On October 3, 2007, Intuit, Inc., makers of the most popular small business accounting system QuickBooks, featured a "how-to" article written by Frank Melvin IV in their monthly newletter.

Mr. Melvin is the primary owner of Melvin Systems Solutions, based in Watertown, CT. In addition to providing world-class accounting and information technology solutions to large and small firms alike, Mr. Melvin writes technical, business and "how-to" articles on topics such as business management, application development and accounting system tips. The featured article is 1 of many articles written by Mr. Melvin to assist accounting professionals and business owners in utilizing their QuickBooks accounting system more easily and efficiently. The article features a shortcut to resolving an issue when sales tax is erroneously charged to a customer invoice. The article may be found at the following link: http://accountant.intuit.com/colleagues/product_tips/tip.aspx?file=fm_Tip-QB_RefundSalesTax.

For a full, searchable listing of helpful technical, business and "how-to "documents, please visit Melvin Systems Solutions' Help File gallery at Melvin Systems Help Files.