Home Staging: Transforming A Room With Paint

Home Staging in Abilene Texas: Transforming A Room With Paint

· Avoid bright colors, fluorescent and neon shades, or colors that are very dark. The hottest trends in paint colors are soft creams, taupes, and pale buttery yellow tones.
· Neutral colors have a universal appeal-both men and women give them favorable ratings. · Don't be tempted to keep the wallpaper. Generally, buyers are put off by it. They view the removal process as another chore if they buy your home. · A room will appear larger when you paint it the same color as the room adjacent to it.  It can give the illusion of one big open space. · Another favorite designer tip, to give the illusion of more space, is to paint the walls the same color as the drapes. It creates a seamless, contemporary look.

For more info on home ownership in Abilene Texas contact me Randy Dodd, Realtor at Rosanna's Realty (325) 733-4405
