Its February 14  and that can mean only one thing in North Pole West City.


Funny, Cowboy Christmas is in July and February 14 to us, is Yippi Yi Rodeo Day.  Seems cowboys and Elves operate by means of their own unique calendars (one of our many similarities).

Today, visitors from all corners will be headed  to town for this legendary western event.  It's not so much the rodeo they come for, but just to be here and join in the dance, taking in such sights as  bucking horses mingling with flying reindeer, Santa stuffing himself with funnel cake and cowboys hobnobbing  and story swappin' with elves.  And rarely  does one  get to see such a mixture of bells, boots and fringe as the "Sunday-best dress"  Yippi Yi Night Ball where many a young elf's fancy turns to love….and corney dogs.   

Most folks go for the love part but as for me, it's all about the snacks.  Okay, and the chance to wear my black and purple stove pipe cowboy boots.

The word rodeo came from the Spanish word rodear, meaning "to encircle".

So, dear cowpokes, on this Yippi Yi Day, we hope you find yourselves rodeo'd with Love and chocolate.

But, if you need a bit more fire in the furnace try this wild west  treat…..


Yippi Yi Chili Rellenos

12 chili poblanos (roasted or canned)
cooking oil½ medium onion, chopped fine1 clove garlic, minced½ lb. ground pork½ lb ground beef1 small potato, diced2 teasp salt ½ teasp pepper¼ cup raisins1 cup tomato puree6 eggssour cream



To roast chilis:

 Broil or grill until skins are charred.  While still hot, place peppers in plastic ziplock bag for 15 minutes, then remove skins.

Slit on one side only and rinse out seeds. Dry on paper towels. If you like a milder pepper, soak them in salt water for 15 minutes then drain and dry again.

Filling for chilis:

 Saute  the onion and garlic in 2 tblsp cooking oil, add the meat, potato, raisins and seasonings. Cook for 10 minutes stirring often.

Stir in tomato puree, simmer 15 minutes longer.

Stuff chilis:

Separate the eggs. Beat yolks until thick and pale in color. Beat whites until stiff , then fold yolks into the whites.(I know it looks like the long way about the barn to take em' apart to put em' back together but it works).

Stuff chilis with meat mixture and roll in flour. Dip in the beaten eggs and fry in hot (365 F) deep fat (or frying oil) until lightly browned, turning once.

Drain on brown paper bag or paper towels.

Serve with sides of  sour cream and salsa