Blogs from Businesses in Libby, MT

Wildlife Recapture Commercial

Wildlife Recapture are USDA-approved and perform high quality taxidermy on the mount and hunting trophies. They are authorized to store, show and procedure the 'restricted materials'. They utilize the 'Hunter International Brokerage Services' for helping the American hunters in getting back trophies to the United States of America through the customs in a trouble-free manner.Wildlife Recaptureeven sponsor the 'Eastmans' Deer Tour Philanthropic Endeavors' and considerably give to this particular venture. more

By Wildlife Recapture March 11, 2019

Big Sky Bash 2015 more

By Center for Asbestos Related Disease October 29, 2015

Big Sky Bash 2016

Coming July 9th 2016 to Libby Montana more

By Center for Asbestos Related Disease October 29, 2015

Lincoln County Credit Union

Contact Lincoln County Credit Union in Libby, MT, to hire the effective financial services of our credit union. more

By Lincoln County Credit Union March 03, 2015

Rags to Bags Teddi's Creations "Personality Purses"

Contact us at (844) 774-1361 in Libby, MT, to know more about our lovely purses and handbags. Rags to Bags Teddi's Creations "Personality Purses" 476 Bobtail Lane , Libby , MT , 59923 phone : (406) 293-7175 email : more

By Rags to Bags Teddi's Creations "Personality Purses" January 08, 2015

Community Garden Happenings

Howdy folks! Tuesdays we’ll be keeping everyone posted on what’s happening in ourcommunity vegetable garden.  We grow way more food than any five families could eat, so we overgrow and give food away to those that are in need.  This past weekend was rather successful for the garden.  Chris came by and spent the day with his two helpers. Chris is a great guy and does fantastic work.  We refresh the dirt in the garden plot every year with the pot dirt after harvesting our plants.  During the late fall we put “rounds” (how we refer to the dirt from the 10 gallon pots) down in the areas of the garden that need more or new dirt.   We also rotate where we put our different veggies so that we don’t wear out the dirt in any one area.  Before Chris and his helpers left everything had been rototilled, raked, the strawberries pulled from the old bed and the new pyramid bed put in and filled, ready for the strawberries to be planted.  So we are ready to plant.  Tomorrow we’ll be putting down the ground plastic and if it’s not raining we’ll plot out what goes there as well. The starts are doing well in the back porch, getting what sun we have been getting in our chilly and wet spring.  We’ll be doing more transplanting this week and some replacing as well…that way we’ll have a longer harvest period.  *smile* The potatoes, onions, garlic and blueberries are here as well.  The blueberries will be potted and put out on the porch.  We’ll be getting the onions, garlic and potatoes in the ground this week.  We’ve got plenty of tires and two pounds of each of three different types of seed potatoes!  It sure worked good last year so we’re doing the tire thing again for the taters.  Onions…only three types there.  And the garlic?  Well, we figured we’d give elephant garlic a try because it’s hard to find in the stores here.  As the season continues we’ll be adding corn, cauliflower, broccolli, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, beets, peas, beans, carrots, bunching onions, acorn squash, summer squash, pumpkins and more.  Hopefully the sun will shine on our plot a little more this year so that our tomatoes and squash will ripen better.  Time to go get those potatoes ready for plantin’! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Marijuana and Politics

Here in Montana,medical marijuanais a political football that has been tossed back and forth between the House and Senate since the legislature began to meet.  We’ve have some real strong push back from organizations that just don’t want to see marijuana legal.  Some even taking it as low on the personal level as you can go with “I am glad I am keeping medication away from those people!” and this from someone who purports to be religous and caring! Ah, be that as it may, political maneuverings and happenings are still going on here.  HB 161 sits on the Governor’s desk.  SB423 is  a hodgepodge that is still working through the process.  While we wait for the process to make it through the works we hope for an outcome that allows medication to patients! There’s not much time left in the Session, however, a lot oculd still happen between now and then.  If you have an opinion one way or the other that you may want to share with your congressional delegation, visitwww.montananorml.orgfor updates and happenings! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Marijuana and Spirituality

Today we’ll start our discussions onmarijuana and spiritualitywith some meanderings and memories.  While our focus for Green Jeans is medicinal, the spiritual connection for many with marijuana cannot be overlooked. As caregivers we test our new strains when they come on board with a number of our patients.  The samples are provided free of charge and the patient is asked to rate the medication with a list of qualitative questions.  The questionnaire is geared towards medicinal use and asks about things like symptom relief, length of relief and other personally subjective factors that help us determine if that strain is a good one for us to bring in to full production. In order to encourage individual input, we always include a place for patients to make any comments they would like.  Many of the patients who have participated in the testing program have left comments like:  “A nice soft high, it took me to a good place.”  “Wow, what a buzz.”  “A very religious experience.”  “I felt so much more connected to the Universe.”  these are all comments we have received from our testers.  For some peoplemarijuanais an important part of how they connect with their inner self and inner being.  This spiritual connection is important to them, while it doesn’t necessarily legalize the use, it does help these individuals feel closer to their spiritual self. Here on the blog we’ll be posting stories, reviews of articles and more relating to spirituality and marijuana.  We’d love to hear your comments and experiences! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Life At The Farm - Professional Overrides

Here atGreen Jeans Gardenswe grow everything we sell.  We feel it is the only way we can ensure that the medication we provide to our clients is grown, processed, and cured to our high and exacting standards.  As farmers we work hard to grow quality product.  Here we’ll be bringing you some of our “farmer moments” and other happenings at Green Jeans Gardens Of course, we’re waiting to see what is going to happen with medical marijuana in Montana.  We’ll keep doing everything we can to stay abreast of the situation, let you know what’s happening, and hoping for the best.  Until then, well we’re still caregivers in the program! Here atGreen Jeanswe store water in 55 gallon tubs in the garden to water the plants with.  A few times a week the barrels need to be filled so we run in a hose and fill the barrels.  It’s a bit of a tedious process, but has to be done.  One gets easily bored while filling up the barrels as it takes a bit of time to do so with our water pressure.  The guys do a lot in the gardens and there is always much to be done.  Usually while the barrels are filling they guys prune plants, check supplies and take care of other small chores. And then there’s the times when we have “professional overrides.”  Yup, you guessed it, a professional override is actually an “oops, oh no! I forgot about the water running!” kind of thing.  By the way, it takes a few hours of squeegy work to take care of all the water on the floor!  We’ll keep you posted on what we hear from the legislature and governor! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Cooking With Cannabis

Welcome to ourCannabis Kitchenwhere we’ll be discussing cooking with cannabis.  Serious consideration of medicinal use for marijuana must include the development of an appropriate and non-destructive delivery system.  When most people hear about medicinal products their minds go back to the gritty, chewy, green brownies, cookies, lasagna, or curry they tried back in the day.  While it may or may not have been fun back in the day, for true medicinal use ingestion by eating is much healthier for the patient than smoking.  Drawing a bunch of smoke into your lungs for any reason isn’t very healthy for you, even if it is the fastest way to experience the effects of the medication. Each week we’ll be posting recipes, adding cooking tips, hints and ideas for your use.  Our focus here is providing quality recipes that will allow patients to prepare their own food stuffs with medication.  Many of our recipes are “dosage” size.  We have chosen to stay away from the traditional sweets such as cookies and brownies as those baked goods and have many savory recipes for folks to try.  Our favorite is Sacred ghee. More than just clarified butter, ghee cooks longer and hotter, leaving the butter with a rich tannish brown color.  Clarified in the process ghee is easily combined with marijuana that has been forced through a food mill (pulverized) and then strained through a cheesecloth.  While researching our recipes for medicinal purposes we focused on cultures that have been using marijuana for millenia.  Yes, we Americans think we have the lead, but in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan the mountain people have been slowly roasting ripe buds near their campfires and then dipping the buds in honey, eating the sweet treat as a dessert for literally thousands of years.  Today we’ll be discussing some of the ways to prepare your marijuana for ingestion by eating.  While the Afghan honey buds may well be a nice treat, it is messy, and uses a lot of marijuana.  However, there are ways to prepare your marijuana that make it much more conducive for producing foodstuffs that are edible and don’t feel like you are chewing on sticks and leaves. First, make sure your marijuana is cured.  Using green bud for cooking isn’t going to be very helpful.  Here at Green Jeans we only use bud and jar shake in our cooking.  Second, using fully cured for 30 days stock, the bud is then placed in the oven and roasted at a very low heat (we use the lowest setting on our oven at 170 °F).  You don’t want the plant material to smoke, you want to gently toast them to where they are looking more golden than green.  DO NOT BURN!  Stand right there at the oven and open the door every 20-30 seconds after the first minute…this doesn’t take a lot of time. Third, clean, mill and pulverize the “toasted” marijuana.  We use a standard food mill.  (Remember the good old for each two circles clockwise, reverse to counterclockwise every third crank – this prevents things from getting too stuck and allows you the opportunity to get out the smaller pieces of stem.)  Once pulverized the marijuana can be stored in the freezer (a dark glass jar is best) for up to two years and will still retain potency.  Now you have marijuana that is ready to use in any recipe! Whether it’s a butterball tea or cannabis cheesecake, or sacred ghee yourmarijuanais in the proper form for use in edibles! Next week we’ll be discussing cooking equipment and pan types … using the correct equipment sure makes a huge difference in making sure the job is done right. more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Green Jeans is All New!

Howdy All! We’re all new here at Green Jeans Gardens and hope you’ll at least take a look! We’ve got new prices, new strains, new delivery methods, we’re now offering custom ordered foodstuffs (24 hrs notice on food orders required), and a brand spanking new website that is totally awesome! For those of you in the local area, check out our advertisements in the Mountain Trader and on their website as well! We’re adding strains on a regular basis, we’ve got a total of 15 in production now, with 10 of them already through the process and in stock for purchase by patients. We still don’t have a storefront, nor will we. We and our lawyers agree that it appears the federal government is going to be focusing on those business which are operating with a storefront dispensary as it is the federal viewpoint that not only is marijuana still a schedule 1 drug, those states that have approved medical marijuana do not have anything in their laws that allow for storefront dispensaries. We’ve seen several here in Kalispell close their doors in the last few weeks in response to the legal issues. We’ve never had a storefront, nor will we unless there is drastic change. This is another one of those gray areas that we don’t feel we should be playing with.  Here’s our stance on gray areas of the law: While we’d love to stay here and write all day, that isn’t going to get this week’s harvest completed! We hope you enjoy the website and those of you that are patients in the State of Montana Program – please consider our services for your medical marijuana needs. more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

We Made It!

Howdy All! We’re finally here – lock, stock and barrel as the saying goes.  Many thanks to Praveen Ramachadran who created this awesome website for us.  He took a bunch of words and actually made it look like a professional quality site.  His patience and willingness to explain how things work so that it can be understood makes him a pleasure to work with.  We highly recommend his services.  He got the entire website done in less than a month from conception to finish!  Thanks for a job well done!  We look forward to working with him in the future.  Another thank you shout out goes to Sarah Chrosniak who has been doing our social media marketing.  She too has been a wealth of information and has made some great suggestions and recommendations on things that we should and shouldn’t do.  Following her advice has been more than helpful!  We found both of these folks! Like everyone else in the medical marijuana community in Montana we are awaiting the results of the legislative session.  While we believe that the Govenor will veto the bill, we’re still on pins and needles waiting to find out what the new parameters for medical marijuana will be.   There’s still a few weeks left and the sausage making exercise that is the American (and Montanan!) political scene, we won’t know what is really going to happen until it is all said and done.  Having faith in our Govenor and the good folks of the State of Montana, we have recently expanded as is evidenced by this brand spanking new website!  We’ve invested in some new equipment and are getting ready to populate our outdoor greenhouse once the weather allows!  We hope you’ll enjoy the new virtual “diggs” and will take the time to look around our new “place” here on the net and see what we have to offer.  Whether you are looking for a description of the strains we carry and how they specifically help our patients and testing panels, are shopping for a new caregiver, or are just checking us out because we’re new we hope you’ll enjoy your visit.  Working on our sixth year of providing services to medical marijauna patients in Lake, Lincoln, Flathead and Sanders counties we are currently accepting new patients.  Don’t forget to follow us on: Facebook – Happy Gardening!! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

Green Jeans Online website launch announcement!

Welcome to our blog!   We’ve been working hard getting information, photographs and technology together to put up our website – Green Jeans Online.  While we have been serving patients since March of 2006, we have reached the point where we felt we could better serve our patients by putting that information just a mouse click away online!  Here on the blog we’ll be posting happenings in the medical garden, comments on what’s going on with marijuana law in our state of Montana, strains we’re bringing on board, and more.  We hope you’ll check in frequently and see what’s happening with the garden. The launch date of our website will be happening soon, so make sure to check back and see when we’ll be doing the full launch.  Until then don’t forget to check us out on Facebook – Twitter for all the latest gardening happenings! more

By Green Jeans Gardens April 12, 2011

insurance Quote

Get an instant car insurance quote and save big now. Learn More About Car Insurance Quotes&Rates. We'll show you how to get better auto insurance quotes. Auto Insurance Quotes And Coverage Plans Auto insurance quotes are merely the rate price to be charged of a buyer in owning a vehicular insurance. The extensive range of factors contributing to auto insurance quotes includes coverage and other supplementary ambiguous anomalies. It is very vital to think about auto insurance quote prior to purchasing a policy as these insurance quotes give broad perception of price and thus help in forming a conclusion and decision on said quote. Coverage plan and deductibles are two critical factors affecting auto insurance quotes and premiums. The deductibles are certain aspects of auto insurance quotes that are not to be compensated by insurance company in case a file is need to be claimed. Nevertheless, some personal attributes are also the reason behind an advanced or poor auto insurance quote. The auto insurance quotes also rely on some vague traits, both within the person and within the vehicle. Gender and age of driver may also increase auto insurance quotes. For example, the auto insurance quote for young single males is higher than those of females or married clients. Labels: Auto Insurance Quotes And Coverage Plans. more

By Anikim Insurance Auto,Home,Life Insurance Libby MT August 08, 2009

Important Insurance information for 2009

A new study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) finds that many Americans have taken steps to reduce personal insurance costs in response to the economic downturn, but that maintaining essential auto and homeowners coverage remains a priority for the vast majority of consumers. Twenty-eight percent of those with auto insurance coverage surveyed for the study reported shopping for lower rates when they normally would not have done so. Among those with auto or homeowners insurance, 15 percent said they had increased their insurance deductibles or reduced the amount of coverage in order to reduce premium costs. Most Americans, however, have maintained essential homeowners and auto insurance coverage despite the challenges posed by the economic downturn. Nine percent of those with at least one household vehicle reported canceling or not renewing coverage for a household vehicle in response to the economic downturn. However, almost one-third (31 percent) of those canceling auto insurance coverage also reported selling a vehicle as a way to save money, so many of those vehicles for which insurance coverage was canceled were also likely sold. Five percent of homeowners and 14 percent of renters reported canceling homeowners or renters insurance coverage. The study also reports on the frequency with which consumers have taken other steps in response to the downturn. For example, 65 percent reported greatly reducing their expenditures on entertainment. Thirty-seven percent reported postponing the purchase of a major household appliance. "These findings confirm that most Americans recognize the importance of maintaining essential insurance coverage on their homes and cars," said Elizabeth A. Sprinkel, senior vice president of the IRC. "But they also show that Americans are willing to shop and reevaluate their insurance needs in order to reduce insurance costs." The results of the IRC's report, Public Attitude Monitor 2009, Consumer Response to the Economic Downturn, are based on 1,000 telephone interviews conducted with adults age 18 and older in December 2008 by GfK Custom Research North America. more

By Anikim Insurance Auto,Home,Life Insurance Libby MT July 30, 2009

Recent Reviews View all

Lucky Logger Casino


By susanhank

Stopped at the Lucky Logger and met Sherri in the casino, what a nice gal. We won a little but had more fun meeting some locals and appreciated the help with directions from Sherri and the rest. Went back the next day, two guys working, they were more interested in talking to each other than the customers. Just not the same as the day before. Will be back when Sherri is working more

Rosita's Mexican Restaurant


By LilyJohnson

Great service and food! Made fresh everyday I hear and it sure does taste like it. Portions are huge and generous and the atmosphere is wonderful! Perfect place to take a family for lunch or dinner. more

Rosita's Mexican Restaurant


By LilyJohnson

Great service and food! Made fresh everyday I hear and it sure does taste like it. Portions are huge and generous and the atmosphere is wonderful! Perfect place to take a family for lunch or dinner. more

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