Wouldn't it be great to wake up in the morning and not have to look out the window to check the Worcester weather or listen to a traffic report?

You can join the millions who dream of going to work in their pajamas, also called working at home.

Many people dismiss the option of working from home as an impossibility. "I'd never have the discipline," they conclude.

If your goal is to operate your own business and work from home, you will quickly learn that the stereotype of working in your pajamas is far from reality. Just as many fear, working from home requires discipline, but the need to pay the mortgage and utility bills instills discipline quickly.

Discipline is pivotal to success. That means getting up in the morning and following a plan, best mapped out the night before.

As a solopreneur, you will be doing it all, so your day should reflect a full business mix. Your typical day will include some of the following:

•    servicing existing accounts (your actual expertise),

•    tending to invoicing and bill paying, accounting and taxes

•    networking (creating a pipeline for future work), and

•    planning your schedule for the next day, week and month.  

You'll soon discover that your professional image will help you achieve your goals.

Coffee might help. Pajamas are not recommended.

Does this lifestyle look attractive to you?