sleeping disorder can be anything that is disruptive to normal sleep cycles. During a normal sleep cycle it is recommended that you get 8-10 hours of sleep and a full REM cycle. REM or rapid eye movement is the stage in your sleep cycle where you get the most restful and regenerative sleep. REM sleep is also when you dream.
One of the most common sleeping disorders is snoring. Snoring not only affects your sleep but your partners sleep as well. Common snoring can be caused by a number of things including nasal blockage or a deviated septum. A more serious type of snoring known as obstructive sleep apnea, is more serious and can have detrimental effects on your overall health. OSA can cause a host of health problems, from migraines, hypertension, cardiac arrest, and even stroke. The cause of OSA is the back of the tongue coming into contact with the soft palate in the back of the mouth. When this happens, a temporary blockage occurs causing the airway to become closed off. You simply stop breathing for several seconds and then wake up to catch a breath. This can happen multiple times during the night causing you to lose recuperative REM sleep.