Less is MORE; more or LESS.    
www.linkedin.com/in/lesliewheeler                                                                                                             Leslie Wheeler and her skilled assistants can make a molehill of a mountain before your very eyes.  Maximum capacity @ 1200lbs per load. Cost includes any applicable dump-fee, truck and labor.    Perhaps, their trusty silver painted chariot may be positioned&loaded right there, in close proximity to your assortment of most anything:ie. boards & wood scraps, that pressed wood particle furniture & broken pieces, odds & ends, miscellaneous household & personal items bagged, boxed, loose, recycling materials,books, videos, cassettes, metal items - big & nano,  plastic items - large & small, use-ables & wide range of donations,                                                                      Go with TSWHA for your GREEN NEEDS                            such as yard waste, cuttings, rosebush, long branches, ivy,                       yada yada yada, even light construction debri- Yes!      TOXICS never!                                                                                                          Perhaps your stuff is scattered, willy-nilly?           We can pull it together, sort, load, recycle, donate, Dump-run your materials just the same.                                        Best wishes for the new season! Leslie Wheeler Owner-Operator of TWO STRONG WOMEN HAUL AWAY510-235-0122-mess.   510-978-7467 cell.two_strongwomen@yahoo.com