Addiction means you continue to use the drugs or alcohol regardless of their negative consequences. The ones who become addicted often experience a manipulation of reward center of their brains that may, in part, drive the compulsion to continue using the substance.

The signs and symptoms of addiction can vary from an individual to individual, and two individuals addicted to the same drug may have different experiences. At licensed drug and alcohol rehab centers in San Jose, an individual may be diagnosed with a substance use disorder if he or she reports at least two of the following symptoms:

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
  • Tolerance or needing larger amounts of the drug to feel its desired effects.
  • Giving up significant activities and hobbies in favor of alcohol or drug use.
  • Using in risky or dangerous circumstances.
  • Continuing to use in spite of relationship concerns.
  • Having strong urges to use.
  • Failing to fulfill roles at home, work or school due to drug use.
  • Spending large amounts of time acquiring, using or recovery from the drug.
  • Feeling unable to control use.
  • Using more of a drug than originally planned.
  • Continuing to use in spite of experiencing mental and physical health issues.