2/15/08 I'm always amazed at how much water is used in public restrooms whenever I utilize those facilities. I feel that local jurisdictions, ie. Building Developement Services, Permitting Agencies, etc. should restrict the installation of Flush Valve type urinals in Men's rooms for all new construction. The permitting process for new construction would be a great place to start with impelementing a plan along this theme.There's a Wide selection of Waterless Urinals on the market currently and they can easily be retrofitted into existing installations for older buildings. Maybe a monetary incentive or Rebate might help owners participate in this effort. A public urinal "utilizes" approximately 50,000 gallons of water a year. That's a notable amount for our community, in view of future demands for our fresh water and in consideration of all who compete with us for our "share" from the same sources. What do you Think? Terry