Selling houses is all about marketing, so you'd be better off to avoid these deadly mistakes with your properties.

  1. Uploading bad photos. Don't do it. You don't want to give the buyer a reason to not look at the property. This includes photos that are too dark, photos of cluttered rooms, and vertical photos turned sideways.

  2. Not being descriptive enough. Buyers want to know why they should pick this property over another one. Talk about architectural features or other characteristics that make this house stand out,

  3. Restricting access for showings. This includes not having a lockbox, restricting hours, having to give 24 hr notice, and by appointment only showings. Restricting access is only going to hurt your chances of selling the property, because you are limiting the one thing you need to sell it- potential buyers.

  4. Not taking advantage to online marketing. People buy houses online. If you don't market there. You are missing out. There are lots of great online resources for Realtors like Active Rain and Trulia Voices that help agents market themselves more effectively.

  5. Saying no to virtual tours. People buy houses online. Many times they like to preview a house to see if it is worth seeing. So make sure you include some great shots.