Do you have a place to take your employees to get away from the stresses of the office?

Have you thought about how it would be nice if there was a local place in town, not too far from the office but far enough to feel an escape from the same four white walls for you and your employees?

I want to share this article below and help you with these questions.  Give me a call and we can talk details? I teach group Pilates classes during the day to small companies around Simi Valley to help with exactly what this article deals with!

Source: American College of Sports Medicine News Release, June 2005.

Poor employee health has lost billions for corporate America. Smart industry leaders know that health promotion programs prevent illness and save dollars.

It’s Monday morning and you drag yourself into work, last friday when you left work you promised yourself you would take a exercise class at the local gym but when you got home you were reminded  that you were spending the weekend with family from out of town when cousin Barbara greeted you at the door with her 3 spoiled kids and husband who LOVES to stay up all night playing poker, smoking cigars and eating fretos with bean dip! AND they didn't leave til AFTER they had their morning coffee...WITH YOU!

  Do you think how you feel will affect your work performance?

Bet you said “Yes!”

Making the connection between employee health and productivity seems logical, but until recently health promotion experts did not focus on measuring the impact of worksite wellness programs on work productivity. Rather, the focus has been on measuring improvements in employee health—reduction of blood pressure, control of diabetes, weight loss, and increases in activity. Over the past 20 years, American businesses and corporations have become increasingly aware of the potential that health promotion activities offer not only for improving the health of employees and reducing associated healthcare costs but also in contributing to a competitive business advantage.

 Seems to be that the formula for increasing productivity is: Maximize human capital by improving employee health through wellness programs and disease prevention = increased productivity and improved competitive advantage.

 Seems to be that the formula for increasing productivity is: Maximize human capital by improving employee health through wellness programs and disease prevention = increased productivity and improved competitive advantage.

My name is Kelly.  I can be reached at 805 581 1280. This is the number at my studio, if you get my machine PLEASE LEAVE ME YOUR NAME AND NUMBER, I'm probably with a group of co-workers working their stress away!