3.0 GPA car insurance discount?

I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won t ask?

BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:COVERAGEDEALS.NET


Question about car insurance.?

Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you"

How much wil my insurance go up?

I was just recently in a car accident. It was my fault I hit a truck and totalled my car. The truck didnt seem to really have damage I hit the metal ball where you attatch a trailer the hitch. I have fred loya car insurance. how much will my insurance go up? Please. will rate best answer.

Why are people demonizing the insurance companies?

I m not on the government dole, I m not a municipal, state or federal employee. I don t get my insurance through an employer, I purchase my own. As small business owners in NYS my family of five pays over $20000/year for health insurance. NYS is already an expensive state to live in and with all of these state mandates on the few insurance carriers we have, my premiums have DOUBLED over the past seven years. If anything, Obamacare will make many self insurers like me drop their insurance and pay a fine. Then we ll wait until we get sick to purchase insurance because we can t be denied due to pre-existing conditions. Anyone who doesn t believe Obamacare was designed to put private insurance companies out of business has got their head up their ***. So again I ask, why are people demonizing the insurance companies?!?"

How come I can t medical or insurance ???!?

Hello I m a 20 year old and I live on my own. I use to have medical Owen I was under 18 && lived with. Y moon but now I m 20&& live on my own. I tried applying for medical and I got denied because I make like 100 more than the limit. Where can I can I apply for a low healthy plan . I do live on my own and have bills to may. It I wanna be healthy. Someone please help no d mb answes (you don t look cool) I live in California San Diego.

Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?

My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don t have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?

Cheap home owners insurance?

they keep raising rates with no justification. Which company do you use? Are they expensive? Are they cheaper? I Cr 13;8a

Can drivers of the same car have different insurance companies/policies?

I just got my license in December and I m driving my mom s car but I need car insurance under my name. We all know how expensive that is, especially for a teenage/new driver. So IF I were to find a different and cheap insurance company, can I cover her car under my name? My mom has Safeway Insurance, if that helps."

AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?

Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don t want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks"

How many people work in the health insurance industry?

* I need statistics & numbers doing a paper on health insurance

"Is anyone with Endsleigh for their car insurance, and has done pass plus?"

How much did you save? I am 18 and am about to buy my first car after using my mums. I did pass plus but on confused.com quote it doesn t ask if i have it. Well anyway, endsleigh is the cheapest quote but i was wondering how much i will save when they know i have pass plus?"

I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?

Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?"

"How do I get a low insurance rate (18, first time driving)...?"

I m getting online quotes with basic basic insurance... I think the lowest quote I got was $366/mo, which is bs, the car is only worth $900? Should I call and tell them that? There s no way I m paying that much in insurance for a car that s worth that little. Can I be put on the people s insurance in whom which I live? They re not relatives. And then just pay them the amount they re insurance increases to?"

What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?

What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?

Question about suing car insurance company after auto accident.?

My mother was the passenger in a vehicle that was rear ended on the interstate a few weeks ago. The driver is a co worker of hers. They were both injured but not rushed to hospital. My mother suffered a fractured disc in her back and whiplash. The driver suffered from whiplash and torn ligaments in her neck. They are both still seeing a doctor. They asked me to handle this for them. I am not an attorney, but have sued the insurance company of the driver at fault before (state farm). It was all going ok, i had all paperwork needed and was asking for $9500 each including medical. The claim has been turned over to an impossible woman. She refuses to deal with me and wants to deal directly with mother and coworker. Should I hire an attorney now, and how much should we ask for/get? p.s. both are told by doctor that they will have long term therapy."

How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)?

ok so I ve seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks"

Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance?

I m 17 and live in the UK and I m currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won t pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What s the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won t help until I figure it out myself."

Insurance cost for jeep liberty?

I was thinking about getting a 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD (diesel) as my first vehicle, but wondering what insurance would cost. I m 24 years old, male and live in a small town just north of Toronto and with only a G2 license."

Can i get affordable baby health insurance?

ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can t afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can t get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn t offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it s self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!"

Looking for health insurance?

I am looking for a health insurance. Which way you found yours? Are there special topics to look about? Would be happy about your advice :-)

No car insurance and got into an accident.?

I recently got in a car accident with no insurance. I rear ended someone and totalled his old car. The police came and made a police report and did not question me on wether I had insurace or not. If I bought Insurance right after that, can i use it to file a claim for what happened? If the other guy would cooperate and say we crashed at a later time would that work?"

How much does car insurance cost at age 16?

ok so i want a used 2002 toyota celica but i wanna know how much insurance will cost me first before i buy it. so if you can help plsss answer thxs =) p.s i live in the state of new jersey if that can help idk lol.

Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?

If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas

Car Insurance Premium?

I have a car which is insured with company B. I decided to buy a new car and the dealer offered me a 7 days free comprehensive insurance with company C. I put my old car for sale while still under insurance B and on the third day after buying the new car I got into an accident. All accident details and fixes were done with the free 7 days car insurance C. During the process my older car was sold and eventually when I got my new car back from the garage I transferred it to my Insurance B. Now that liability of the accident is dealt with and stayed at 50/50 guilt for both parties, I was advised that my insurance premiums can be affected. My question is will that affect my current insurance B or not? Only insurance C dealt with the accident my insurance B have not paid nothing towards it nor get involved with it. Can my insurance B still go up on renewal due to this accident even under a different insurer?"

I need car insurance help... now......?

ok... i was thinking of getting insurance on a 1998 5 door ford fiesta 1300cc.... i am 18 (male) and only had my full license a few months... trying to get an answer out of any insurance company is..MURDER.. i go through pages of junk just to click get quote and then there is a list of 50 questions... i need... an... estimate... i dont wanna see ONE link to another website... speak in numbers please =]... and... state if it is monthly or yearly!!... because i got answers that say... 1000... and im like... is that a month =o??.... so yer... average or estimate insurance for me!!... gee thx =].... i feel this is in clear violation of the age discrimination act but warever....

What relativley low insuarnce group sports bikes are there?

Im 19 and just passed my bike test. Im looking for my first sports bike (fully faired) with quite a led down riding position. I will be restricting the bike to 33bhp (but DON T take that into consideration). Around the 600/650cc mark. So as a question again.. What sports bikes are cheapest to insure? Thanks.

3.0 GPA car insurance discount?

I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won t ask?

Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?

I was wondering what cars would be the cheapest to insure for a new driver, aged 17. I heard there is all these different groups which relate to the amount of insurance you would have to pay. Also, I would prefer a decent car, so if you know any decent, cheap to insure cars! pleaseeee let me know! thanks! :D"

What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?

What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?

"Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?"

Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?"

How much should car insurance cost me?

im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut"

How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?

I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!"

ABC news did a #realmoney story on How to find affordable dental insurances or plans; Baton Rouge?

How can people save money and still get the best dental care in Baton Rouge. What insurance is best for a family of 5? ABC news did a segment on #realmoney and I am wondering more ...show more

"I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?

I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I m worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?

Car insurance very expensive?

Hi I live in Miami fl and I am currently insured with Estrella insurance part of uaic. My car insurance costs 264 a month. They told me that after 6 months it would go down but I don t think it will go down much. I have a 1994 accord lx 4 door. I don t see why it costs so much for insurance. I just started driving in December but the car is listed under my mothers name with me as a driver and her as the primary. She has been driving about 15 years and has a good record. We have full coverage because the last checked for us and this actually costs less then the lesser coverage for some reason. I was thinking about changing insurance because I think it is overpriced. Can anyone offer any advice? Such as maybe Whether this is actually a normal rate to pay? Or what other insurance I should try out

My Florida driver s license is suspended due to insurance reasons?

I got in a car accident about 2 years ago, and as a result I stopped paying my insurance and couldn t turn in my tag. My license was suspended as a result. I haven t gone to the DMV yet, and was wondering if anyone knows what I d need in order to get my license back? According to the Florida DMV website, my license will be reinstated once I show proof of insurance...but I don t even own that car anymore, let alone pay insurance on it. I don t want to waste three hours at the DMV just to be told I need a certain form or paperwork...does anyone have experience in this matter?"

Whats the cheapest non-owners...?

Car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance ?

My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I m with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks

Health Insurance for Small Business Owner?

Wanting to know how to find out two things: 1) the best health insurance coverage and 2) for the best and most affordable price. My husband is the sole proprietor of a small business he runs. He d like to get good health insurance for the two of us but what I ve looked into has been incredibly expensive for good coverage or cheaper for not-so-good coverage. Someone recently told us to look into becoming incorporated as that may help (I don t know how though). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

My son s Beretta car is now in his girlfriends name. He wants me to put insurance on it so it can be driven.?

I just want to know what the Michigan law is regarding insuring a car not in my name. And not in my possession. I get a good insurance rate now because I have always paid my bills on time. My sons girlfriend thinks I should do this for them. I don t and I won t but I promised to look into it today. I have two trucks already insured in my name and so does the girlfriend. I plan to speak today with my insurance man to find out what I can. Any suggestions besides being totally blunt with these 40 year old people? Just say no is a good policy and the right thing for me to do. But hard.

What are a few cars that are cheap to insure and cheap to run for a 17 year old?

Wanting to know 4 or 5 cars that you think are ideal for a 17 year to insure and be able to run?

What is the cheapest insurance to get?

My dad wants to get insureance for my car. Yet, he does not have insureance on any of his vehicles. He wants to make sure i have insureance, because im a younger driver. (and its the law) Does anyone reccommend any insureance company that is cheap. Thanks."

How much would insurance be for me?

Im 16 year old girl in Georgia. 2004 black Nissan 350z. How much do you think insurance will be monthly

How much will my Insurance be for a 1970 SS Chevelle 427?

I want this as a 2nd car, i got my eyes set on one for about 18k...I don t think im gonna like the answer :(. theirs a few factors im scared of insurance 1st. Im 17 in california! 2nd. Im 17 in california....with an Accident on record. 3rd. Im 17 in california...with a pending speeding ticket (ima beat it tho :) 4th. IM 17 IN CALIFORNIA!"

Which life insurance companies deny the most claims?

im shopping for life insurrance but I dont know which one to choose. I was going to try globe life because its cheap...but i heard they deny a lot of claims. which is the best company...hopefully one that can send someone to your house to talk to you and doesnt cost a fortune. i live in Chicago...thxs

Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?

I ve recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won t use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?"

High performance car insurance?

Basically this is really annoying me. Me and my dad aren t really bothered about the monthly cost of my insurance on a Mazda RX8. I m 18 years old, but nobody will insure me? Seems fair? Wrong. My friend, who s dad is an investment banker has just got a factory build Audi R8 quatro V10. He s also 18, but I don t understand how he has even got a quote let alone full cover. He tells me hes insured in his name but his dad won t tell him how much it costs. Now, obviously their family is greatly richer than mine, but still, my family can afford the insurance, just like his family can. Why do they insure him and not me? When his car is classed as a super car, and mine is in the sports car class. We have both have just recently passed our tests if that helps."

Is motorcycle insurance expensive in southern california for an 18 year old male?

i want to drive a motorcycle, but if the insurance is too expensive, then ill refrain from it. How much is it for a male, 18 years?"

Car Insurance - is it really this expensive?

Hi. Ive been living in Spain for almost the last 6 years and recently came back to the UK. Im after insuring a car, but the quotes im getting are ridiculous! I ve been driving for nearly 6 years, I m 24 years of age and I m being quoted over 2,000 for cars like a 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... I have no proof of NCB due to living abroad in Spain but surely this can t be right can it? I ve been told by a friend that their daughter of 17 years of age who still has not passed her test has been quoted 1,700 on a similar car. Finding this a bit hard to believe considering the quotes I m getting. So, is insurance really this overly priced in the UK or am I going wrong somewhere? Cheers"

Car insurance?

Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more"

How can I cancel my geico car insurance?

I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.

Can you change health insurance before surgery?

I have an Anthem individual health plan. It s kind of expensive but I haven t been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I ll probably have to get a new policy number. I m having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I ve already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I ll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that s already been approved? I don t want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don t want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!

3.0 GPA car insurance discount?

I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won t ask?

Aren t health insurance companies allowed to sell across state lines?

I had health insurance in Texas from a company in Oklahoma. United Healthcare sells insurance in all 50 states, I believe. Why are people that are against health care reform claiming that health insurance would be cheaper if companies were allowed to sell across state lines? Also, if their claims is true, who would regulate it, the states through their insurance commissioners or the feds through a national insurance commissioner? I m not interested in the politics of health care reform, just don t understand what people are talking about since I have had a different experience."

How much does flood insurance cost?

How much does flood insurance cost, as well as wind insurance?"

Non owners policy insurance in CA?

i ll be using my parents car, which is in IN, in california, it already has insurance, but i ll be going to CA and probably stay there for some time (around a year) and use their car, im 18. So does buying a non owners policy insurance save me, since they will still pay for regular insurance on car plus the non owner that i ll purchase? any advice? since if i ll buy my own policy the numbers are 500/mo or more. So im thinking if i buy a non owners insurance lets say at 1200/yr, plus their regular coverage it ll save some money. any advice will be greatly appreciated or it is illegal?"

Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy?

i got given a quote for 1307 for a 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. that is for when i get my full license , is that a reasonable price??"

How to get Health Insurance when you are 17?

My parents are divorced and my sister and I have been living with our mom. However, we received health insurance through our father s place of work. Now he is applying for disability and has quit his job, so currently my sister and I have no health insurance. Because of this, my mom forbids me to take my car or motorcycle out because if my sister or I get hurt, there is no way for us to pay for it (we are suffering financially because my mom s hours at work got cut, and she is still recovering from breast cancer). Anyway, is there any way for me to obtain health insurance (or at least help my mom to) that would be affordable? We live in New York State"

What vision insurance is the best?

I really need to find a best vision insurance. Please help

Why is fully comprehensive much cheaper then 3rd party for a 17 year old?

Hello I am getting close to passing my test and i have been looking at the types of cars that i can get that will give me the cheapest insurance quote. I am planning to go on my parents insurance as an Additional driver an they would own the car. I was looking quotes and was surprised to discovered to fully comprehensive was much much cheaper then 3rd. about 1400 compared to 3200 what is going on, also a renault 1.2 Clio is more expensive then a 1.6 renault Megane. Any advice on getting low insurance and why is fully comp cheaper? thanks for any help"

Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?

My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!


Hi, I recently passed my driving test (approx 2 weeks ago) I ve been looking at car insurance and the quotes are ridicouly high if I wanted to be the main driver with my own policy. So my dad has kindly said he will buy a car and be the main driver and I will be the second driver and drive the car sometimes. However the quotes are so high? Anyone know any companies that will insure me cheap below 2,000? The quotes that I get now are like 3,000+ on a standard Vauxhall Astra. Please can you let me know if you know any companies that will insure me and cheaply! Thanks."

2000+ Toyota Celica Insurance and More?

I m a 16 year old boy and expecting to buy this car for about $6,000 in August. I am looking for details such as mpg and insurance rates for a 16yo boy buying this car. I heard the mpg are really good on this car but will it be worth it if the insurance is high? Help me decide and give me other car ideas under the budget of $7,000 -Cory, CT"

What happens if you are in an accident that wasn t your fault and you have no insurance.?

question says it all LIVE : California.

Help with insurance for 17 year old first fresh driver?

my quote was 4,200 :( that s too much it more then a car LOL but like i heard something about this policy between two drivers can anyone explain how it works and if i crash on this policy will the other drivers no claim bonus be effected?"

"If im already on my parents insurance for two cars, how much more will it cost if they add a new small 03 car?"

The new car is an 03 mitsubishi lancer, the two cars i was insured on before were an elantra gt and a nissan titan (05) I wanted to know if insurance will shoot up a lot more with another car or if it will just be like another 40 or so dollars a month?"

Need Cheap Medical Health Insurance?

Hello, could anybody recommend me a site for cheap medical health insurance.I know many sites, but their offers are too expensive."

"If I make a claim using my company car insurance, does that affect my personal insurance reputation?"

I recently got into a little fender bender using my company car. The other driver wasn t present, so I left a note. He called, and I followed through by filing a claim with the insurance company. I m worried, though, that my personal insurance reputation/rating is going to be affected because of this claim with my company car. Any information you can provide would b helpful."

Yamaha 09 R6 insurance?

how much would you thing it would cost in insurance for a 19 year old to own a 08 or a 09 Yamaha R6

Fast car low insurance group?

I m 18 and get high rate dla for motability, I am getting a new car on the scheme and current have a Reno Clio 1.2l 2008 reg and wanted to no I want a new car with a good engine and good speed, but the catch is because my insurance is free the max group I can be insured on is a 8 or below any smashing ideas"

Best insurance company for small startup security training agency and consulting firm?

Starting up in the DC, MD, VA area and looking for an affordable insurance company for a small business training agency. I eventually want to expand into security consulting, but for the time being, it ll be primarily security training. Policy in my area has to be minimum 600k of general liability. Any recommendations?"

What are the minimum liability requirements for auto insurance in Texas?

What are the minimum liability requirements for auto insurance in Texas? I was notified by my insurance agent that there will be a new minimum liability coverage as of April, 1, 2008 here in Texas. Do any of ya ll know the answer to this? I found some info on the internet, but it only talks about the current minimum requirements, not the ones coming up. I also want to know this information so I can know what to expect and see where my insurance pricing/quote will be ranging. (I am a female, 18, and single). I also dont want to get ripped off :o) Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks."

First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?

Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?

"Car stolen, will insurance pay?

my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help

Cheapest car insurance?

Whats the cheapest car insurance for a teenager? Permit .....

Insurance for young drivers?

I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company s require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company s plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks

Can the government require us to buy insurance?

If the government requires us to buy insurance, cant they force us to buy anything they want? Couldnt they also forbid us to buy something they dont want us to buy? What happens if the insurance cost a million dollars and we don t want to buy it? We can no longer refuse to buy it. We are required to buy through the government. How does that empower the consumer?"

Do you know of a good health insurance plan?

I need to find a plan that is affordable outside a group plan or is there a group plan available to me? I do not want the discount card type of plan I want an actual insurance policy accepted by many doctors and hospitals. 80/20 coverage is great with annual deductible choices.

3.0 GPA car insurance discount?

I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won t ask?

Will my car insurance rate go up because of this freak accident?

I was backing out of a parking lot and I hit a van coming up. Considering the fact that the parking lot was nearly empty neither one of us saw each other coming. I did pull off pretty fast but not too fast. Their was no damage to my car, but he had a small dent on the side of his nothing major. We called the police cause he was older and felt safer doing that. The police said nothing will go on our records, but didn t say whose at fault. So we just exchanged insurance info. Does this mean nothing will happen, or will my mom go crazy when she finds out? How much of an increase would this cause her insurance to go up? What are the circumstances that this might cause an extreme insurance hike for a 19 year old?"

Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?

Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????"

What are the most common vehichle that is cheapest on insurance?

I m trying to find a new vehichle but I want to know which cars are the mostly bought because they are cheaper on insurance.

I m 17 and have car insurance that i have to pay 240 every month. I live in philadelphia is there cheaper ones?

i got a 2000 ford taurus and my mom bought insurance since she doesn t have a car herself we had to get my own insurance plan and now we have to pay 240 every month because of my age..i need to know of any cheaper insurance for myself. plz and thank you.

Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?

ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)"

California: Do I need to insure before buying?

I m new to California. If I buy a car from a private seller in CA, do I have to get the car insured before the registration is transferred to me? For example, in NY you have to get the title signed over to you, get the car insured, and then go to the DMV and register it (in that order) before you can drive it home."

Assistance with auto insurance.....What do I do?

I am 20 years old. I have had my license for almost two years. I recently got a car and insured myself with All State. After everything went through, I got a notice about a week after saying I was declined for coverage because I haven t had my license for three years?! I have a completely clean driving record: no tickets, no court, no violations. What company will cover me? In the notice it said something about insurance through the DMV? Anything helps!!!"

What do you need to insure a car?

I bought a car from a friend. Do I only need a logbook when calling the DVLA, just wondering if I need anything else to get the car insured."

Car insurance adjustments

If my car insurance rate has been raised and it is due to the insurance company deciding I am at fault for an accident at which I was not at fault, cann my adjuster decrease the amount if I show I was not at falut?"

ShouId i get Maternity Insurance or just depend on Medicaid? What is the best & most affordable maternity ins?

Although it has been asked many times, I need the most recent answer or suggestion of my problem : I m married and currently we are planning to have a baby. We never had health insurance before (because it s too expensive and we don t really need it so far). We know that health insurance, especially which cover maternity will be very expensive, while we never know when will I get pregnant (we ve been trying for 9 months and I m not yet get pregnant). So is it worth it to get Maternity Insurance or should I just depend on Medicaid after I get pregnant ? We both are working now but not making really good money, yet probably not too little to be eligible for Medicaid too. I ve been searching for some health insurance and agents but all of them offer me a high - not affordable premium which doesn t cover everything as well .. If getting the maternity insurance before I get pregnant is the best way, can anyone suggest me the best and most affordable one and how is the best way to get it (via agent or directly to the ins company) ? Fyi, we came from another country and have been here in Florida for 1 year, so we didn t know much about all of this stuffs, so we really need you help .. Thank you"

What is the average cost for international health insurance?

I plan to go to china for a few years and would really like to know what the average cost to a major medical insurance policy.

Do you think it s best to get your own life insurance?

I just got married and had a 2 month old daughter this year. My baby is so precious and I am thinking What If I die anytime. I want to set her up as early as now. I don t want her to go through any hardships in life that I gone through. I m 31 and I can pay for the insurance right now but I m thinking if it s more logical to pay the insurance premium or just save the money in a bank. Please give me some insights on this.

Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?

i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car

Will lifting my Jeep affect my insurance rates?

I have a Jeep Cherokee, which is my daily driver, but I m lookin into making it alot bigger, putting a 6 lift kit on and putting 35 tires. I dont know whether or not I need to notify my insurance company about this. I dont expect them to insure the lift or anything, but can I be dropped by them if I do not tell them? I m not actually going to be taking the truck offroad (stupid I know, but its just for looks)."

What is the cost of insurance when renting a car in USA?

Hello, I want to rent a car. I do not own a car and nor the insurance. I want to know how much I have to pay for the insurance cost. I am above 25yrs of age. Thanks."

Has your auto insurance premium gone up?

I live in NJ and currently have AAA auto insurance, and my premium just renewed, and I noticed it went UP $300! I have no points, tickets, none of that. I didn t buy any other vehicles, or anything. I called them and they told me they had an overall rate increase. I think they re giving me the run around. I ve never had a random rate increase ever before."

Unitrin Direct Auto Insurance (Any good?)?

Asked by: hyphenga-ga I recently responded to an e-mail for a free auto insurance price quote (I m in California). I wasn t really looking to shop around - and wasn t planning to switch companies to save a buck or two, but I was kinda shocked when the price quote I got from Unitrin Direct (same coverage limits and deductibles) was $510 less than I m paying now. I called and asked what the catch was and they said they sell direct with no agents/offices and pass the savings onto the customer (logical, but obviously scripted answer). They also touted an A.M. Best Excellent rating, but what good is financial stability if they bungle claims (for example) or have terrible customer service? So I guess I m looking for a little confidence - or a big fat warning - before I jump into anything. Are they reputable? Is there any objective info available about them? (I d love any good/bad comments from Unitrin customers out there too.)"

"Im 19 years old and looking for a cool car that wont cost too much for insurance, any suggestions?"

Im 19 years old and looking for a cool car that wont cost too much for insurance, any suggestions?"

"21 Year old, Need Car, Low Insurance Please Help! :(?"

Ive now had 3 years driving experience initially on my car, under my mothers no claims, then my (then) girlfriends 2 cars. However, during that time I have accrued no no claims and it has been a year since I ve been insured on any. I know how to drive, I need a car. Since then it is not possible for me to get a quote on any car I try which have included family cars, small cars and even extended to classic cars in order for classic car insurance. My grandfather said I could use his no claims, however my quote goes up?! No one else has any NCB years for me to use. I have had no prior crashes, I also live in a good area for insurance. At this stage I will gladly accept a car that would get be under 1.8k on the insurance, So I m looking for any suggestions! PLEASE HELP :("

Where can I get affordable insurance for my girlfriend?

There could be a chance she might be pregnant in the future. Where can I get affordable maternity insurance?

If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?

If you take driving school how much will your insurance rates drop?

Florida - Car Insurance Question?

A friend of mine who lives in Florida said that he has to pay for car insurance even though he doesn t own a car and doesn t drive his parent s car. Is it true that by ...show more

Need to switch car insurance?

i am 18 and a female, i have a car under my parents name along with the insurance. last year i was in a car accident, and this year my insurance went up to $2000 a year with statefarm. i have to come up with $400 for the renewal period now. we ve looked for insurance to something cheaper but cant find anything...can anybody help me find a cheaper insurance or where to look for one. thank you so much"

I just got a new car and the insurance is $160/ month. Does this seem high?

I m 37 with an excellent driving record. The car is a 2013 Ford escape titanium. My honda insurance was much cheaper, but it was old. What do you think?"

How much would it cost to insure a late model 15 passenger van used in a shuttle service?

I m in the Grand Canyon State. Do i get a better deal if i insure more than one unit ?

3.0 GPA car insurance discount?

I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won t ask?
