Start your spring gardens with healthy plants and seeds! It is time to reorder your Organic Garden Kit supplies!

For the last 20 years T&J Enterprises has led the industry in affordable methods of producing the highest brix and most nutrient dense produce for backyard gardeners and small local growers worldwide. Small companies do not last this long unless they are doing something right! It's a reflection on affordable products that work.

Using our Organic Garden Kit, you can quickly establish biologically active, nutrient dense soils. It is from such soils that high quality, fruits, vegetables and greens can be grown. Excellent flavored, nutrient dense, high brix produce imparts good health to all consumers.

Through the production of plants greater in health, yields, nutrient levels, taste, and after harvest sustainability, this growing system models how to reverse the long standing production of poor quality food which is currently lowering the health of people everywhere.

This is the ultimate goal we all seek through the consumption of high quality food: good health. The problem is you cannot buy this quality level of food in the stores! But we have solved that problem! High quality food can be easily and affordably grown using our Organic Garden Kit.

The following testimony is from one customer over two different years using our Organic Garden Kit. Among what he grew was Broccoli (2015) and Tomatoes (2017) to high brix and high yields. This customer has modified our label application rates for his growing situation and conditions.

An important feature unique to our growing system: it's flexible, more can be better. This growing system is high performing at recommended application label rates, but higher still as the following usage rates of this customer below will attest to.

Click the following links to replenish your garden kit supplies:

BioVam, BioMinerals, Microbe Tea Brewer Refill, Yucca Extract, or new hose end sprayer. Or click here to order the whole kit

If you are users of our other products, click here to review and select the products of your choice.

Customer testimony.

"Thomas, this is the 16 brix Broccoli we grew back in 2015, the year I grew those big heads of Broccoli. The main heads were huge on all 8 plants. One head would fill one side of our double bowl kitchen sink full! I have since achieved higher brix, but not as large a head, achieving 20 brix the following year, 2016. 16 brix broccoli makes store bought taste like garbage bin dumpster fair, not that I have ever had that! No wait, we have, it's what most stores sell! Sixteen brix may be off the charts, but twenty brix is a broccoli lovers dream.

We discovered the following application rate tweaks to your label rates aided achieving our high brix and high yields for our growing situation.

1.) We use finished organic compost as the starting / planting medium. Or add more to a bin or barrel already in use with it, or mixed into the soil where the plant is going in ground. Roughly onto an 18 inch square six inches deep. Spray it well with one quart finished tea with yucca and BioMinerals. I do this for each ground spot or container a plant is going into. Can also be done for rows one foot wide, four feet long, six inches deep.

2.) Add 5 or 6 cups of BioMinerals to each and work it in thoroughly into the top 6 inches of this tea saturated medium.

3.) Then spray each tub / barrel or garden soil spot or row where the above is mixed in again with at least one quart finished tea with yucca and BioMinerals.

4.) Let this set for a few days to a week.

5.) I use twice your recommended amounts of BioVam on seeds and plants when planting.

6.) Spray all plants and soil thoroughly every 3 days for the first 3 weeks to set the genetic potential of the plant, and then spray every 3 to 5 days until end of season. We prefer every 3 days.

7.) I have discovered that unless I do this spraying every 3 to 5 days, the chem trail fallout severely impacts our plants, at least here in Spokane. These frequent sprays washes the plants foliage off and keeps the soils and plant surfaces charged at high levels with your biology, bio-available nutrients and energy etc. The plants hold strong, continue growing and setting fruit with high brix right until you pull them!

I had 5,000 tomatoes off last year’s 2017 tomato crop of 8 early girl plants growing in whiskey barrel half rounds using the above protocols and spraying every 3 days. Bush ripen to full ripeness is very important. Brix was between 12 and 20. The first few picked were 8 brix, but they were the ones growing on the plant when we bought them and were first to ripen.

Final pick of green tomatoes at end of season ripened to 8 to 10 brix. Last spray was 7 days before final pick, about a 1,000 tomatoes. The plants were still growing and setting fruit to end of vines!

You recommended spraying every three days for the first 3 weeks to set the genetic potential of plants and seeds. The resulting super healthy plants can fight off the chem trail fallout better, and achieve and maintain higher health and brix all season. Nothing bothered these plants! Not endless 90 degree days, not bugs, not diseases nor endless chem trail fallout.

When you don’t do this you clearly see the difference. It is clear to me your microbe tea biology is breaking up this toxic mix of chem trail fallout and clearly helping to protect the plants. For us the ideal spray routine was every 3 days from day of first planting to finish of the season.

We had twice this amount on the dinning table for each pick. About 500 tomatoes 8 times, plus the end of season pick.

When we first used your Organic Garden Kit at label rates it produced the highest brix and yields across the board we ever got! When we discovered that spraying more often was easily topping label performance, we made the above additional tweaks and got even higher performance as the result!" --- L.G., Spokane, WA.

You can also order by phone: 509-327-7670 or toll free 888-769-3878.

Happy gardening!