We will leave here on Sept 11, 2011, the anniversary of the tradgedy in NYC that took so many innocent lives.  The day that changed modern warfare and sent us after a new enemy.  A day that brought the United States into a war that we are still battling today, 10 years later.  A war that has taken so many lives, both abroad and at home.  We have been involved in a war for 10 years against an enemy that is, at the very least, hard to identify. Our brave men and women on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan are not only risking their lives daily to protect the freedom that we as Americans enjoy, but they are experiencing trauma that does not just diappear when they come home.  They are fighting a sometimes invisible enemy.  Both in theatre and at home. 
We are riding to bring attention to our POW SGT Bowe Bergdahl, we have been logging miles at www.tranquilvalleysanctuary.org for over 1 year now.  We ask all Americans to pray for a young warrior that was taken as  a POW by the Taliban June 30, 2009.  He has been kept from his family and his country for over 2 years.  We can not enen imagine what he must be going through as the only POW captured and held by the Taliban in Afghanistan. 
We are also riding to to show that our Warriors that have fought to protect this great nation need our support when they come home.  They also need our support when they are deployed to help blue star families.  They are out defending our rights as a nation, cannot you offer assistance to their families whenever possible?  Offer to watch a child so a young mother can visit the salon, or go to a movie.  Take a child of a deployed warrior to a movie or to the park...It is hard to give up months on end away from your family.  1 percent of this great nation are veterans.....the other 99percent needs to do what we can to support those that serve.