When I discovered henna (FULL hand/arm designs,not theme-park henna!) I was instantly in love.
I didn't have to think about whether it was something I would enjoy wearing, it was as if it was always a part of my personality but I had only just realized it.More often than not, the people I meet getting henna aren't "on the fence" about body art; they are people who naturally enjoy expressing their personality in a very visual way.With this said, would I recommend it to someone who has never had henna, who is shy and still not sure that they like the attention of wearing body art?As an artist,I would say YES : wearing art is a positive form of passive communication with your community...and you never even have to say a word.As a mom,I would say YES: henna is natural,safe,temporary way to feel out what you personally identify with, without making a commitment.As woman,YES: something about body staining is empowering. Its based on choices YOU make, sporting qualities YOU love, and doesnt have a thing to do with what anyone else wants from you.There is something very attractive about men wearing henna. Body staining is an organic expression that implies a connection with the environment,the earth,connection with all life...and those are the most powerful qualities necessary for leadership and authority.So do I think henna is for everybody?Maybe I'm biased because its my medium-of-choice.I would be interested to hear why henna wouldnt be for everyone.