Its true, computer users think when they delete a file, pic or doc from their computer and empty recycle bin that the file is actually deleted. Well its not, deleted files remain on your computers hard drive.
Can you imagine thinking you just deleted all your files, your about to get rid of that old PC, give it to a friend or donate it to charity and without knowing it you just gave someone all your personal information, surfing history and sensitive information.
All your instant messages, emails, searches, documents, photos, pics viewed online, personal info and surfing history stays on your hard drive and the only way to remove files properly is by using either:

  • Disk Cleaning Software
  • Disk Wipe Software

By cleaning your hard drive you protect yourself or business from identity theft or someone looking at all your information. Lets say you want to transfer files to a new PC and then you want to continue to use the old computer then you simply clean your hard drive of these files you just transffered off your old PC.
If you plan on disposing of an old PC, laptop or desktop then you definitely want to wipe the hard drive completely! Doing so will remove all your information from the old pc and give you peace of mind.
Think about this, you or someone accidentally deleted a file, a family photo gallery and important document or lets say your computer crashed. Now what? Well, there is software out there called recovery software that is used to recovery these files or accidental deletes. Point being, recovery software is available because the deleted files are still on your hard drive!
This is just some helpful information that PC The Geek will provide from time to time. PC The Geek is made up of a few unemployed geeks and an IT guy just trying to get by in these tough times. The website is not going to win any awards for best in design but it is safe and the best the geeks may provide right now given the fact that there is no budget to do some really nice things right now. But Geeks offer great information, easy affordable solutions and helpful videos.
Bottom line, millions of users still use a desktop, a share computer or old laptop. They are not smart phone savvy nor do they understand or use apps. The Geeks feel there is a need for an old school computer users site that helps old school online surfers find fast effective solutions to solve their current computer problems and issues.  The Geeks provide free advice via a contact page on the website and have put together some really good pre-qualified and Geek tested safe affordable computer solutions that solve most problems fast.
Look for more releases soon, until then, be safe, be secure and have fun online.From the Geeks at