Here at my home I do the majority of the inside cooking and baking but when it comes to the great outdoors of grilling I pass the apron to my honey known as "The Rickster, Grill Master" of Pantano Vista Estates...what a fancy schmansy title hahaha.

Today I have one in a series of Best Burgers to share with you as well as a couple of grilling tips.  Let's start with the tips first.

  1. Get a smoker box for your gas will dramatically improve the flavor of your grilled foods
  2. If you have a specific grilling question, just post it below and I'll have my honey man respond, since I posses no grilling talent what-so-ever...well that is if you want my personal grilling specialty of burnt shoe leather then by all means ask me lol.

 What I do know is that I adore our Recipe book for Best Dressed Burgers booklet-every time I read it I am challenged to pick just one recipe but instead I've chosen to do a series of them for you starting with this one.  The Honey Apple Grilled Burgers made with our divine Honey Apple Grilling Sauce.  Now, on to the recipe.

Honey Apple Grilled Burger



Combine first 4 ingredients; shape into 5-6 patties.  Grill to desired doneness; brush Honey Apple Grill Sauce on during the last 1-2 minutes of cooking.  Serve on buns topped with additional Honey Apple Grill Sauce to taste.  Makes 5-6 servings.

Testing Notes:

  •  Recipe calls for both beef and pork but you can use all beef if you wish
  • Best way to mix up these ingredients is the old fashioned way, by hand.  I wear disposable plastic gloves when I do this
  • Adding the applesauce adds a hint of flavor plus moisture making a juicier burger
  • Wed your gloved hands with a little water when making the patties it  makes a huge difference in forming the patties to keep them from sticking
  • Serve with a slice of smoked cheddar cheese, bacon and drizzle them in the Honey Apple Grill's a huge HIT in this household.

Okay that's it for now, stay tuned for the next Best Burger in the Series the "Let's Luau Burgers".

Grill 'em up and Simply Enjoy,

Jamie Volner, your TS Consultant

The Food You Love, The Time You Deserve