Karate is not just what we do in the dojo, nor is it just self-defense. An important part of Karate training is applying the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

And, for me, Karate should not be the best thing that you do. If you are good at Karate and bad at everything else, then what kind of Karate student are you? But if you are great at everything else and good at Karate, then what a Karate student you are!

As a "Sensei", an important part of my "job" is to encourage students to strive for the best in their lives. Karate training is hard. Life is much harder. If you can learn to discipline yourself for the rigors of Karate training, then perhaps you can apply that same discipline to other aspects of your life. If you can be polite and respectful in the dojo, then you can do the same in school and work. Karate should help you in your life.