Hi again everyone.  Hope you had a great weekend. 


I try to spend most of my time on the weekends with family and friends.  So I don’t take a lot of phones calls.   I really don’t know why I answered the phone this time when any other weekend I would let it go into my voicemail.  Something told me that I was supposed to be on this call.


The call was from a gentleman that had recently spoken to me about working from home.  We had gone over his strengths and weaknesses and determined a course of action for him.   He told me “David, something has to be wrong.   I am generating traffic and people are contacting me but I am not converting them to sales.”     My first thoughts were about the product he is promoting.    Is there a demand for this product or does it benefit the people involved?  So I started asking questions about his project and he wasn’t sure of all the answers.


Experience has taught me that the most common thread among all successful marketers is product knowledge. They have read everything they can about their project and tested every link on the site.   Successful people are prepared for every possible question that may arise.  Many people are distracted by the illusion of easy money and believe the advertising hype of overnight millions.  They are too busy selling the opportunity to make money and they are unsure about the vehicle they are using to get there.


The strongest advice I can offer to anyone just starting out in this industry is KNOW YOUR PRODUCT!!!!


If there is a conference call, be on it!   If there is a Webinar, be on it, even if you are not bringing a guest or prospective client.   Do this on every single opportunity you have to attend.   A team member once told me, “I can recite that presentation verbatim.”  Fantastic!  That is what will help him succeed.   Now when he has to give the presentation he is already prepared.   As new members come in and have questions you are already set up as an expert and a leader.