Here are few simple suggestions for enhancing your beloved elder one’s self-esteem. 

Sometimes aged adults feel low as their bodies and minds are going through a major transition. They are not the person they once were in their youth. Getting aged is tough and lonely for most of the seniors which in turns affect their self-esteem. Though it is difficult to see them going through such a change, there are many ways you can try to “maintain” their confidence as they age. Talking to them about their lives and pain, helping them in daily activities, and encouraging them to interact with others, you can boost their self-esteem and confidence as well.

Turn To Them For A Piece of Advice:

Elders have seen all shades of life, making them an ocean of experiences. So, you can ask them for advice on certain matters like relationships and life’s troubles. Or you can ask them for help in preparing recipes. It will not only help you, but also let them feel that they are still “superior” in experience. They feel that they are important. They feel that they are still valuable. And it will raise their self esteem. It is possible that they may find a new purpose which can help others by sharing their valuable experiences.

Ask Them About their Hobbies:

Like you, seniors may have their hobbies. Ask them about what they used to like in their youth and had to give up because of circumstances. They may be good at painting or playing the guitar. Maybe they used to be a diehard fan of the Beatles and would like to collect those old LPs. So give them an opportunity to accomplish those things once again. It will fill them with a new energy.

Encourage Social Interaction:

Most aged adults fall prey to depression and loneliness caused by a shrinking social circle and demise of near and dear ones. Bring them to light, smile and cheerful faces. Take them out to park where they can meet their age group. Introduce them to your friends. If you are living away, you can visit them frequently. You can also encourage them to join clubs or groups.

Connect Them To Your Family:

If you are not able to visit them often, you can stay in touch using modern technology. Teach them to use Skype, FaceTime and Google so that they can interact with you easily.

Promote Independence:

Here promoting independence means letting them do the tasks they are capable of doing. Even though it is faster for you to do these things and you may think that you are helping, you are actually stripping off some of their autonomy from them. Besides, don’t pass a negative remark or ridicule them for doing the things lately or slowly. However, you must help them when it is necessary. For example, if your elders have shivering hands while slicing an apple, take care of them so that they don’t injure their hands. In this scenario, you could buy them a specialized fruit cutter to avoid accidents when you are not around.

With the help these small steps, you can make your beloved elders feel good about themselves and life as well.