROTH IRA thebest investmentyou can make thatguaranteesthat your IRA grows even after the taxes are paid is to purchase a mortgage note. If you roll over $25,000 and your taxes were $4,800 it would seem that you would only have $20,200 in your Roth IRA. However if you bought a $25,000 mortgage note that paid $400 a month in 12 months you would have collected $4,800 in your Roth IRA. Since you have already been taxed on the money in your IRA you can withdraw the $4,800 and pay your taxes with. If you follow this advice you have now paid all the income taxes on your retirementyou will ever payand you still have over the original $25,000. You are now free from paying any more taxes in your Roth IRA. You would be receiving $4,800 a year until the notes paid off. The average mortgage note will last for over 14 years during which time you would never pay any more taxes. So no matter how high taxes get you are exempt. Even if you believe that taxes are not going up this is still the best strategy because you will not have to pay taxes on the growth of your money.At American Note Warehouse we don’t trust in hope, luck or conventional wisdom. We have a motto “IN COLLATERAL WE TRUST”; you would sleep better if you adopted our motto. Please visit us Come see for yourself how we are helping by putting you “In Control” with common sense savings. more

By American Note Warehouse January 27, 2013

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