Here are 3 questions every business owner should ask when cultivating and retaining customers for future business:

1. How do you currently get new customers in your business?  Are you using local ads, social media, networking functions or setting up convention displays?  Are you cold calling - in person? 

  • You should have a set plan.  Marketing regularly helps to not only help people remember you, it brands your company.  A routine of email or mailing campaign throughout the year is the best form to streamline your message and what your business has to offer.  If you wait until the holidays or your business type's busy season, it's too late.  You will get lost in the shuffle. 

2. What is your current mix of consumers v.s. corporate clients?

  • Ever hear the term "Don't put your eggs in one basket?"?  Well, that stands true of your client base.  If you only go after one type of customer, you are only reaching a small percentage of the population.  Big firms may have a need for your expertise.  Solicite them!  Remember that corporate clients are made up of the regular population.  Reaching out to a big firm may provide a trickle down effect to the short....more $$ if someone in that group needs your product or service.  Don't be afraid to go after the big fish.  It may be the faster way to get new sales whether it's by a new firm or the individuals who run it!

3.  What do you think is the missing piece of information you need to enable you to get and keep clients?

  • Everyone benefits from change and improving their business model.  Change allows us to remove what has not worked in the past and move on to something new.  It may take time, but any adjustments in how you market or do business must take root in order for people to recognize that they need your product or service.  The change can be as subtle as how you answer your phone or address your clients.  For example, did you ever notice when you visit a local Chick-Fil-A restaurant that each associate responds to a 'thank you" by saying "My Pleasure"?  It is a respectful response that is different and unique from almost anywhere else.  Take a long look at your business and marketing efforts and give them an overhaul every 6-9 months.  Once you find the right mix, run with it.  You will reap the benefits!

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