First off, getting a divorce is not a fun time, and having to worry about what to do with the house should be the least of your worries. You have some options and we will explore these a little bit here. I am not familiar with the specifics about state by state rules on mortgages but we are located in Phoenix Arizona and familiar with the housing market here. The option that best suits you may come down to how much time you have sell your house, or property. If you are not in a hurry and you have several months to sell your home, the traditional method of hiring a Realtor and listing on the MLS may bring you the best returns for your home. With this process you can get your home market ready, make any repairs to the home that are needed, clean up the landscaping, scrub down the inside, clean the carpets... all the normal things you would do to get the house in tip-top shape for showings, and making a good impression on clients. 
On the flip side: if you need to sell your home quickly and just want out this is where we can help. Perhaps your home need major repairs, has structural damage, will require a lot of money out of pocket to fix, or you just do not have the time or energy, selling your home quickly for cash may be the best option. We buy homes "as is" and you do not even have to clean it! We sell to investors who will put the money into your house, make all the repairs, and deal with the other issues to make it market ready. The nice part is you can sell your house however it sits, without even sweeping the floor, get out of the mortgage, put some cash in your pockets, move out, and move on with your life!
We buy homes quick for cash in any condition, shape, size, or location in Arizona. If you need to sell your home quickly give us a call and we will help you out. We pay cash for homes.
Call us anytime at 602-845-9620 or visit us online at