Since June 2011, I have been building custom computers using the NEW SATA 6.0 and USB 3.0 motherboards. I have found that USB 3.0 does offer much better transfer speeds than USB 2.0 High-speed and SATA 6.0 is quite a bit faster than SATA 3.0.

For those of you who are computer illiterate, one of the new technologies that are happening with computers is the new USB 3.0 and SATA 6.0.  SATA 6.0 refers to transfer speed from a hard drive and/or motherboard.  These technologies belong to the system board or motherboard on a computer.  Computers 2010 and later do not have these technologies.

I still get confused with the terminology between SATA II and SATA III. SATA II = SATA 3.0 and SATA III = SATA 6.0.  Very confusing to me and I’m a computer geek.  It’s like Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Office 2000. 

To top this off, after an exhaustive  research on SATA 6.0 motherboards I found that I couldn't find a single motherboard that allowed RAID with SATA 6.0.  RAID 0 for example allows 2 hard drives to be combined into a single size so that data would transfer twice as fast.