core values

our number one core value is GOD himself. we put GOD at the top of every list, and we let him speak for himself. if he says something in the bible, then we believe it and work to follow it. if he doesn't say something in the bible then we tread with great caution and do not put words in his mouth that he hasn't spoken.

more than all other things, we want to get in touch with our creator and experience the real presence of GOD in our lives every day, and we recognize his son JESUS, who died for us, as the only way to know him.

our second core value is community because we believe GOD has created us for healthy relationships.

as many coals keep a fire going and solitary coals go cold, we are committed to supporting one another as we all seek to get closer to GOD.

thirdly, we value growth because we all have a next step to take.

since JESUS is our model for life, we strive every day to become more like him. we want to demonstrate his love for people, his patience with the weak, his opposition to the arrogant, and his power to change people's lives for the better. we have a long way to go, so we value the process of growth.

our final core value is ministry which is best displayed in the movie "pay it forward."

we know that GOD has given each of us gifts, talents, and abilities, and that it is our responsibility to use them for the benefit of others. we put a lot of emphasis in helping people find fulfillment in life by serving others.

not alone

by ourselves, none of us is able to perfectly see who we are and where we need to grow. by ourselves, we simply don't have a clear picture of what our next steps might be. by ourselves, we also have no lasting impact on other people.

you can't do it alone either. you must already know this or you wouldn't be reading a church website. you already realize that you need people to help you take your next steps and reach your next level in life. that's why JESUS made his promise that you will never have to be alone.

come and spend some time with us to see the incredible power of supportive, spiritual friendships.