What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?

I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.

BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US


Affordable Care Act - Will I have to buy insurance?

I m young and just starting out. I m only going to make like 12-15K per year... Will I have to purchase insurance or pay the tax penalty?

What exactly is covered when you have full coverage auto insurance?

I have both collision and comprehensive insurance on my car..as i was backing into my driveway I got a little too close and hit the wall..my back fender is scratched pretty bad...is this covered by my insurance company

"Dui in personal vehicle 5 years ago, can i get comercial insurance for livery service?"

independant owner operator of sedan service in st petersburg, fl"

What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?

What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A ...show more

Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?

Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?

Will my car insurance go up?

I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm"

Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?

With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?

Can AAA raise my Homeowners insurance rate by $300 for the next 3 years?

My property was stolen from the backseat of my car. AAA is saying if they pay out more than $750 (including my co-pay) then my Homeowners insurance will be raised by $300 for the next 3 years and it will be a point on my property. Is this right/legal??

Do you have to declare cancelled motorbike insurance when applying for car insurance?

My motorbike insurance was cancelled as my NCB was over 2 years old (they required it to be within 2 years) and I couldn t provide it. They cancelled the policy. Do you have to declare this on car insurance policies?

Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car?

Can a person with fully comp insurance drive an uninsured car? I have cancelled my insurance on my car as MOT is over. It s in a garage so don t matter. But if My father takes it to the MOT place can he drive it with his fully comp insurance he has on his car?

How much would insurance cost me?

Hi im 16 and an about a week im going to get my car the honda s2000. my parents wanted me to look around for insurance under there name? you guys know any cheap insurance companys? and how much do u think it would cost me a month?

Whats the price for transfering insurance?

Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is

My son hit a parked car - need auto insurance advice?

My son (19) hit a parked car in our neighborhood. We are trying to decide if it is better to pay for the damages to car that he hit ($2500) without going through our insurance company or to report it to our company. The person s car that he hit is willing to let us pay out of pocket. My son had a previous at-fault accident and has 2 points now. His car is totaled. Concern is how much our insurance rates will go up and is it possible they will cancel our policy. (Money is coming out of his savings and he is bus bound).

Do you have to pay for a full year of car insurance if your car is written off part way through that year?

I pay my car insurance every month as a direct debit out of my bank account. My policy actually expires in March each year and I m sent a renewal letter saying that if I wish to continue with my policy I just need to keep paying it monthly as I always have. Then come July my car was total written off. According to the insurance compay I still need to pay for a full years insurance, that is I need to pay all the insurance premiums up until March next year as this is when the policy expires. I figure if I don t have the car any more as it s a write off, and I m able to cancelled the rego on it, why should I have to pay. I would have thought that if I d paid a full years insurance in March that I would be entitled to a refund if my car was written off part way through the year. Any help would be appreciated."

Need help with insurance?

ok im getting my first car and im 17...i live with my mom and step dad. my mom cant get a licence because she has seizures and my step dad cant get his back until next year. since im under eighteen can i get my own insurance or do i have to be put on someone elses and if not will it cost a lot since im a new driver and a teenager? please help!

I m on a fixed income with 3 cats. Does any cat owner know of a good affordable cat insurance plan?

*I purr..fer to hear from people that already have a good affordable cat insurance plan.

About how much would auto insurance be a month for a beginning teen driver?

I know your not going to be able to give an exact price. I just need a legitimate number. I m 16, and just fully paid for a nice car on CL. So I do fully own it if that helps the price any. Just an estimated number per month please."

Around how much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl?

I m just looking for a range of prices per month. If you can, comment with any good insurance places that I could look into because I am getting my license in August and am curious of what I m going to have to pay. Also, what depends on the cost? Type of car, or etc.."

How much would insurance cost for a 19y old with a corvette?


Can I be covered under my girlfriend s insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?

My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more"

I need affordable mortgage life insurance. I m 62 and have a heart problem that is under control with meds?

I also have stents in my arteries and heart. I need $250,000 in insurance to payoff a 30yr loan. Our house was originally paid off and I (the house was put in my name alone, not my husbands) took out a mortgage for $130,000 to finance my daughters business which failed. I thought that I did have mortgage insurance on the original loan but did not find out until after I took out my 2nd mortgage ($120,000) to pay off other bills the business acquired. Between the 1st and 2nd loan I became ill and I don t know what to do now. My husband doesn t know about the 2nd loan. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. I don t want to die and leave 2 mortgages for my husband to pay off."

Cheap Car Insurance Help.?

I am an 18 year old boy and have recently passed my driving test, i am looking around for cars but the insurance is a joke, the cheapest i have had is 5000. Anyone know what cars are cheap to insure and what insurance companies are cheap for young new drivers?"

Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?

What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?

How can i get cheaper car insurance quotes at 17?

Hi,i have just passed and got my driving license but when i ask for a insurance quote its to expensive and too much! Is there anyway to get me a cheaper insurance quote is there any tricks or advice that can help? Please Please reply"

Teen car insurance price?

I want an idea of my monthly insurance cost now that I have my license and a car. Here are the details I m male and 16 years old I live in the North Hills outside of Pittsburgh (pretty basic suburbs) The car is a 93 Pontiac grand am. 90k miles on the engine I m the third owner Good condition with some rust just starting to form on the wheel wells I am the primary driver It is usually kept outside

What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?

I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.

Where can I get consultation for health insurance?

I have been having a lot of insurance problems after about a year ago I went to a PCP for chest pain. They charged me for a general check up ($100) and referred me to 3 places, a hospital for an ultrasound (hospital bill $3500, doctor bill $750), a place for x-rays ($75), and a thoracic surgeon consult. The surgeons office was the only one to warn me that my insurance would not pay for their consult. My insurance, UnitedHealthcare, has only put in about $2000 towards the ultrasound and I am left with a lot of bills that I had no idea I would have until months after these was all done. Now I feel very frustrated and I do not feel like I can trust any insurance company to help me. I was wondering if there are businesses that can help me get the best insurance for me and explain how much everything will cost as I do it. I find it way too confusing to figure out on my own. I have a thoracic disorder which I was born with and I may need surgery. I have had health insurance under my parents until 23, then I got this insurance with UnitedHealth care when I turned 24."

How much does insurance usually pay off if your car is deemed totaled?

Ok, so, my car incurred some damage due to the recent flood waters of hurricane Ike. A person from Safe Auto insurance company is coming out tomorrow to assess the damage. When we spoke to him over the phone, he said it sounded like our car would end up being deemed totaled. There is still amount owed on the car. If we were to pay it off tomorrow it would be $3100. The value on the car varies from tprivate party value in good condition being $3900 to retail value being $5600 in our area. We have a $500 deductible. Now, if the car is infact totaled, how does the insurance pay out?"

New driver insurance question?

Hey I just passed my theory test in the state of California. I need to start practicing driving and take my driving test. I am going to buy a car and also need insurance. Will I need a different insurance package as a learner driver? When I pass my test will I have to get a new insurance package as a license holder? I moved to CA from UK where I held a license for four years.

How do you get flood insurance from the NFIP?

I already live in a community that enforces the floodplain management ordinances, but how do I get the insurance?"

Estimated teen car insurance in NY?

I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance.

What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?

Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku

Who s a good health insurance provider?

I was looking to get some health insurance soon outside of my job. What insurance company has something affordable for someone like me? 24 year old male no health problems non smoker.

Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won t actually be driving my car?

I don t mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I ve been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?"

How much would a personal health insurance policy cost for a family of 5?

My friend is thinking about quitting his job to play poker for a living. I abolutely don t think it s a good idea because he has three kids, so you don t have to tell me that... Although over the past month of doing that in AC, he is averaging $450/day, and he is smart about how much he risks and an amazing player. Anyway he had a union job with great medical insurance; but if he did this for a living at $450/day... he d still be making like three times what he did/year. His medical insurance would have to be purchased individually now. I was wondering if anyone knew what that could cost for a family of 5? I m thinking like 6-10K per year... that sound about right?"

Is farmers insurance that bad?

I ve read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?

Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?

i need car tax first then im going to search for car insurance.

How can I get cheaper motorbike insurance?

I know postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, but can anyone Please tell me what else puts the price up? Thanks"

Will a sports car make my insurance more expenisive?

Im 18 years old and my parents just bought me a sports car. No, I m not spoiled. They got it for me because its miles were under 100k, it was only 2000 dollars, and it wasn t ...show more"

Car insurance?

i m looking for the name if the company that has that commercial where the lady is telling how to save on car insurance, on the back there is a truck, that i believe said HONK if you want to save or something like that, and as she speaks you also hear the cars going by honking. thanks"

Cheapest insurance company?

I want the cheapest no fault insurance for my car, 1994 beretta"

How does car insurance work?

so how does car insurance really work? im 16 and just got my license my parent s already have insurance on the cars and i plan on driving those cars, but why would i need insurance when those cars are already insured?"

Insurance for first time motorcycle driver?

I m 16, female, & am looking at the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. I would be the primary owner, and I m wondering whether the color of the motorcycle will affect the rate of insurance as well? Thank you!"

Automobile insurance coverage?

Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying insureds for damage to their won vehicles is a- collision b- comprehensive c- not available d- both a and b

How much is SR22 insurance?

i have 18 pts within 18 months and i have to take an ADI course and get SR22 insurance, how much will it run on average each month?"

Homeowner s insurance?

My house is now worth substantially more than it was when I purchased it a few years ago. At the time of purchase, I had the house insured for the appraised value. Now it is worth tens of thousands more. I m concerned that I would lose all of this equity if there was a disaster like fire that destroyed the building. Is it wise to increase the amount of coverage now and if so, is it usually neccessary to have another appraisal done or do insurance companies simply allow a homeowner to get coverage in any amount they desire?"

Is life insurance the same as health insurance?

i have to go to a doctors appointment tomorrow and i was wondering if the life insurance is the same as health insurance and i am wondering if i can go by myself cause my parents work until 4pm thanks and i am 13

Car insurance__________________?

How much do you pay for car insurance? (in a year), mine is going to expire in november (november, 30) when I am supposed to go to the agency to renew it? Can I go for example on november 1st?"

Health insurance in USA?

hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?"

Why does my car insurance cost so much?

Okay so I m a sixteen year old female and I ve been driving since February 1st the same day I turned 16. I drive a 2005 Chevy Cavalier. I have good grades, I cheerlead and I play volleyball I m not a bad driver either actually back at drivers ed I did the best on my final exam. So I picked up a job at a daycare and I make 337.20$ every two weeks. My car insurance is costing me 275$ and is taking more than half of my paycheck and a lot of it I m spending on gas and I usually have like ten bucks to spend on myself. Why does it cost so much? Also why do people look down on us young teen drivers so much?"

"I want to start trying for another baby by August, but I don t have medical insurance....?

My husband makes too much for me to get on Medicaid. I want to get a good insurance. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to do.

What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?

I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.

Why is my car insurance so expensive?

I m 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10 000!!? What do I do?"

Why do auto insurance company ask for social security number when asking for a quote?

must i give my social security number if i were to purchase a auto policy?

Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would cost for this car?

the car i want is a 1987 pontiac fiero fastback gt with a 5 speed manual transmition and a 2.8 L engine. what would insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old male?

Where can i find cheap auto insurance?

I am 18, almost 19"

How much does your car insurance cost?

How much does your car insurance cost?

First automobile accident. How much will my payments increase?

I m 25 and have just been in my first automobile accident in which I was at fault. I hit the side of another vehicle. My car is only damaged slightly on the front bumper, while the other car s passenger side is quite dented. No one was hurt in the accident and I didn t receive a ticket. Both of us were able to drive away from the scene. I do have automobile insurance which should cover any damages to the other car, but I am concerned that this will cause my insurance payment to increase. Thoughts?"

Motorcycle insurance in ontario?

Im 21 years old and im looking for cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario. Any suggestions?

Im looking for really cheap mediocre Auto Insurance!!1 HELP!!! PLEASE?

I have a mustang and I want cheap Cheap insurance any Ideas? I need to be able to pay with a credit card.

Best and cheap major health insurance?

Best and cheap major health insurance?

Newborn Covered by Insurance?

My friend s baby was born one month early. She was in the NICU for 5 days due to breathing problems. My friend has health insurance and so does her fiance (seperate policies, different companies). The finance was going to cover the child when she was born. The insurance said she should have been pre-enrolled b/c nicu is not typical newborn charges... and the finances insurance say they are not responsible until after the 14th (she was born a month earlier than that). jill said my insurance only pays if we are in the hospital the same amount of time.. if she stays longer she is a dependant and wasnt eligable to be added to the fiance s yet.. it makes no sense... and how could she be pre-enrolled.. The finance went in april and tried to add her to his and they said wait til she is born... and she came a month early according to my doc so how could she have added her to mine? The letter she got from the hospital said the baby is covered automatically under the mothers insurance for 30 days after they are born. So; who is responsible for the $26,000 bill for the NICU?"

Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. What kind of scam is this ?

Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. Auto insurers are scared you will learn this too.

How/where can I get affordable braces?

Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They re heinously expensive. Also, the idea of ...show more"

I have full coverage auto insurance and i am wondering what happens if my car breaks outside of an accident?

my cars been acting up lately and i think the front end my go out soon and i was wondering if my auto insurance will pay for me to get it fixed

What happens after you settle with your insurance company?

My car was stolen Monday morning on July 15 around 3am to 5 am in Richmond CA the car was park right by my parking lot my question is what happend after I settle a payment with my car Insurance and The police find my car after I settle with my insurance?

How much would basic car insurance cost for me?

Ok so im 18 and i was just wondering exactly how much car insurance would be if i paid it by my self with out going threw my parents plan?

What happens if I lapse on my car insurance for a day ?

I read some forums online and it seems pretty heavy. Right now I am out of work and I am living on unemployment insurance. I can barely make payments using that. Anyway my car insurance is supposed to be cancelled this monday at 12:01A.M. standard time. I called them today to make a payment . But the local office is closed and the main office said they can t take anything less than the premium which is - $792.38. I can t pay that right now. That s out of the question. I want to be able to make the monthly payment on it so I won t get cancelled and get a lapse on my car insurance . What is a lapse and how will it affect me. because it seems like there is absolutely NO OTHER CHOICE , i have right now than to just wait for monday and call them to find out that it s cancelled and worse if they said , Since it s cancelled they can only accept the Whole Premium!! My new policy renewal date is from Oct 09 , 2010 to April 09, 2011 according to the id card But what happens if there is a lapse in my coverage? Can i be arrested or my license suspended because of this??"

What the average of a male 25 year old would pay for car insurance?

i planning on buying a dodge charge 2013 and getting my own car insurances i want to know around how much i would pay i m been driving for 6 years already but with my parents insurances. but now i want to get my own car insurance

Is a car dealership allowed to let you drive off the lot with liability insurance?

I am in quite a situation, I financed a 2004 Ford Mustang 40th Anniversary Edition car from a local car dealership in South Carolina. When I got my loan they told me my payment would be 261.00, I told them I wasn t familiar with what sort of insurance I needed and they offered to set it up for me. They called Geico and then told me my insurance would be 150 a month, I got out a pen and added 261 and 150 and decided to get the car because it fit into my budget. 4-5 months later I get a letter from the bank telling me I have the wrong insurance and I need full coverage which will cost me about 520 a month instead of 150. I can t afford that insurance and the lowest quote I can get is for 380 which is still to much. My question is, is this a matter I could get a lawyer and sue over? My credit is completely destroyed now because I can t afford the car / insurance so I can t just trade it in and get a new car financed. I also have no one to co-sign for me. 10pts to most helpful ans."

Used Car Insurance/Registration?

I just recently got my license (which was long overdue) and now I m looking into buying a car from Advantage Auto Sales. My question is regarding the insurance and registration for the car I m going to be buying. Should I purchase insurance, then put the down payment on the car, and then go register it after I have it in my possession? I ve already gotten an insurance quote for one particular car that I was looking it, but I did change my mind due to location issues, but I can t imagine that would change the price up too much considering the car I m looking at is actually newer than the one I got the quote on. At any rate, what should be my order of operations? 1. Insurance 2. Car 3. Registration OR 1. Insurance 2. Registration 3. Car Sorry if I m being confusing. I would like to get all of this handled in one swoop so I m not doing a whole lot of waiting around for weeks while everything gets handled. I live in Peoria, IL. In an related (but optional) question, how does a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS Sedan sound? Reliable or no?"

How do I find out how much the annual income of the CEO of State farm insurance is?

I was hit by a car by one of State Farm Insurance insured. Their first offer was $4 thousand dollars. Now that we are close to going to court the offer is up to $45 thousand. The problem with such a small settelment is I am having sever back pain. I would also like to know if anyone has been in the same situation. I know that they cheated a lot of people when Katrina hit and they were really slow at paying off with the fires out west. My case is finally going to be heard June 2nd after almost 5 years of dickering with them. These ATT will use anything to win a case. They are trying to say that because I was wounded in Vietnam it is left over from that. If anyone has any input please contact me. Thank you Lonney D.

Best car insurance quote for a 17 year old. (UK)?

im going on my parents insurance, and i need the cheapest insurance as possible. i heard a company named something like quantitive do a good price? but im not sure... looking for no more than 2000"

What is the best and cheapest homeowner s insurance in canton georgia?

What is the best and cheapest homeowner s insurance in canton georgia?

Insurance for a 16 year old on a hyundai tiburon?

Hi, i m looking at cars to get when i turn 16. I m thinking of a hyundai tiburon. I would like to know how much the insurance on this kind of car for me would be, in michigan. if you have any idea, let me know. thanks !"

Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?

The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?"

Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?

if so, how?"

What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?

I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.

Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?

I m about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I ve been using the job description of artist In the manufacturing industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?"

"Does your primary car insurance extend to rental cars?If so, does it really cover all expenses of an accident?"

Ever since I switched to Geico, I have verified with them that my car insurance policy extends to rental cars whenever I rent them out. Which is great, because it saves me money by waiving all the extra rental companies insurance surcharges per day. However, a recent alamo agent informed me even though i maybe saving money and my primary carrier extends to the rental car sometimes geico may not cover everything. Such as time of replacement. The time lost to the rental car company when geico works out the replacement of a total loss rental car. This maybe a hoax for me to buy alamo insurance, but I wanted to know from those experienced should I worry? Does primary insurances really extend to rental cars and do they cover everything i may encounter if I was in an accident? Would my credit card rental car accident insurance cover what my primary wouldnt cover? Curious...thanks"

"Maximums for lawsuits in California have been capped at $250,000 for many years, and insurance costs haven t?

...gone down one bit. Lawsuits are only 5% of insurance companies costs - it s been proven many times including during the 2004 Presidential debates. Why is this the only suggestion they ever have?

Starting an insurance company in illinois?

So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?"

What is a good car insurance plan for someone just out of college?

What is a good car insurance plan for someone just out of college?

Buying a new car..insurance help?

So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few weeks.so i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then.

How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??

I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.

Car insurance please help !?

I am currently taking my driving lessons. When I pass I would like to get a car but carnt afford the insurance but I need a car for August as I work alot in the summer can I get car insurance and cancel it after a couple of months or is it like a 12 month contract am new to this please help.

Cost of insurance for a Subaru WRX STi?

Hi all, I will soon buy a Subaru WRX STi for commuting from home to work, but I am a college student. How much will it cost for the car to be insured under my mother s name? (53 year old female, perfect driving record). Thanks! Xela"

Should the U.S government require it s citizens to have health insurance?

Should the U.S government require it s citizens to have health insurance?

How much is seasonique with blue shield california insurance?

please tell me. i m on yaz now but four periods a year would be heaven. thanks.

How much is car insurance for a teen?

I m 16,I have a 2002 Camaro SS,I live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My dad has Geico insurance.What else do you need to know?"

How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?

Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I m always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you"

How much will motorcycle insurance cost approximately?

Im 17 and I have had my Minnesota drivers license for about a year. Im looking to buy a 250cc Kawasaki ninja or something similar. I will take the MSF safety coarse. I have good grades and have never crashed my car. Give me a rough estimate. Thanks!!

Which insurance company in California offers a $5K-$10K term life policy?

I am looking for a term life policy which pays $5-$10K. All of the major companies I searched for do not give online quotes and the services that do offer online quotes start at $100K.

Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?

Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?

I have three speeding tickets in the last 6 months will my rates sky rocket?

I got my first in December of 2007, and went to traffic school. Since then, i got a speeding ticket in april and just got one this morning - i have allstate insurance - will my rates skyrocket? is there any way to call them and avoid this? what should i do?"

Car Insurance different address than car registered address?

Hi, I have insured my car on my friend s address because his postcode turns out to be very cheap for my premiums. My car and Driving Licence are registered on my home address but when I buy insurance on my home address it goes double. Do you think insuring my car on different address is wrong? What if I get my car registered on to my friends address same as my insurance policy? Would that be safe and legal? Please help me in clearing the confusion and doubt."

About how much will my car insurance be?

I m turning 16 in a little bit and my parents are making me pay for my own insurance, how much would it be for me with a 2.6 gpa, i m male, and i ll probably get a pretty safe car"

Looking for icn national insurance?

supposedly an insurance company

Motorcycle Insurance?

Ive been trying to find online quotes but am unable to (don t know why, but they cant give me a quote online). Anyways I was just wondering what insurance company would you recommend for motorcycle insurance? I want to buy a bike, I don t have my M1 (because I don t want to take the test before getting the bike), and obviously I ve never taken the motorcycle course. Yea I know it would be hard to get a quote given that I have zero riding experience or licensing but cmon do you really expect me to get my license only to have it expire in 90 days without even having a bike yet? Anyways when you started out what kind of insurance were you paying and with who? Also is 600cc pushing it? will that screw me over for insurance? I was looking into getting a honda 600. Thanks!"

How much more would insurance cost if I bought a used 2005 VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?


Why we need car insurance ?

I m 20 and my car is 2010 Nissan Altima, my insurance company told me to pay 190 every month, I agreed but later I found the are asking for 220 then 250 for no reason and no ticktes so I cancled my insurance with them and now I m driving for tow years without insurance and save $6000 from the car insurance,, I never pulled over by police never have one scratch on my car even I traveled to NY and LA more than 4 times ! Why I need car insurance? You do think the person should have the right to choose if he need insurance or not ?"

No claims discount on car insurance?

I ve been driving in the UK for 13 years and never had a crash or made a claim on my car insurance. However, my wife has had three accidents, all of which have resulted in claims against our joint policy. I have now separated from her (not as a result of the accidents!) and want to buy a car of my own. When I look for car insurance quotes, can I state that I ve had 13 years of no claims or do I have to take into account her 3 claims because they were made against a joint policy?"

What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?

What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?

What is an average monthly insurance rate for a 16 year old driver?

I want to get ideas for what people pay. I want to know where I can get the cheapest insurance.
