Package just $25 Moneys will be donated to IzzyHeres this babies story
Isabella had started to act very tired and was bruising easily,her parents called her doctor because theywere concerned that it had something to do with low iron levels. Thier pediatrician instructed them to take her to the emergency room .When they arrived there the parents were told her blood counts were extremely low and she needed a blood transfusion immediately and then she would be transferred to the ICU at All Children's Hospital for further testing to see what caused the drop in her blood counts. After the parents arrived at All Children's and ,after more blood work, the parents were told that she had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. "I immediately thought this must be a mistake.I was almost certain I was going to be told I was over-reacting when we brought her to the ER, so I couldn't understand how something this serious could possibly be wrong" Izzys mother said . Unfortunately, she does have cancer and has a long battle ahead of her. She received a total of 3 blood transfusions and 2 bags of platelets, and had to go to surgery to have a bone marrow aspiration, a spinal tap, chemo put directly into her spinal fluid, and have a medi-port implanted in her chest. After surgery they could not seem to get her blood pressure to come down, so they sent her to ultrasound and found that the leukemia spread into her kidney's causing them to become enlarged and therefore unable to control her blood pressure. We have no insurance and her bill is already over $26,000 (Not including the bill from the first hospital we were at or the transportation to All Children's). She still has to be in the hospital for at least another week, and about 4 years of chemo and treatment if everything goes well. She'll have to travel to All Children's outpatient clinic 3-4 times a week for chemo treatments and monitoring. We just wish our sweet little girl didn't have to fight this battle. She's being so strong, and we know she'll beat this, but we can definitely use all the help we can get. Thank you all for your love and support!Our salon will be selling a limited amount of packagesSales will start September 12, 2011We also will be hosting a cut a thon as wellThanks Donna 727 569 8281