Space Clearing  is the technique of taking disruptive energies and transforming them into energies that are healing and helpful.
 To accomplish this I employ a variety of practices determined by the type of disturbance or obstacle presented. Shamanic Techniques are basic to virtually every culture and work with the spirits of the land and the elements. I sometimes find that a Soul Retrieval is necessary for a client who has suffered stress, abuse, injury or other traumatic events.
Often I encounter problems with man made energies that are pathogenic, such as radiation or Electromagnetic Force (EMF). These may be cleared with the use of simple devices that transmute or redirect the energy. Clearing Ghosts is often required. Ghosts are far more common than you may imagine and far less fearsome than we have been lead to believe. Above all, it is important to learn to trust your instincts and intuition and be clear about your intentions.
The most important aspect of my Space Clearing practice is the teaching that I bring to each client. While many of the techniques may be described as coming from the Mystery Schools, I believe it is vital to give power and understanding to each individual in order that we all become skilled in working with energy.The energies that effect us do not necessarily have to be our own or even directed toward us. This is why we need to take care and be aware of the feeling of a space when we step into it. It is important that you make an effort to understand the energy of the people who have been there before you. This is a very important and crucial piece of information to have for our health, well-being and happiness. For if the people who lived in the home before you went through a difficult and quarrelsome divorce; the next couple to take the home may unexplainable find themselves, bickering and disagreeing, perhaps even divorcing. If there was a serious illness in the space it is possible that an individual can take on the symptoms of the disease, not understanding why. Bankruptcy, depression, confusion and other emotional energies can also be transferred in this way. These energies can become Thought-forms and Etheric Patterns. It is important for our clients to realize that these conditions can be remedied by employing these ancient, but thoroughly relevant Space Clearing techniques and that they are techniques that can be learned by everyone.