Some plan for so long for the miraculous event of a pregnancy to occur.  Others had a little "oopsie daisy".  The home pregnancy test is showing a positive what???  You've just found out you're pregnant and chances are you have hundreds of things racing through your mind.  The question I would like to know is...
HOW DID YOU HANDLE ANNOUNCING THE IMPENDING LIFE CHANGING EVENT?I found out that I was pregnant courtesy of a home pregnancy test....ok, actually three tests....hey, I wanted to be sure about it.  My husband was at work at the time and I had three hours and counting until his arrival.  I practiced in front of the mirror how I would tell him the news.  I wanted it to be perfect.  I knew he'd be thrilled, but I still wanted to break the news just right.  I thought about "Hi honey.  How was work?  What would you like for dinner tonight?  Oh, by the way, we're having a baby".  Just didn't seem to cut it!  So, I went the practical route....  I left the positive test on the counter next to the bathroom sink and waited for him to find it himself!  : )
Now, I did you or someone you know share their BIG news?