Most people wander through life without a sense of living. Sufficient said, "Charles Shaffer is different."
There is strength in numbers. The strong are more than men of might; they are also: the meek, the curious and the cautious, the promising and the pale, the rich and the ragged, and the visionaries. There are not many like Charles; he isn't overly quiet, but there are times when his audience should listen. Charles listens to a different voice -- Mr. Shaffer's voice is prophecy. We could learn more about green engineering.
We are blessed by knowing "Chuck", as Charles' friends will call him. I've never seen Chuck without a smile. I've never heard him boast importance; too often, he apologizes for his unworthiness. He's a hard worker and a ready friend. Chuck overfills us with the same spirit he, overjoyed, would receive.Chuck has a passion for solar energy. From light and heat to electricity, he extracts his own energy needs from the sunlight at his cozy home in a hazy Blue Ridge community -- no commercial electric supply. Chuck heats with wood, but he sets about reducing his need for firewood with a modest and beautiful solarium. The interior lighting in Chuck's house is supplemented with paints which either reflect or buffer natural light. If you want green, Chuck is your friend.
Charles Shaffer does more than live in the light; he enlightens.