Howdy folks
Sorry it's been awhile since I've had a chance to post, but now that our website is up and running, it's time to begin blogging again. I'm told every day how our merchandise at NOW&AGAIN seems so well priced. Well that's not an accident. The concept here at NOW & AGAIN is to accept only quality retro,vintage and modern merchandise and to price it to sell. Our consignment policy has the items in the store for 90 days only, and if an item doesn't sell, it's removed from the store. That keeps the shop constantly changing and feeling fresh everytime you visit. I personally never cared for a shop that seemed like a museum, where the merchandise was priced high and remained in it's dusty corner forever and ever. At NOW & AGAIN, fresh merchandise arrives daily from our hundreds of local consigners that have been providing items that are often so fabulous, that I'm always amazed as they bring it into the store to sell. So stop by the store and see what's new... and tell me you saw the blog to keep me inspired to keep writing :). Oh and by the way, NOW & AGAIN has a Facebook page:  Stop by and become a fan of NOW & AGAIN on Facebook! Thanks for making 2009 a wonderful year at NOW & AGAIN and hope to see you soon during 2010. xo Michael Sanders