Heating and air conditioning accounts for about 50% of energy usage in most American homes, according to the Department of Energy (DOE). Next in line is appliances and lighting, which is why so many people have switched to  CFLs (compact fluorescent light). 
But often going unnoticed are our little gadgets and small appliances that take up significant amounts of energy all the time. When you add up all these  "minor" energy users, it can  really add up to substantial energy bills because they are typically using power around the clock everyday. Here are 4 To Watch:
1. Cable box
Most cable boxes don't have a standby mode and even when they do they still will draw some power. If you use a power strip you can turn off power to the TV and cable when they are not in use and save energy.2. Modem and router
Cable modems and routers also use power all day long. The blinking lights and constant connectivity add up to about 10 watts of power usage at all times. Even though it's not a whole lot, it adds up over the course of a year.3. DVR
A DVR's power consumption usually uses more energy than the modem and router. The National Resources Defense Council reported this year that the combination of a cable box and DVR uses more power per year than a new Energy Star refrigerator. Your DVR is likely on all the time and probably has no standby mode. The NRDC tested several DVR models, and found some high-definition models draw over 50 watts, even in sleep mode.4. Televisions
Plasma TVs are also energy glutens, drawing an average of 300 watts, about 3 times the energy usage of an LCD television. It’s worth looking for the Energy Star label when purchasing a TV, which means the set uses less than one watt of electricity in standby mode. Be mindful of other energy-saving features, including power-saver modes and sleep timers.These items may not be the biggest energy gluttons in your house, but combined together overtime can really hit your wallet hard. If you would like even more information on how to save energy in your home, contact us today to schedule and in-home inspection.For more information about our services, visit our website at http://www.myneighborhoodelectricians.com/ or call us today for prompt electrical service at 770-205-2299. 
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